amilynnM Member


  • I've been on both sides of this - the one being pressured to split a slice of cheesecake and the one who wants to indulge sometimes - and I think that it is very important to stand your ground with regards to your diet but it's also important to do it in a way that isn't condescending, judgmental or outright rude. I know…
  • This blog has a lot of great suggestions for salads, soups, snacks and dinners that work well as lunches the next day since they reheat well. Everything there is vegan. I love these recipes even though I am not vegetarian or vegan myself. This wrap recipe sounds delicious although I haven't had a chance to try it yet:…
  • I don't really bother with what anyone else is doing at the gym so long as it doesn't intrude on my work out. But I see guys working out in baseball caps or beanies. Why?
  • Ahhh you're giving me horrible flashbacks to a recent physiology exam! I think you're right though.
  • When I was a kid the only way I would eat broccoli was if my mom put some Italian salad dressing on it, so I still do that today. I didn't realize it was weird until I was having dinner with family and my boyfriend and when my aunt gave me the dressing for my broccoli he thought I was nuts. I like to eat french fries with…
  • That's true! For whatever reason I didn't think of already being infected, but you're right. Also doesn't the flu shot take a couple of days to take full effect since your bodies are developing antibodies?
  • I love fancy salads (but not those ones at restaurants that turn out to be 1000 calories). Tonight I made one with baby spinach, red onion, fresh strawberries, cucumber, goat cheese and walnuts with a good quality balsamic vinegar/extra virgin olive oil for dressing. Delicious! Anything like that I love because it's yummy…
  • No they aren't. Please stop with your conspiracy theories and spreading of misinformation. Everyone should do their own research from a variety of sources and make a decision that is right for them. It's unfortunate that sensationalist news stories get accepted as fact even after they've been disputed. A story about how…
  • I hope everyone who's scared of mercury in vaccines doesn't eat fish! Thimerosal is not present in every vaccine and is used to prevent contamination by bacteria and fungi. If you've never had the shot and still didn't get the flu, that's anecdotal (and very lucky for you!) If someone developed the flu shortly after…
  • Kevin effing Trudeau. That man made millions off of ignorance. Disgusting. I remember seeing him on TV going on and on about how coral calcium is all you need to prevent cancer, but "They" don't want you to know, and so he could be pulled off the air at any minute!! (He wasn't and the fake science he pedals is dangerous)
  • At least the B12 injections from the Dr. Bernstein clinics (I've seen them all over Ontario as well) would actually have a purpose. Being on a VLCD would mean not getting enough vitamin B, which is very important for nervous and immune function.
  • I've never done yoga at an official studio and the spiritual/seriousness of some yoga classes really wasn't my thing. I do yoga/pilates mixed classes at my gym (BodyFlow specifically if you're looking for a gym with this class) and it's really relaxed and fun. The instructors don't take themselves too seriously and it…
  • 5'2" and currently 125. Aiming for 115. I want to weigh 110 but that's actually pretty low even for someone petite. I remember my mom took me to the doctor when I was about 17 because she thought I was too skinny and the Dr. weighed me at around 102 and said I should be around 110-112 as a recommended weight for my height.…
  • Many pharmaceuticals are beneficial or even necessary for the person taking them to live. Spending more and more time and money making sure that the pill doesn't react with grapefruit is delaying the ability to use these drugs to treat patients. It may never be possible. Drugs, like anything else you put in your body, are…
  • Add to that the legal disclaimer provided by the hCG clinics themselves: Legal Disclaimer: The FDA has not approved HCG Therapy to lose weight. “HCG HAS NOT BEEN DEMONSTRATED TO BE EFFECTIVE ADJUNCTIVE THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF OBESITY. THERE IS NO SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE THAT IT INCREASES WEIGHT LOSS BEYOND THAT RESULTING…
  • Allegedly hCG is providing you with your needed calories by metabolizing fat stores in your body. During the first 3 months of pregnancy, hCG helps to ensure the fetus obtains enough nutrients and then levels drop off in the second trimester. It has some other pregnancy-supporting functions as well and is legally…
  • 5'3" and sitting around 125. Looking to get down to 110-115 and stop the belly jiggle but I haven't been disciplined enough. When I'm on a roll I'm hitting the gym, cooking good food, doing yoga and generally feeling better. When I get off track I like to sit on my butt in pajama pants and eat pizza. I'd like to lose at…
  • At a bar/club that was popular with people from our uni. Very, very drunk. Still managed to give him the right phone number. Four years later we're living together and I'm very happy.
  • Pork roast, onions and bbq sauce for pulled pork sandwiches tonight. Delicious! Not low cal :( And beef stew later this week. I love my crockpot!
  • When it comes to sex, the more information she has, the better! There are a lot of misconceptions teenagers have about sex when they are getting their info from friends, tv, etc... I would make sure that she knew about all of her contraception options (there are quite a few besides the pill) and their pros/cons, the risk…
  • The ehow article doesn't seem to cite any scientific sources. I've tried and tried to do research and find credible scientific resources that detail how the hormone acts on fat stores, how they determined that it is equivalent to burning 3500 calories/day, etc... and I have had a hard time finding much accurate, unbiased…
  • I think you mean muscle catabolism, although I find muscle cannibalism funny since that's sort of what's going on I guess :)
  • But anyone eating only 500 calories/day is going to experience major weight loss. I think that's the part that gets under people's skin. The hormone isn't doing anything. A lot of the time people are using drops and stuff that don't even contain the hormone but they are still losing weight. If people want to eat 500…
  • Ugh I bought those by accident once and couldn't finish the box, so I can't get on board the with the love, but I do really like having real oatmeal (quick oats) in the morning with berries and cinnamon/nutmeg. Delicious!
  • A girl should wear whatever she wants and whatever she's comfortable with. It isn't her job to protect men from their own thoughts. I get so sick of hearing this crap.