

  • Thanks! I know the jewelry shops around me won't do it. With my last one I went to three and they all refused. I tried replacing it myself but it broke.
  • Thanks! I just threw it in the wash in a lingerie bag and will hang dry it. Hope it still works tomorrow!
  • Today I used my HRM (Polar FT4 that I just got yesterday) and plugged in my numbers (weight, age, etc) into the treadmill to see what the difference would be. By the end of my 4 mile run (at 7.1 mph and 1 mile warm up and cool down) my HRM said I had burned 433, treadmill read 525. I'd like to believe the treadmill but I…
  • Yep. Same thing happened to me when I got my HRM, but I believe the numbers on that since I've inputted all my info. MFP and most other online logs seem to greatly exaggerate the calorie burn. The HRM typically shows half of what MFP or the treadmill says I burned. I like having the HRM though because it motivates me to…
  • Have any of you had a problem bringing in your HRM to get the battery replaced? I went to 4 stores yesterday and no one would do it. They said they can't change the battery on a digital watch. Someone gave me the right screwdriver to do it myself though and needless to say, it did not go well. The last time I had the…
  • Well, that's an hour of my life I'll never get back! Have any of you had a problem bringing in your HRM to get the battery replaced? I went to 4 stores and no one would do it. They said they can't change the battery on a digital watch. Someone gave me the right screwdriver to do it myself though and needless to say, it did…
  • I've been having trouble with my New Balance the last couple of days. I recently replaced (about 4 weeks ago) the battery in the chest strap. The watch part for the last 3 days or so hasn't hardly been picking up my heart rate. It otherwise works fine but it's just giving me a blank line where my heart rate should be. Do…
  • I'm doing Turbo Fire and P90X right now. I usually alternate rounds of P90X and ChaLEAN Extreme. I've also done Insanity, and used Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs.
  • Hip Hop Hustle.
  • I don't have the full Exhilarate set but I do own 2 of the DVDs from that set (Mix and Exhilarate) . They're both pretty good and fun.
  • I gained weight during Insanity. It wasn't muscle because I had to go a size in my clothing. Very disappointing. It's a great workout program though.
  • I think my thyroid is ok, but I don't think I've ever had it tested. MissMaryMac33, any recommendations on how to up my protein and lower my carbs? I'm kind of a vegetarian (I do eat egg whites and seafood). Thanks everyone!
  • I do use a HRM with a chest strap so all my info has been entered in there. 168 is 80% of my max and when I run and do the HIIT workouts I'm at at least that. I do recover from them quickly though. I have a pretty low resting heart rate (clocked it at 38 the other day). I'm 5'3" and weigh 137. I think I'm drinking enough.…
  • My calorie burn was also only in the 200s through much of my Insanity workouts (more calories burned in month 2 though). That what the readout with my HRM with chest strap. Like you, I was working hard, in my target heart rate zone, and had puddles of sweat surrounding me when I was finished. I think in my case it was…
  • I might be running it. Some friends and I are trying to plan a Disney vacation in Feb so I'm trying to convince them to make it that weekend so I can run it.
  • I gave my all to Insanity. Great workout. Still gained weight and not all of it was muscle. I went up a size.
  • Thanks everyone for all the feedback. Maybe the HRM is reading accurately. I should stop comparing myself to what other people are burning. It just makes me feel like I'm not working hard enough when I see other people post (here, on Team Beachbody, and on Twitte) about their huge calorie burns. I'd probably give myself a…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. This heart rate monitor is new. I had another one (same model) and it was suggested to switch the battery to see if that helped. I tried but it completely died when the new battery was put in so I had to get another one. Scott, the workout times vary. For instance, I did a 7 mile run the…
  • It depends what your fitness goals are. I've done both and they are completely different, but both are hard and are great workouts. Insanity, which I'm doing now, is all cardio conditioning. It's intense and there are no weights. P90X is primarily weight training, although it does have some cardio DVDs too, but to be…
  • I've also been gaining weight (not muscle) doing Insanity. I'm just finishing the first week of the 2nd month and I've gained about 5 pounds! I'm almost up a dress size. Obviously these were not the results I was hoping for. I was already in good shape when I started the program so I know it won't be as easy for me to lose…
  • I love TurboFire. I was (and still am) a runner for several years, but TurboFire is so much fun and is a great workout. Plus, it really works your butt and abs.
  • I'm not a coach and I just tried it for the first time yesterday. I bought a few chocolate packets off ebay. I thought it was delicious. I just bought a 30 day supply from ebay.
  • With my workouts factored in, I should get 1,745 calores, 239 carbs, 58 fat, and 65 protein. My totals (for what I've eaten so far and have planned) are 1,556 cals 234 carbs, 39 fat, and 81 protein with 189 cals left to go (which is actually good for me, I'm usually 200-300 under), so you can see I'm way over with my…
  • Exactly! I can't figure it out! I tried adding in more fruit and nuts yesterday and that messed with my protein and fat. I still couldn't get it to balance. I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem though. I also have no idea how to log my Insanity workouts (as vigorous calisthenics or high impact aerobics). That…
  • I have right now, but I've just finished my 3rd week. Hoping it'll come off in the 2nd month.
  • I just signed up for TK instructor training too! I'm super excited. My training isn't until November though.
  • I hate it when I see people in Spin class who are not really working hard or putting much resistance on their bike because at that point they are essentially just taking up space. There's limited room in a spin class so it'd drive me crazy if I couldn't get in and then saw people walk out of the Spin room without having…
  • I've changed my settings a couple of times but keep getting around the same calorie burn, and this is when I do Insanity and TurboFire! It really doesn't seem right to me. I'm pushing hard and my heart rate is up there. I'm not sure why the calorie burn is so low.
  • No, but I've wanted to. Instead I do the P90X Yoga X with my space heater on high. Not quite as hot but it gets the job done.
  • I just got mine over the weekend and have been having similar results. I'm doing Insanity and it's telling me I'm only burning 280 calories and I feel like I should be burning more than that. I'm pushing hard and my heart rate is up there.
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