HRM advice

what is best I have 30 lbs left and I use a watch HRM it started reAlly chAnging the numbers alot for example I jogged on the beach to 45 min it showed I burned 20 calories then I rode my horse for 90 min it showed 1335 cal. Do I bees a chest strap or do the watches work and what brand is best


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I use a chest strap that has a watch to read the info from. I believe its pretty accurate, meaning it comes in slightly under what the machiens tell me, and I never belive those machines, they are a bit exaggerated.
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Use one with a chest strap for more accurate readings. I have a polar ft4 and love it!
  • TwinMamma09
    The chest strap is going to be your best bet.

    I use the Polar FT4 and it does the job. I got mine on Amazon for $50. There are a few higher models that can be even more accurate but I didn't want to spend much more than I did.

    I would change from what you have though, that doesn't sound like it is doing anything at all for you.
  • JaneWrastle
    I use a chest strap and i like it - polar even has a chest strap bra for the ladies. I have used my current Polar HRM for over 2 years every other day and it is just now showing signs of not working correctly. I am buying another Polar with chest strap. I think they are worth it!
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    I recommend a body bugg or such. I have a gowearfit by bodymedia. This is something that you wear up to 23 hours a day. It tells you how many steps you take, calories burned, how long you lay in the bed and out of that how long you actually sleep. You can look up more information on it at I think this is the correct website, if not try it at .com. This item costs about $250 new, but I bought mine second hand thru ebay for $81.50. You also can plug it into the computer and input the foods you eat and get the calorie count for them (like MFP) although I do not use that part much as I like MFP better for keeping track of my calories.
  • Lisiebird
    Have any of you had a problem bringing in your HRM to get the battery replaced? I went to 4 stores yesterday and no one would do it. They said they can't change the battery on a digital watch. Someone gave me the right screwdriver to do it myself though and needless to say, it did not go well. The last time I had the battery replaced (at a jewelry store that wouldn't do it today) the watch wouldn't come back on. Same thing happened yesterday after I replaced the battery myself. This was a New Balance that until this weekend had been working pretty well. So I just bought the Polar FT4 on Amazon for a decent price. The only downside is I have to wait a week for it to get here. I hate working out not knowing my calorie burn and how high my heart rate is. Sigh. How do you all get the battery replaced in your heart rate monitors?