

  • Well....there are a few types of fat, but body fat is squishy by nature. I would gather what you're noticing is not fat, but bloat. Maybe keep track of your sodium intake see if that makes a difference? Fat is also not "excreted" really. You can burn it and use it for energy, and then the CO2 is excreted through your lungs…
  • If you're able to do it properly then do it, *properly*. 5-8kg in a month, is NOT properly. I really do feel your pain, 7 years ago, I weighed about 110kg, and was miserable. I made a decision to lose the weight and at the end, I was about 65kg. It took about a year, and I was losing pretty consistently about 1kg or less…
  • Yes I would keep your activity level at sedentary. I am on my feet all day as a SAHM and a small biz owner and use my feet as my main source of transportation. MFP lists my activity level as "lightly active". From MFP: Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job) Lightly Active: Spend a good part…
  • Honestly we're all overweight, or were for a reason right? And taking responsibility for that is hard. Making losing weight complicated means shifting responsibility from "Im fat because I [insert habit here]" and puts the responsibility on something else, which is how hard it is, so when we fail, well, obviously we failed…
  • Depends. Do you have more than 25lbs to lose? if not, then no, you cannot lose 25lbs in 78 days. That's one pound every 3 days which is more than 2 lbs a week and if you only have 25 to go you're setting yourself up for failure and frustration.
  • If you truly need to lose 55lbs you can cut out 1000 cals a day (2 lbs per week) without much issue. In fact, I dropped 102 lbs a few years ago (with only diet and exercise) and lost 2 lbs a week right up until the end when I hit 150 ish and then the rest came off pretty slowly, as I was just trying to maintain. I was even…
  • I think maybe if you weigh your food you'll find that you don't need to "cut" any calories. I tried to lose weight for years, but only managed it once I started really going hardcore on measuring out my portions.
  • I see you edited your original post to include your stats, I was wondering where the other poster came up with the idea that 2 lbs was aggressive for you, but yes, I would agree it *is* a bit aggressive taking into account your height with your weight. (Though your body size is a variable in this too). If you're going to…
  • What does the Fitbit say you've burned on a day when you exercise and walk to work? Bascially what Im saying is if you have a monitor that tells you what your burning all day long, figure out what it is on a day when you do the c25k and then on a day when you only walk to work and then on a day when you do neither.…
  • No. You want to eat 1600 a day (if you're TDEE is really 2600) if you don't exercise. if you say burn 300 in your workout, then you'll eat around 1900. I know, it seems like a lot, but really it's not, not when they're healthy foods. I maintained 140 lbs for 6 years before I got diagnosed with a medical condition and…
  • I had weight gain. I went on Lexapro 3 years ago for a post partum anxiety disorder. I was 172lbs when I gave birth, and had about 25ls to lose (about normal for me). I went from 172 to 195 in just a few short months and am now sitting at 204 (fully dressed at MD, i don't have a home scale anymore). It worked for the…
    in Lexapro Comment by Angylisis78 May 2014
  • I wouldn't eat back the cals you use up walking to and from work, I would simply up my activity level. Since that's not really "exercise", you do it every day, and it's part of your daily life routine. If your TDEE is 2633 and you need to lose more than about 50lbs (Im simply guessing here, you could be really tall :) )…
  • Well the problem here is that BMR, TDEE etc, aren't opinions. They're numbers. Hard facts. One can't have an opinion on them, because of that. If you need 3900ish cals a day to "maintain your weight", you should drop that by 1000 per day to lose 2 lbs a week. You can exercise on top of that, and honestly at your weight, I…
  • I was reading through this thread and my heart was just breaking as I spent 8 years with a giant *kitten* who treated me l ike crap and made me feel worthless. (Not in the weight dept but in other areas). I was trying so hard to figure out a way to get it across that what your (now ex) husband did was abusive and that it…
  • Medium build. I currently weigh 204 (at the MD dressed, I don't know what I weigh nekkid) and I am in a size 12/14 pants. Goal weight is back down to about 145 (size four). I am 36 I have four kids.
  • Ok, they'll probably check iron then to make sure you're not anemic too. Ferritin is something they don't usually check for, you might have to ask for it. Normal levels are between 12 and 150. Mine is 133 right now after the ablation and 8 iron IV infusions. If you're having symptoms, make sure to have them run it. My MD…
  • I just want to say: OMGOMGOMG! i'm going to have to live vicariously through you! My bucket list has "hike the App Trail from start to finish" on it, but not possible right now as I have four small kids that can't be left for 6-8 months without parents LOL. Good luck and make sure to take lots of pics so we can see! I'm so…
  • Ok, bear with me everyone, this might get a bit on the graphic side and I'm sorry for that. Jayclemaire, PCOS you have very heavy periods right? I had very very heavy periods, they were going to diagnose me with PCOS (I had a few other symptoms), but they ended up doing a test and finding out that I had low ferritin. Which…
  • At a size 22 pants, and 3x shirt its going to depend on how you carry your weight. I was in a size 20/22 pants, and a 1x shirt and weighed about 242. My sister however, was in a size 14-16 pants and an XL shirt and was about 180. It just all depends.
  • Ok, so it's not a food issue, or whatever. It's apparently my scale. I was at the MD three weeks ago for a medication check up and and went today for another one, and I'm down 4 lbs in three weeks. My scale is kinda old and has been dropped a couple of times by my kids when they "clean the bathroom" and move it. So. Thank…
  • I would think so. I've got about 60 lbs to lose, so 2 lbs a week right now is reasonable. (When I get closer, I'll bump it down to 1.5 a week and then 1 a week so it comes off healthily). My current activity level is set to "light" because I'm on my feet most of the day, a SAHM. I certainly can't set them any lower :)
  • That's exactly what I was saying :) Thank you for putting it more succinctly than I apparently can this early. Edited to say: I also "save up calories" for things like, well, I'll go 25-50 below my daily goal so that on Saturday night I can have some popcorn with a tbsp of real butter drizzled on it. There's nothing wrong…
  • Well Im hoping its just water retention. But it does seem strange to me. I do weigh and measure my foods, so it shouldn't be that. As for stress, I have four children 9 and under, a baby boutique I own and I run an urban homestead complete with blog. LOL. Stress is like....a natural part of life now.
  • Well, I didn't say you had an ED. If you're fine with what you're doing, then what's the problem?
  • For the most part I do use a scale. Other times I use measuring cups, etc. I knew that once I got back on track I'd need to use a measuring system for my food. Exercise routine right now is just elliptical 2x a week for about 30 min, and then walking. (We live in a small rural town and I walk about 10-15 miles a week). I'm…
  • You said the above but your post has soooo many red flags that say just the opposite. Eating 3000 calories over your allotted 1600? You ate triple what you should be eating, to live. I would seriously give some thought to what's causing this. IMHO, "calorie cycling" is a bunch of hooey, and it's not going to help you drop…
  • Anything anyone has would be great! Would love some advice or hoping someone will think of something I haven't! :)