How Do You Feel About The Flu Shot?



  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    To all the people who think that your immune system is fine and so you don't need a shot - It's not about YOU. It's about herd immunity and making sure you are keeping the frail and immune compromised people safe!
    Your selfishness is hurting or even KILLING others. Good job.

    Seriously.. Get off your damn soap box.

    It is about the individual person and their rights.. and if they don't want one, then you need to respect that. End of story. Just like they are respecting your right to call them selfish and tell them they are killing people.

    Not sure why you seem angry and telling me to "get off my soapbox" if you are also saying in the same breath that I have the right to be ON my soapbox.

    Totally confused. :) I never said people should be forced to have a flu shot. I said it's the responsible thing to do. How am I not respecting their right to be irresponsible? Of course I am. But don't expect me not to call them out on it!

    NOT getting a flu shot lowers herd immunity and puts babies, the elderly and the immunocompromised at risk of sickness or even death.
    If you don't get one for silly reasons, I have every right to consider you an *kitten* and I will certainly tell you so!

    Edit: Typo Queen

    By calling them out on it, you're not respecting them. In fact you're being just as much of an *kitten*, if not a bigger one.

    I'm confused as to how calling people selfish and telling them they are killing people is being respectful.. cause it's not.

    I also didn't say you had a right to be on your soap box.. I said people should respect your views. I can respect your views, but still think you need to get off the soap box and cut the drama.
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    I don't usually get the shot. I had H1N1 last year and thought I was going to die. I'm still not sure about getting the shot this year...
  • filmingghosts
    I have to get one for volunteering, and I don't want to at all! I think my body's capable of fighting off infections on its own, and I actually know some people who got sick with the flu after getting the shot.
  • cookikim71
    I've had the flu shot for 7 or 8 year have never gotten sick. I am horriable when sick would rather have the choice of having the shot than the flu
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Only when pregnant. Otherwise no one under my roof gets them, just personal preference, never have had them when I was younger, myself, my husband and my kids, very rarely get sick with the flu. Now if there is ever a vaccination for strep throat I might consider that, seems to be the only thing I ever get! LOL. I don't consider it "odds" either that we haven't gotten the flu often or having been "lucky" we just practice good hygiene, avoid germy sickly places and dietary prevention, seems to do the trick.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Okay I read the first three pages of comments on this....

    First and foremost I would like to say I am in favor of vaccines, but I'm also a statistics girl.....and nobody has brought this point up in the first three pages of comments I read so hopefully I am not repeating what someone else has said.

    The single reason I do not get a flu shot is that they start working on NEXT YEARS flu shot, RIGHT NOW! Okay now I'm sorry but I have a degree in Medical Laboratory Technology. I'm not stupid, I work with Doctors, nurses, the elderly and the sick. But you can not tell me that the folks in the laboratory at the CDC can predict the flu that will strike next year, when the weather man can't accurately predict the weather all the time.

    Here's the deal they take the most likely 20 strains of flu that they think will hit next year based off of numbers and calculations from statisiticians and mathematical wizzes and say "Use these 20, to make your shot"

    Sorry there are billions of strains of the flu and they mutate and genetically code themselves overs so they are more resistant. So no thank you I will not take a flu shot when there is NO real statistical chance that the "20 strains" they picked are going to be the one of the billions strains of the flu that could be going around next year.

    Sorry I'm not gonna do that and no I'm not a granola person. I just think that if you want to not catch the flu, eat properly, stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, stay away from sick people, wash your hands and don't touch your face. If you are sick with the sniffles, a cough or cold or anything else for GOODNESS sakes for everyone else STAY HOME!

    This ^^^ Precisely this.
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    I myself am highly upset that everyone here is being forced to take a flu shot regardless of whether you want it or not. It's either take it or lose your job- I have never taken one and I don't want one! What are your thoughts about the flu shot?

    There is a website called that features a guy named Mike Adams. Make sure you get the one with Mike. He talks about how the FDA and the government are slowly taking away our health rights especially in regards to vaccinations, vitamins, and organic foods. Another good website that talks about this is There are studies that suggest that vaccinations are responsible for many diseases and sickness today but the truth is being white washed. In Texas and in California they have already passed laws for pre-teens to get vaccinations for sexually transmitted disease's, without a parent's consent. These vaccination's are being linked to autism and a number of other ailment's today. I mean we are dealing with a government that pardoned Nazi war scientists and assimilated them into american science and research, during operation paperclip. I probably shouldn't even be posting things like that in a country where human rights are being violated in ways we can't imagine. No wonder Occupy Wall St. isn't going away quietly.
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    I get one every year and would get one even if my employer did not ask me to get one or provide the shot. However, you should be able to sign a declination statement and may have to watch a video if you do not want to get the flu shot. The flu shot is much easier to get than the flu, just my 2 cents. :flowerforyou:

    Nope, won't work here. Our employer rewrote their policy ( It was handed to me by the director on paper) so it is now part of the policy that if you don't take the shot they have the right to terminate you- I'm not overdoing it at all. You will seriously lose your job. I was one of the last to get it and the reason I did was because my Director started emailing me because the records showed that I hadn't had it done.
    There is only one way out and that is with a statement from your doctor on letterhead dated signed stating that you should not take the shot due to allergies and so forth....Only problem for me was that my doctor is afilliated but for the most part no doctor is not going to tell you not to take it because they are mostly for it unless you do truely have an allergy to something in it.

    I would talk to a lawyer or file lawsuit. That's some form of new age slavery. There is no proof it helps people with sickness. Read the Bible, and you'll learn that God doesn't approve of these things. Your body is a sacred temple and so is your DNA.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Loaded with a mega dose of mercury.
    Not going to start an argument about the safety of thimerosal. But the FluMist nasal spray vaccine and all single-dose vials do not contain thimerosal.
    and we survived
    Lucky you. Approximately 36,000 people a year are not so lucky.

    AGREED! Count among those people asthmatics, premature babies, and others with respiratory issues!
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    Metal poisoning from mercury, lead, aluminum and who knows what other metals are linked to alzheimers, autism, etc.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    I get one every year and would get one even if my employer did not ask me to get one or provide the shot. However, you should be able to sign a declination statement and may have to watch a video if you do not want to get the flu shot. The flu shot is much easier to get than the flu, just my 2 cents. :flowerforyou:

    Nope, won't work here. Our employer rewrote their policy ( It was handed to me by the director on paper) so it is now part of the policy that if you don't take the shot they have the right to terminate you- I'm not overdoing it at all. You will seriously lose your job. I was one of the last to get it and the reason I did was because my Director started emailing me because the records showed that I hadn't had it done.
    There is only one way out and that is with a statement from your doctor on letterhead dated signed stating that you should not take the shot due to allergies and so forth....Only problem for me was that my doctor is afilliated but for the most part no doctor is not going to tell you not to take it because they are mostly for it unless you do truely have an allergy to something in it.

    I would talk to a lawyer or file lawsuit. That's some form of new age slavery. There is no proof it helps people with sickness. Read the Bible, and you'll learn that God doesn't approve of these things. Your body is a sacred temple and so is your DNA.

    Not to spark a religious debate now, but with all the varying religions and religious beliefs it may not be best to defend your reasoning through the bible.

    I think if it's for your job and your employer demands it, either get it or get out easy enough :) I completely agree with the above point though the flu shot is much easier to get than the flu... even if you never would have gotten the flu anyway sometimes better safe than sorry :)
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Metal poisoning from mercury, lead, aluminum and who knows what other metals are linked to alzheimers, autism, etc.
    Don't eat tuna then. Two ounces of canned tuna has 2-3x the amount of heavy metals as any vaccine (that you get once a year at most).
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I look forward to hearing findings in the next ten years on the effects the flu shot has had.
    Why 10 years from now? We've been vaccinating people for influenza since the 1940s.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    I look forward to hearing findings in the next ten years on the effects the flu shot has had.
    Why 10 years from now? We've been vaccinating people for influenza since the 1940s.

    Pretty passionate about vaccines hey. :)
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I look forward to hearing findings in the next ten years on the effects the flu shot has had.
    Why 10 years from now? We've been vaccinating people for influenza since the 1940s.

    Pretty passionate about vaccines hey. :)
    Passionate about science. Yes, people should weigh the pros and cons and make a decision for themselves AND for the people they are around. But they should be making that determination based on facts, not rumor and myth and "someone forwarded me this email about vaccines OMG". The amount of misinformation in just this thread alone is astonishing.
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    I look forward to hearing findings in the next ten years on the effects the flu shot has had.
    Why 10 years from now? We've been vaccinating people for influenza since the 1940s.

    Pretty passionate about vaccines hey. :)
    Passionate about science. Yes, people should weigh the pros and cons and make a decision for themselves AND for the people they are around. But they should be making that determination based on facts, not rumor and myth and "someone forwarded me this email about vaccines OMG".

    Yeah, I have a geeky spot in my heart for science too. It's funny though you mention rumor or myths regarding vaccines, when many people I know who work in the health care field themselves do not get or straight out refuse to get the vaccinations. My best friend is a pharmacist for a Health Sciences Center here, she doesn't get the flu shot, nor do any of her kids. Wonder why that is...