How Do You Feel About The Flu Shot?



  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    I think that if people are afraid or paranoid or worried about catching the flu, then stay home. Don't go to school. Don't send your kids to school. You can home school them. If you want to get the flu shot to keep your job thats your choice, but it contributes to this system of zombie optimism. Being forced to get a flu shot no matter what job you have, whether it's a kindergarten teacher, a nurse, or an in-home health care worker is wrong. It's slowly becoming status quo and a social norm. I don't want my family to have to inherit a society with brain dead ideaology. There is still absolutely no evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that these flu shots even work. Why should the population at large suffer systematically because a very small portion of the public, might get the flu. If your sick, be responsible and stay home. If you feel weak, as to your immune system, get healthier. Eat healthier. Live healthier. But quit trying to force on humanity the results of an irresponsible portion of society, that in which is apathetic at best. They're afflicting 97% of the population to supposedly help 3% of it's population. Your saying it's ok to force people to get a flu shot if they're in the medical profession. Wrong. It's not ok to even peer pressure these people. The reason being is next there will be another profession that should have the shot. Then another profession. Then these people should get the shot. Then those people should get the shot. Then everybody should get the shot. What should be is that people remain free like we were born to be. It's true Ron, that people are contagious before symptoms present themselves. But it's also true that a lot of people that buy into these ideas that vaccinations work as intended, live unhealthy lifestyles to begin with. This entails eating calories that are empty in nutrients, living in a way that lacks exercise, even thinking in ways that are unhealthy. Which all lead to a compromised immune system that complicates even a simple flu strain. Why should choices and decisions be forced on a groups of people that make healthy choices and choose to conduct themselves in a way that promotes a healthy immune system, in which can easily defend against simple flu strains, just because unhealthy people are setting themselves up for failure. Why should I be unrighteously afflicted because your apathetically addicted?

    Getting the flu shot is not the right thing to do. If your job wants to fire you because of not taking the flu shot then get fired. It's a pathetic job and business to be in anyway. Being forced isn't right. And it is definitely not a fact that the flu shots even work.
  • amilynnM
    amilynnM Posts: 64 Member

    Or they already had it when they got the shot, but hadn't yet presented symptoms. The incubation period is 2-5 days.

    That's true! For whatever reason I didn't think of already being infected, but you're right. Also doesn't the flu shot take a couple of days to take full effect since your bodies are developing antibodies?
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157

    Or they already had it when they got the shot, but hadn't yet presented symptoms. The incubation period is 2-5 days.

    That's true! For whatever reason I didn't think of already being infected, but you're right. Also doesn't the flu shot take a couple of days to take full effect since your bodies are developing antibodies?

    In theory???? It's scientific research not a law of physics.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Flu season is back again. Every year apparently a guy gets on a boat in Formosa, forgets to wipe himself and we get the flu. He gets off the boat, "How ya doin? How ya doin? *shaking hands* How ya doing?"

    Whatever you do, don't get a flu shot. Every year it's scarier and scarier. Last year my doctor scared me into one. He said, "Ya know what people are doing? Their ****ting out of their mounts!"

    "I don't like to brush that much... give me a shot!"

    It's the worst thing you can do. A flu shot gives you a cold for 365 days... every day you wake up ya got a cold, but you never get the flu because you always have a cold!

    I like a cold because I get to do my favorite drug which is Nyquil. I love that stuff. What do the rest of you use? Robitussin? Robitussin... why do you bother? Non-narcotic sissy pansy bull****! Nyquil has the best thing I've ever read on a medicine package - 180 proof. It's the moonshine of medicine. You can buy it on a holiday! See, cause when I got a cold I want something that's going to fvck me up, that way the blur seems interesting.

    There's a daytime NyQuil and a nighttime NyQuil, take which ever one you want cause your cold doesn't give a **** what time is!

    NyQuil comes in 2 colors: red and green. It's the only thing on the planet that tastes like red and green. And red and green are what??? Christmas colors! That's right... NyQuil makes a dandy egg nog. My friends *****ed through the whole party, "This tastes like ****!" But at the end of the night, we had a fun sleep over!

    First time I did NyQuil was in 1977. It came on the market and I was there! I said, "Hello! Nurses cap? Get rid of it... it's bull****... if there was a nurse I wouldn't need the medicine!" So I proceeded to drink the whole thing. Well back then they didn't have the warning about operating farm equipment!

    Obviously you're not supposed to drink it. I woke up 3 days later. I was in Rockville, MD - a city I'd never been in, I was standing in front of a courthouse and I was married to a woman I'd never met.

    But goddamnit, I COULD BREATH again!
  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    I have a question if anyone can answer. I've read the arguments on here that say if you don't get a flu shot, even if you don't get the flu with symptoms, you can still spread it to others and you are basically a menace to elderly and young children. If I'm not showing any symptoms, not even a runny nose, I can be carrying the flu virus? Then if I'm around an elderly person, say my mother-in-law, who has had the flu shot, she should not be able to catch a virus that is not even presenting with symptoms, especially if she has had the flu shot. Just wondering. I am not often around elderly or young ones, but anyone I will be around has had their flu shot, so I don't see how I can affect them. Personally, I don't believe I am carrying the flu virus just because I haven't been vaccinated. I wash my hands frequently, always when I come in from shopping before putting anything away and again after, always before touching food and I do not cough or sneeze in anyone's direction or even into my own hand, so not sure how I would even spread it if I was a carrier. If I have to sneeze in anyone's presence, I turn away and sneeze into my elbow or upper arm. (not that I sneeze much, no allergies and pretty much no colds) Also, I thought the flu was most contagious only during a certain period, say in the earlier fever stage but not sure about that. (I know that is true with some illnesses).

    If I was in the medical profession or frequently around elderly or young children, I probably would, although reluctantly, get the flu shot, just to make sure I couldn't spread it between sick and healthy. My mother is in end stage Alzheimer's and recently contracted a bad cold such that she needs the mucus suctioned out. My father did not have a cold and he is her only other caregiver besides the nursing staff. (they live out of state) She can't feed herself, communicate or do anything, even cough easily, so she had to have caught it from one of the nurses/attendants. Dad feeds her most of her meals and gets her dressed and undressed about 90 % of the time. Dad said some of the attendants were going around coughing and sneezing prior to her getting sick, so I think that is pretty careless, especially when pneumonia is the way many people in her condition meet their end.
  • gfularczyk
    gfularczyk Posts: 1 Member
    I don't think they should be able to force you. I always used to get the flu shot, and had to call in sick many times during the school year. One year, I couldn't get it because of a conflict, and ended up not calling in at all that year. I have not gotten it the past 4 years, and I also have not gotten sick the past 4 years. Coincidence?? Not sure, but I will probably never get it. Also, I have never had my kids get it, they are 14 and 12. My 14 year old has only missed 5 total days of school since K4 and my 12 year old has only missed 8 days since K4!!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I myself am highly upset that everyone here is being forced to take a flu shot regardless of whether you want it or not. It's either take it or lose your job- I have never taken one and I don't want one! What are your thoughts about the flu shot?

    You can choose to work somewhere else? It's all up to you!

    I don't mind it, because I've never had a bad reaction to it.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    My husband and daughter get them every year.

    I, on the other hand, am superstitious... just for me though. 36 years old, have had the flu twice... both were in years I got the flu shot. Totally unrelated to the shot, but... superstitious.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I personally prefer not to get them because I believe I could fight it off just fine at this point in my life, making myself stronger while not making the virus more resilient with the shot. However, if I were older or had a weak immune system then sure, I'd get the shot. I do believe it's a personal choice and that your work is violating ethics by forcing you to get one. It's not a law to get the shot, therefore they cannot force you to get one. But l jest...

    that's not how viral infections (or vaccines) don't make the virus more resilient. It isn't like antibiotic resistance.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    After suffering through H1N1 while pregnant and almost losing my son - I will always get a flu shot. As will he.
    I have a 3 month old nephew. Its the least we can do to protect him as well.
    To all of the people saying they can 'fight' it off. Good for you. But don't you want to protect those in society who are not lucky enough to have healthy immune systems?
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I get a shot every year (for about 8 years now)....I still ocassionally get the flu - but not as severe as people around me that has not had the shots....anything to keep me healthy is good for me!!
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    I've never got the shot and haven't had the flu for over 20 years
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I've never got the shot and haven't had the flu for over 20 years


    To be honest, nor have I. But I don't have children, nor do I have regular contact with immunocompromised populations. But this doesn't mean that the flu shot doesn't have its use. And there are cases where mandating it is appropriate.

    Beware the slippery-slope fallacy.
  • naturallyflyy
    naturallyflyy Posts: 14 Member
    I also work in a hospital. I refused the flu vac and I have to wear a mask my whole shift until April 1st. Im actually okay with this. I feel wearing the mask protects me from the crap lingering in the air!
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    I've never got the shot and haven't had the flu for over 20 years


    To be honest, nor have I. But I don't have children, nor do I have regular contact with immunocompromised populations. But this doesn't mean that the flu shot doesn't have its use. And there are cases where mandating it is appropriate.

    Beware the slippery-slope fallacy.

    Yep, and the slippery slope can slide either way. People can say well I didn't get the flu shot and I never get the flu therefore nobody needs them or say I got the flu shot and it's worked for me so it will work for anybody. They can both be fallacious reasoning. With discernment I've found a huge list of cons and a questionable list of pros. I'm here to convey that .
  • nurseygirl66
    nurseygirl66 Posts: 25 Member
    I like the flu shot better than getting the flu. That being said, vaccines aren't so YOU don't get the flu. They are intended to protect the vulnerable folks in your community. Without them, epidemics happen and large groups of people die around the world, Look at it as an opportunity to do what's right....instead of someone forcing you to do something you don't understand. Do you know anyone that's died from polio or small pox? It's because we have vaccines. :)
  • bigdawg62
    bigdawg62 Posts: 127 Member
    No I dont get a flu shot. I know quite a few people that have had complications from it over the years. It just isnt worth it when they cant even guarantee that it will work since the flu mutates so quickly. Eat right, get lots of rest and excersise should keep your immune system strong enough to handle a bout with the flu.
  • I had the flu shot once as a child around 5; had an awful reaction of throat swelling, hives and had to be rushed to the hospital. Never again have I had it. I'm allergic to eggs so my allergist believes that was the cause but won't even take the chance with flu shots that are suppose to have a lower chance of having a reaction. I surprisingly have never had the flu, I have a very compromised immune system with having lupus, ra , and asthma. I used to get sick tons with colds but thankfully not so much anymore. My dh has never had a flu shot nor the flu but he has been considering getting it especially if our 6 month old son cannot get it. We are really on the fence about giving it to our son as he gotten very ill each times he has gotten shots and according to my allergist to should be very careful with the egg allergy in the family. Many of my friends and family get the flu shot though , few of the get sick after getting it and the rest said they felt fine .
  • snowfox92
    snowfox92 Posts: 100 Member
    I don't get the flu shot. I only ever get the flu if I get the flu shot. It makes me extremely sick.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I don't like flu shots. I've never had one in my life. My kids don't get them. My husband doesn't get it. My family got the H1N1 last year, and we survived. We felt miserable for a little while, slept a lot, drank lots of water and vegged out together, took our fever meds, and got over it. We relied on our immune systems, and they worked just the way they were supposed to.

    The flu shot isn't even guaranteed to work. It's a guess. Loaded with a mega dose of mercury. Mmmmm. Delightful. Don't you dare throw out one of those mercury light bulbs in the regular trash, but let's all be forced to get a shot full of mercury? Doesn't seem right to me...

    Your family must have immune systems of STEEL lol. All joking aside though, I remember a few friends from school got H1N1 last year and they were not so lucky. I didn't see them for at least a month, and they were very, very ill.