Lillith32 Member


  • I think carb re-feeds are a body building and strength sport thing. There are a bunch of books predicated on this method. The idea seems to be that getting carbs at certain special times has a positive impact on muscle strength and growth, which is a bit broscienc-y to me (on one hand, studies might support that, but on…
  • So I gained two pounds over my three day vacation. That's with doing huge amounts of walking and running, and having only one 'cheat meal' (couldn't resist chocolate truffles, had a few). I guess I'm going to cut down calories, 1500 calories looks like way too much even with working out. I just hate the fact that once I go…
  • SW: 174 GW:153 CW: 169 + 2lb. I think I'm gonna cry. This weight just doesn't want to go anywhere.
  • I'm back from a trip up north to see the family. It was cold and dreary and overall icky, but it was nice to see family and friends. I slipped up a few times (a few chocolate truffles on Sunday and my mom's homemade apricot preserves on Saturday) so I am going to be hurting with cravings for the next few weeks. Heck, I'm…
  • SW: 169 CW: 168 GW: 153 - 1 lb this week (and the last week too). This is going very slow. If it keeps like that to the end of the month, time to cut calories.
  • Happy Wednesday! I powered through 2 miles tempo yesterday and was under 22 minutes (even with the high winds - bonus!). Got on the scale today - 1lb lost. I was all kinds of hoping for a post-sharky whoosh, but looks like the body refuses to cooperate. Gotcha, body. I see how we're gonna play this round. So, looks like I…
  • Happy Monday! The chill made it to SoFlo, with yesterday's morning run in the 40's (brrrrrr). I guess it will be good training for next weekend, when I will be running in Illinois, with morning temps slated to go down to the low teens in the morning. The scale hasn't moved, which is frustrating to say the least, but I'm…
  • Ok, this morning I am still at the same weight I've been at for the last two weeks. I'm going to weigh in on Wednesday and see if it drops b/c shark week. I did yoga this morning and will be going to Crossfit tonight (unless some disaster strikes). No major cheats, but I did go over calories yesterday. Will be trying to…
  • My tightest pair of pants feels a bit looser, and I think there is bit less fat is pooching over the top of the waist band. Not the biggest NSV, but its the little things that count!
    in NSV's Comment by Lillith32 January 2017
  • I will be happy to end this week. For a short week it sure was stressful. Happy Friday everyone!
  • The temperature is nice here - in the mid 80's although a bit rainy today. I feel like I'm under so much stress with work and life right now, and have zero time to accomplish anything. Well, I guess I'm gonna bite this elephant one bite at a time until it gets eaten.
  • Ok, I have a... problem. Due to the marathon training schedule and some work and travel requirements, I will not be able to do Crossfit three times a week (most likely, twice this week, once the next, and once-twice for the next two weeks after). My ROMWOD time is also suffering because I'm running way more mileage then…
  • Ok, total for the month: 4 lb lost, back into 160s. Possibly more, shark week tends to mess with my weight. Not bad. Been pretty strict with the diet and started up long distance running again, so that helps. Well, on to the next month!
  • Final results for December 2016: 5 lb loss total No major cheating binges Workouts were a problem because of an injury. Overall, not bad. On to the next month.
  • January '17: 1. Don't majorly cheat. 2. Keep up with ROMWOD (crossfitty yoga), at least 3-4 times weekly 3. Keep up with crossfit at least three times a week. 4. Run my half marathon and not hate running afterwards.
  • Feeling like a truck ran me over. It's taken me chugging a red bull zero for me to wake up and function, even a cold shower didn't help. I've been working out super-hard, so I'm giving myself a rest day instead of three miles I was going to run. My Grandmother invited me to dinner tonight, and asked what I want to eat - I…
  • Quick update - the scale this morning showed a 4lb loss. I'm doing a little happy dance right now.
  • I did ok this weekend. The only 'cheat' I allowed myself to have was about two tablespoons of berry compote over low-carb cheesecake. I ran 10 miles on Saturday (painfully, because low electrolytes... grrr), ran two on Sunday and have 5 today. Also, did Crossfit (real classes, yey!) Monday and this morning. I was under my…
  • Oh my gosh, you guysssssss. Dropped a pound (so I'm back to my starting weight of 173). At least it's going in the right direction! Also, starting to run again, which is such a relief. I was going nuts with the restriction. Here is hoping there will be another few lb drop in the near future.
  • I've been pretty good about staying away from the office treats, but I did go over my calories a few times this week. I've been super busy and just seem to not have any time to do anything but party lately (those darn holiday parties!!!). Tonight I am going out with my run group for our holiday social, that will not…
  • She actually does, but it's traditional... the bottle is going to my Dad and his new girlfriend, which they may or may not appreciate, but will probably drink :smile: Pretty much everyone else I know is on a diet of some sort, including the neighbors!
  • My boss gave me a bottle of coquito (Puerto Rican 'eggnog' made with rum and condensed milk) as a Christmas gift... talking about temptations. Since my whole house is on a diet, my good friends are lactose intolerant and/or on special diets, and my family is not interested, I have no idea what to do with it. Oh, and it…
  • Fantastic! Hope you stay warm and toasty!
  • CW: holding steady at 174. Bought my favorite blood sausage over the weekend as a treat after my first run since my injury. After I ate 90% of it, figured out it's got rice in it. I feel like a week of hard work went down the drain, oh well. I have my lunches for the week pre-cooked and pre-packaged already, so all I have…
  • @annalisbeth74, let me know if they works for you. Also, I found really good cheap thermals in TJMaxx or Marshall's on the sports clothing racks.
  • I've invested in thin thermal insulation layers, like long-sleeved tees. It won't keep your hands warm, but layers will keep the rest of your body toasty. I like to wear the Underarmour brand of compression wear underneath, they even have thick ones for the extra-cold days. I also found some fleece-lined thermals in…
  • Awww, man. Boss brought coquito to our holiday potluck. I've blown my carb allowance on the glorious alcohol spiced condensed milk goodness. I will skip dinner today most likely and be extra-strict tomorrow. I have a holiday party on Friday, but that should be easier to navigate (cheese platters and diet coke drinks).…
  • Having a bum ankle sucks. I can't run or crossfit, I can only do yoga, so I think I can literally feel my muscles growing weaker and fat growing... fatter. Two weeks can't pass fast enough. Today I might try walking and see if it hurts. On the food front I've been doing ok, 100% keto with a few pieces of sugar-free candy…
  • Mine is here. I hope it goes away this week and takes the extra weight with it.
  • So... what the heck. I've been super diligent about staying under carbs, protein and calories these last two weeks, and somehow gained 3 lb. C'mon body, really?