
I started taking 10mg Lexapro
I'm still scared and worried about what it could do.
Plus i have read a bunch of reviews about more weight gain than loss.

Anyone else on Lexapro?
Did / Do you experience the weight gain or loss?


  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Hi there,

    I was on Lexapro for a while, and didn't really experience any weight gain or loss, though I had a bit of a suppressed appetite at the beginning but I adjusted to it after a few weeks. I was only on 10mg too, and up to 15-20mg for a while. My understanding is that Lexapro and other SSRIs can affect your appetite, making you more hungry or less hungry than normal depending on the individual. When I was on it too it made me really drowsy which made exercising hard to stick to. I think the best thing you can do is continue logging your food if that's what you've been doing and try to exercise, you're not going to gain weight if you're in a deficit :)

    Edit: Another factor that can contribute to weight gain or loss after starting Lexapro is if eating behaviors are a result of depression. For example, some people might lose weight because depression caused them to overeat and they reduce that behavior once the depression is being treated. Others may have experienced a loss of appetite due to depression and may subsequently gain weight once they start taking meds, as they are able to eat normally again.
  • Nightxer
    Nightxer Posts: 25 Member
    some people might lose weight because depression caused them to overeat and they reduce that behavior once the depression is being treated.

    I am sort of hoping that,that is what will happen for me.
    I should had been on anti depressant since i was little,but never did.
    So i did tend to eat/over .since starting my medicine this seems a lot clearer.
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    I hope you have success on Lexapro! Remember to look after your mental and physical health above any desire to look good :)
    Everyone is different, I personally found that starting to exercise regularly (I was super sedentary before) did WONDERS for my mental health, in fact I'm pretty sure I would still be on the meds if I hadn't started swimming and going on the exercise bike. Take one day at a time and try to do some exercise and eat well even if you feel tired :)
  • Nightxer
    Nightxer Posts: 25 Member
    I just found out that all three medicines i am on
    (Metoprolol,Omeprazole & Lexapro)
    do not interact well together.
    Why would my Dr do this >.<
  • amypopan88
    amypopan88 Posts: 1
    I have been on Lexapro, 20 mgs, for almost a year. In that time I have gained 15lbs (and rising). I was also on a cocktail of medications that do not react well together. The search for the right medications is very arduous. After a year I now have to go back and find new medications because of the significant weight I have gained.

    As stated above, make sure to stay active. Oftentimes, a good run is a great antidepressant.

    You'll find the right medication, but there is a large risk of weight gain so monitor that.

    Good luck!
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I was taking 10mg of the generic version of lexapro. I did notice a change in my mood. I actually a little lost weight when I was on it because my binge eating was a little curbed because my stress was a little bit more under control. I have since stopped taking it because the therapy is working and I'm better at managing my stress.
  • Angylisis78
    Angylisis78 Posts: 32
    I started taking 10mg Lexapro
    I'm still scared and worried about what it could do.
    Plus i have read a bunch of reviews about more weight gain than loss.

    Anyone else on Lexapro?
    Did / Do you experience the weight gain or loss?

    I had weight gain. I went on Lexapro 3 years ago for a post partum anxiety disorder. I was 172lbs when I gave birth, and had about 25ls to lose (about normal for me). I went from 172 to 195 in just a few short months and am now sitting at 204 (fully dressed at MD, i don't have a home scale anymore). It worked for the anxiety disorder, but coming off it was HORRIBLE. Watch out for withdrawal symptoms. The main one that's reported and which was the worst for me was an "electric shock/jolty" feeling every time I moved.
  • CaddieMay
    CaddieMay Posts: 356 Member
    I have been on 20mg of Lexapro for about 4 years and have not gained weight from it. Seroquel is another story. I could eat shoe leather on this stuff.
  • jgsimon1
    jgsimon1 Posts: 61
    I just found out that all three medicines i am on
    (Metoprolol,Omeprazole & Lexapro)
    do not interact well together.
    Why would my Dr do this >.<

    I take Metropolol (have taken it since 2008) and I also take generic Lexapro. I have no ill effects from that combo.
    I haven't gained any weight since adding the Lexapro almost 3 months ago. I feel generally better than I did before the Lexapro and it really hasn't affected my appetite one way or the other.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Personally, I've known many people on that medication and not a single one of them gain weight from it. One of my ex's was on it for anxiety while his sister was on it for depression. They were both rail thin, but not unhealthy.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I've been on Lexapro since 2011 (10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, now down to 5 mg). I gained a little weight when I started it because before I took it, I had no appetite thanks to my anxiety so obviously when I was feeling better I ate more than I was used to.

    The important thing to know is that the medication itself isn't what makes you gain/lose weight. You may have an increased or decreased appetite because of side effects, but any weight gain or loss is directly correlated to what you eat/don't eat. Now is a good time to really carefully track your food and activity.

    And good luck! If you are struggling with true depression/anxiety issues, I hope the possibility of weight gain or loss doesn't deter you from trying this medication. It has truly worked wonders for me.