Wondering what's wrong.....

Ok, so Im not new to the dieting game. I lost 102.bs about 7 years ago, and kept it off until I got sick with a medical condition. This condition is just a clotting disorder, but it's the anemia that caused the weight gain. Well, I should say the anemia caused me to be exhausted which caused me to not work out, and eat like crazy amounts of food looking for any energy I could have to raise my four kids. Along with that, my iron being so low the oncologist told me that even when I was working out, I wouldn't have lost much weight if any because I didn't have enough iron to take the oxygen to my muscles to burn the cals. So.

This disease is manageable. I had iron infusions and am peachy keen right now, should my iron ever get low again (I have it checked regularly) they'll notice before I get too bad off and get her fixed. I decided I no longer have any excuse and this weight must come off. In the interest of full disclosure, I currently as of this morning weighed 207.6 and Im 5'5" and should weigh about 145-150 ish.

Now, the question is, what in the world am I doing wrong? I lost the weight before with diet and exercise. No pills, no crazy fad crap. No gimmicks. Just good old calorie counting and working out. Granted, Im 7 years older, I get this. But Im only 36. I should be able to lose the weight, albeit maybe a bit more slowly.

But I can't seem to drop anything. In fact, in the 18 days I've DILIGENTLY counted cals and am trying to work out most days a week, I've gained. What am I doing wrong? Is there something I'm forgetting? I'm trying to get the 50%/30%20% on my macros, which is how I lost weight last time. Now there have been a few days where I've gone over on my cals, I haven't been perfect. Maybe three or four when I was first keeping track that I was "just keeping track". but the last 2 weeks, I've hit my cals or just under and I could just use a bit of perspective from someone on the outside if you guys don't mind :)



  • Angylisis78
    Angylisis78 Posts: 32
    Would love to have any ideas anyone has. Thanks!
  • Angylisis78
    Angylisis78 Posts: 32
    Anything anyone has would be great! Would love some advice or hoping someone will think of something I haven't! :)
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    open up your diary for people to view ;-)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Are you using a food scale? And what is your exercise routine... keeping in mind that new exercise comes with water retention and 18 days isn't long enough to see if you are doing things wrong.
  • Angylisis78
    Angylisis78 Posts: 32
    Are you using a food scale? And what is your exercise routine... keeping in mind that new exercise comes with water retention and 18 days isn't long enough to see if you are doing things wrong.

    For the most part I do use a scale. Other times I use measuring cups, etc. I knew that once I got back on track I'd need to use a measuring system for my food.

    Exercise routine right now is just elliptical 2x a week for about 30 min, and then walking. (We live in a small rural town and I walk about 10-15 miles a week). I'm eating my cals allotted and if I log exercise, I eat the remaining calories. I am having some water retention, but the worrisome issue for me is that I've put on about three pounds. (ish, it varies).

    Pretty consistently when I was losing weight before, I lost 2 lbs a week by simple calorie counting and exercise. The only difference is that MFP does things backwards (where you get your basic cals and then eat your exercise cals instead of just having an activity level) and I"m not as active, which shouldn't matter because I'm only allowed 1280 cals if I don't get exercise.

    I'm also aware that dieting is like 80% of what you eat, and only 20% of exercise, so I'm trying to be really diligent on my calories. The last week, I've averaged right at 1200 calories NET. The week prior was about 1350 calories NET. Week prior to that was 1400 calories NET average. So each week, my NET cals are going down (as I'm getting back in sync with eating less) and yet I'm putting on weight.

    I also do realize that 18 days isn't really enough time, but the gaining weight makes me nervous because I don't want to go on too long like this before I say "wait, this isn't working, what am I doing wrong?"

    I was kinda hoping I was being obtuse about something and it would be noticed :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    New exercise can cause water retention which can take up to 6 weeks to go away....and if you don't weigh all solids and choose correct entries you could be under estimating what you are eating.

    as well don't stress that can cause water retention as well.
  • Angylisis78
    Angylisis78 Posts: 32
    New exercise can cause water retention which can take up to 6 weeks to go away....and if you don't weigh all solids and choose correct entries you could be under estimating what you are eating.

    as well don't stress that can cause water retention as well.

    Well Im hoping its just water retention. But it does seem strange to me. I do weigh and measure my foods, so it shouldn't be that. As for stress, I have four children 9 and under, a baby boutique I own and I run an urban homestead complete with blog. LOL. Stress is like....a natural part of life now.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    New exercise can cause water retention which can take up to 6 weeks to go away....and if you don't weigh all solids and choose correct entries you could be under estimating what you are eating.

    as well don't stress that can cause water retention as well.

    Well Im hoping its just water retention. But it does seem strange to me. I do weigh and measure my foods, so it shouldn't be that. As for stress, I have four children 9 and under, a baby boutique I own and I run an urban homestead complete with blog. LOL. Stress is like....a natural part of life now.

    Can you open your food diary. so we can evaluate things?
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    Are you sure your calorie goals are set at the right level?
  • Angylisis78
    Angylisis78 Posts: 32
    Are you sure your calorie goals are set at the right level?

    I would think so. I've got about 60 lbs to lose, so 2 lbs a week right now is reasonable. (When I get closer, I'll bump it down to 1.5 a week and then 1 a week so it comes off healthily). My current activity level is set to "light" because I'm on my feet most of the day, a SAHM.

    I certainly can't set them any lower :)
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You may be eating more than you think.
    It's very important to weight EVERYTHING that goes into your mouth!
    No measuring except for liquids!
    Log everything!
    Open your diary for better advice.
  • Angylisis78
    Angylisis78 Posts: 32
    Ok, so it's not a food issue, or whatever.

    It's apparently my scale. I was at the MD three weeks ago for a medication check up and and went today for another one, and I'm down 4 lbs in three weeks. My scale is kinda old and has been dropped a couple of times by my kids when they "clean the bathroom" and move it. So.

    Thank you everyone for your advice. Apparently I just need to keep on trucking :)