I just picked up a bag of Raw Organics cold milled flax/chia to replace my fish oil. I was simply going to add two tsp into my protein smoothie, but thought I'd see what mfp folk were doing with it. Thanks for all the ideas and the op for saving me time asking.
I ask myself that 4 times a week...
I've just injured my back again, two days after my back routine. I'm 52 and started lifting again this year with a 4day muscle group split. I was searching the forums as well as Google trying to make sense of why I have trouble with my lower back. Last month was a lower intensity month due to an August injury identical to…
I hope you find a happy medium in your quest Barb. I'll pray for you too! I've found that one juice every day has cut down my appetite quite a bit, and after a couple days of bitter and questionable tastes, most of my blends are down-right fantastic tasting now! I have lost 3 pounds in the past few days. I usually bounce…
Fantastic post! Using your food log format as soon as I get off night rotation. I really like that idea for shift workers.
This is so me!
I hate 'haters'. Wait...
I have used several different whey isolate powders including The Vitamin Shoppe's Body Tech vanilla which was and is my favorite of the whey. I am currently on my second jug of Carnivor beef protein from Muscle Meds. A friend told me it was better for him due to stomach issues with the whey proteins. I have no history of…
I have several memories of my past where someone disrespected someone in my family and I failed to respond with the force that the gravity of the situation called for. I don't dwell on that, but admit there are circumstances in my life where these short comings revisit my memories. What other people think about me is none…
I hope the juice fixes your problems Rae. My main attraction to the juice was the possibility of being medication-free! My name is Jay and I'm 50 years old. My wife and I have 3 children, one of which is still home with us. My side of the family has a history of respiratory diseases including lung cancer that took my…
LOL! I watched a movie called Teddy Bear on my netflix. I picked it because it was fitness related. The movie was about a socially inept Danish professional bodybuilder that traveled to Thailand looking for a female mate. I have this habit of watching a movie from beginning to end regardless of how bad the movie is.…
[img] Shots/LocalRide013.jpg[/img] Right up the road from me here in Polk County Fl Thank you for the photo lesson @Ceci_O_K
Thank you very much!
This one was in Georgetown, Ky. Flying the chair with Brother Noto in it.
Thank you! Yes you did FIFM The link logic looks the same though, what was I doing different?
Visit with my brother on the Ohio River a few years ago. ...of course after editing 5 times it still doesn't show the image. So just hum something from Neil Young and imagine a river scene. Sorry.
Thank you for the Welcome! I love riding in Tennessee. Lot of beautiful backroads in that state. Thank you, and as far as Daytona for me, been there and done that so many times it's more of a pain than a vacation. I would rather take off solo or with a few friends on some nice curvy, shade-covered roads somewhere than…
I can relate to this post! Gate 2 outside of Kadena saw me staggering around in the middle of a many night! I used to just walk into the hole in the wall bars like that too. Got in a couple of scuffles with the drunk elders a few times but most of the clientele would keep them away from me knowing it wouldn't be good for…
Hahaha... no, not the Only one! I see what you did there
Switch it up. It's like strange
Thank you Tony, I feel welcomed. It's definitely no picnic working swing shifts. Problem with me is I don't feel like doing anything even on my OFF days. I'm ready for some life change.
This group is SO me! It's reassuring to read all of your posts in most of these threads after so many years of dealing with an unbalanced schedule. My first real job had me living out of a seabag and pulling guard duty or driving at odd hours because some high-ranking officer wanted his aircraft defueled in the middle of…
I have to switch mine around because I go from days to nights at 12 hour pops. 8 to 8 is a terrible time! Some of us tried to get our employer to change it to 6 or even 7 but not enough employees wanted a change and the 0800 shift change works well for the supervisors who come in Monday through Friday at that time to get…
The shadow 'knows'
I'm in Florida and ride year-round.
Semper Fi RoadDog! My first Harley was a 1984 XLS I bought brand new from Bakersfield HD while I was stationed at Camp Pendleton. Rode it back down across the Grapevine. Second New Harley I bought through the Military Sales System while in the Philippines. It was a 1987 FXRS and was delivered stateside at Westminster HD in…
golds gym elliptical trainer 595 and it's the only one I've used. The wife got it used from a friend. I like it and the 14 different workout settings. Would be cool if they kept up over 30 minutes. I find my second wind around 40-45 minutes. Maybe I'm not running fast enough?
Jaytree here, I love the Group Title! Over the 50 year mark last year and trying to get into a good workout program while working swing shifts.