Day 1 of HCG



  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    There are THOUSANDS of ways to eat healthy, think about eating healthy, get into healthy eating that don't involve injecting pregnancy hormones into your body and starving!

    Haven't you passed the book rack or magazine stand and seen all the healthy living publications? Or haven't you ever gone to the grocery store and seen fresh produce? Or have you ever gone to a restaurant and walked passed a salad bar?

    This idea that you never even though about healthy eating until you did HCG is sooooooo laughable.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    then you do it, by all means. I chose HCG, followed it to the T and it worked. I am happy
    No one is forcing you to do anything
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    <-- picturing RachelSNO being forced to take HCG, Joke!
  • Fatassfairy:
    1. Essential Fat: the pads on the bottom of your feet and palms of your hands, as well as lining your internal organs so they don't rub up against your bones and get damaged
    2. Normal Fat: Typically the amount of fat an average person with a normal BMI will have - about 20-25% for women, and oh I can't remember, but around 15% for men I think
    3. Abnormal Fat: any fat you have above and beyond the norm for your BMI

  • RachelSNO - glad it makes you feel better to laugh at me! But if you saw me in person now you would not be laughing. Jokes on you!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    RachelSNO - glad it makes you feel better to laugh at me! But if you saw me in person now you would not be laughing. Jokes on you!

    Come on silkaclark, we aren't like her, don't sink to her level.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    1. Essential Fat: the pads on the bottom of your feet and palms of your hands, as well as lining your internal organs so they don't rub up against your bones and get damaged
    2. Normal Fat: Typically the amount of fat an average person with a normal BMI will have - about 20-25% for women, and oh I can't remember, but around 15% for men I think
    3. Abnormal Fat: any fat you have above and beyond the norm for your BMI


    What about Brown, White, Subcutaneous, and Visceral? Sorry being a butthead, will take my leave for a bit :-D
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I noticed the above thread talking about muscle loss, if the diet is done properly. Meaning the dosage is proper and that person has enough abnormal fat. They should not starve or loose muscle. My fat % is 24% and I weigh 172 lbs wearing a size 8 us jean.

    How you find out if you have enough abnormal fat is you get your body fat % measured, if it is in the normal range regardless of your weight then you do not have enough fat reserve and this diet is not for you at all even if you are in the high normal range.

    I hope this helps.

    and what the hell is abnormal fat, fat is fat , there is no abnormal , there is accessive. the only thing i could qualify as abnormal fat is a Lipoma and only surgery gets rid of that.

    Not true, fat is not just fat.

    Brown Fat : Brown fat is now thought to be more like muscle than like white fat. When activated, brown fat burns white fat.

    White Fat : White fat is much more plentiful than brown, experts agree. The job of white fat is to store energy and produce hormones that are then secreted into the bloodstream.

    Subcutaneous Fat: Subcutaneous fat is found directly under the skin. It's the fat that's measured using skin-fold calipers to estimate your total body fat.

    Visceral Fat: Visceral or "deep" fat wraps around the inner organs and spells trouble for your health. How do you know if you have it? "If you have a large waist or belly, of course you have visceral fat," Whitmer says. Visceral fat drives up your risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and even dementia.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    1. Essential Fat: the pads on the bottom of your feet and palms of your hands, as well as lining your internal organs so they don't rub up against your bones and get damaged
    2. Normal Fat: Typically the amount of fat an average person with a normal BMI will have - about 20-25% for women, and oh I can't remember, but around 15% for men I think
    3. Abnormal Fat: any fat you have above and beyond the norm for your BMI


    What about Brown, White, and Visceral? Sorry being a butthead, will take my leave for a bit :-D

    Make those friendships ever lasting....
    Hey its how you made fiends with me right! :wink:
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    1. Essential Fat: the pads on the bottom of your feet and palms of your hands, as well as lining your internal organs so they don't rub up against your bones and get damaged
    2. Normal Fat: Typically the amount of fat an average person with a normal BMI will have - about 20-25% for women, and oh I can't remember, but around 15% for men I think
    3. Abnormal Fat: any fat you have above and beyond the norm for your BMI


    What about Brown, White, and Visceral? Sorry being a butthead, will take my leave for a bit :-D

    Make those friendships ever lasting....
    Hey its how you made fiends with me right! :wink:

    That is how it works. If you don't crack, befriend them!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Sorry d2footballJRC, I knew I freinded you for a reason.

    I never heard of this colorful fat before, it seems just another way of explaining it.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Sorry d2footballJRC, I knew I freinded you for a reason.

    I never heard of this colorful fat before, it seems just another way of explaining it.

    Yep I found brown fat to be really interesting, its crazy the differences in all the fats we have.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    1. Essential Fat: the pads on the bottom of your feet and palms of your hands, as well as lining your internal organs so they don't rub up against your bones and get damaged
    2. Normal Fat: Typically the amount of fat an average person with a normal BMI will have - about 20-25% for women, and oh I can't remember, but around 15% for men I think
    3. Abnormal Fat: any fat you have above and beyond the norm for your BMI


    that would be excessive fat, fat cells are fat cells, abnormal fat cells would be a tumor.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    1. Essential Fat: the pads on the bottom of your feet and palms of your hands, as well as lining your internal organs so they don't rub up against your bones and get damaged
    2. Normal Fat: Typically the amount of fat an average person with a normal BMI will have - about 20-25% for women, and oh I can't remember, but around 15% for men I think
    3. Abnormal Fat: any fat you have above and beyond the norm for your BMI


    that would be excessive fat, fat cells are fat cells, abnormal fat cells would be a tumor.


  • D2Football, if I could "Like" your post, I would LOVE it instead :) Off to work at my pesky scientist job now! Bye!!
  • amilynnM
    amilynnM Posts: 64 Member
    To those of you who are on the HCG diet, I would suggest that you get off the plan and get your calories back up to at least 1,200 a day as soon as possible. Even though the HCG diet is getting a lot of press these days, there is no medical evidence to back up it's claims, and most weight loss experts recommend that you eat at least 1,200 calories a day, and more if you are exercising.

    Eating only 500 calories a day will cause your body to be very malnourished in a short time. HCG does NOT work as advertised and does NOTHING to help with weight loss or make it safe to eat so little. People on a fast stop being hungry after a few days too -- that has NOTHING to do with HCG, but it's how your body tries to protect itself as well as possible in time of famine. But being in starvation mode will cause your metabolism to slow down -- which is the opposite of what you want if you are trying to lose weight. Yes, you may lose for a while when you are only eating 500 calories a day, but when you have to eat in a normal calorie range again, the weight will come right back.

    The articles below have numerous links about research that's been done on the HCG diet program by doctors and scientists around the world.

    Good luck with your weight loss, but I don't think the HCG diet will get you where you want to go.

    The proof is in the results... I am down 78 pounds since April.... my husband is down 97 pounds since April.... my mother-in-law who is 57 and has hypothyroidism has lost 55 lbs... I could go on and on about ACTUAL results that I have seen with my own 2 eyes. During our maintenance phase when we go up to 1500 cals we are not gaining...if the body was in starvation mode we would be gaining with the extra calories.

    But anyone eating only 500 calories/day is going to experience major weight loss. I think that's the part that gets under people's skin. The hormone isn't doing anything. A lot of the time people are using drops and stuff that don't even contain the hormone but they are still losing weight. If people want to eat 500 calories/day to lose weight then that's their business, but save your money and just starve yourself if that's the path you want to take (but please don't do it!).
  • amilynnM
    amilynnM Posts: 64 Member
    F. No we are not losing muscle tone
    I. After the conclusion of the three weeks of VLCD, you will resume exercise and begin to tone

    So HCG stops Muscle Cannibalism? You'd think body builders would load up on it while cutting. Then also if you don't lose muscle tone why do you need to tone in point I? You are making a claim that HCG can do what no other diet can then.

    I think you mean muscle catabolism, although I find muscle cannibalism funny since that's sort of what's going on I guess :)
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    No diet that instructs you to stop exercising so you can try and survive on a starvation calorie level diet could possibly be healthy!
  • amilynnM
    amilynnM Posts: 64 Member
    Wow...I can't get over the negitive replies! I would NOT being doing this if...

    1. It wasn't OK by doctor (I also work for a doctor as well)
    "Dr. A.T. Simeons, an English physician specializing in treating overweight patients, noticed that human chorionic gonadotropin mobilized abnormal fat in patients that were taking it for other conditions. After much research it was discovered that HCG corrects a poorly functioning hypothalamus gland so it can control your appetite and burn 2000 calories from the abnormal fat reserves. As the abnormal reserves are released, patients lose weight, the body reshapes itself and as a pleasant side benefit, often the energy, blood pressure, blood sugar and metabolism are restored to normal. Consequently, besides losing weight, migraine headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, immunological and endocrinological conditions have reduced in intensity or disappeared."

    "The HCG then takes abnormal fat that has been stored and changes it into an energy that the body can use. This is equal to burning 200 or more calories in a day. Continuous dieting or yo-yo dieting damages the body's natural ability to regulate weight. HCG stimulates the part of the brain that regulates weight and works to restore this ability. This prevents regaining the weight that is lost. As HCG makes the stored abnormal fat available for consumption, the body starts using the fat to live off of. The fat is now providing a source of energy similar to the energy provided by food consumption. Patients are instructed to consume no more than 500 calories from food intake per day. Because the abnormal fat has been turned into energy, the reduced calorie intake is not noticed, and hunger is not a side effect. The new energy source is equal to 3,500 calories being consumed on a daily basis.
    For the process to work, the individual must stay on a strict diet and remain under medical supervision. While about one pound of weight is lost per day, the weight loss does not always happen in an even manner." -EHOW.COM

    2. I didn't know anyone who did it before
    *I have over 5 friends who have done this and lost their weight and they have all kept it off (some over a year now)

    3. I had to do 500 calories for a long period of time (3 weeks is not long, besides it is no different than fasting),
    * The key is to slowly build your calorie level back up to a "normal" level

    4. It had any type of human hormone in it (mine 100% hormone free)

    5. I thought this was a quick "win"/way to lose weight (I am simpling using it to get a jump start on weight loss and I know there is
    not a quick solution regarding losing weight)

    I am not knocking anyone elses diet/way to lose weight, so please if you do not have anything positive to say then don't reply. I have done my research on this and all I simply asked for was advice not negitive feedback. To each its own!

    The ehow article doesn't seem to cite any scientific sources. I've tried and tried to do research and find credible scientific resources that detail how the hormone acts on fat stores, how they determined that it is equivalent to burning 3500 calories/day, etc... and I have had a hard time finding much accurate, unbiased information. I found a number of independent, scientific studies on and Web of Science that determined that patients following the diet with hcg and patients following the diet with placebo had no difference in weight loss results.

    Simeons published his book in 1954 and was a physician when endocrinology (hormone signalling and control) was a newly emerging field. A lot of progress has been made in endocrinology research since then and coming from a scientific perspective his findings are likely outdated.

    The majority of hcg information I find online is from sites that are promoting/selling the diet, so I am hesitant to trust them, especially when they can't cite their research sources.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    If HCG reduces hunger and cravings, then why do pregnant women have both?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
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