SOO STUCK! please help!

Hi everyone,

I've been on MFP since jan 2013. I started at 150lbs in the hope of losing 10lbs however come May 2014 I have put on almost 20lbs! :sad: I have noticed that the weight has gone straight to my tummy :frown:

My calorie goal 1550kcals is based on my BMR. I usually meet this calorie goal, however looking at my macros i do often exceed my carbs and sugar. I (think!) i eat reasonably well on a daily basis but as you can see from my food diary i have all or nothing binges perhaps once or twice a month. (latest

I exercise everyday and burn a range of calories from running, cycling, walking, horse riding and hula hooping. I try not to eat back these calories but do tend to eat back at least half or sometimes all of them.

I also drink at least 2litres of water a day and get about 8hrs sleep.

So i still dont understand why i am gaining -is it because im exceeding my macros or have a binge once in a while? or i do mainly cardio and more often then not eat back calories from exercise?

can anyone see anything else im missing? or make any other suggestions?

Thanks! :smile:


  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    Quick question. Are you accurately measuring/weighing the food that you eat?

    I was in a similar situation a few years ago. I tried to lose a few pounds over 2012, but my vision of portion sizes was absolutely terrible. I would believe a 3-cup bowl filled with cereal is filled with only 1-cup of cereal, and I would log in my diary that I ate 1-cup of cereal. Long story short, I ended up losing maybe three pounds during my endeavor, and I ended up gaining it all back plus an additional 30 pounds over the next year.

    Unfortunately, due to some medical issues, I now need to know how much of a food I am eating in order to determine how much medication to take with my meal. Now that I am accurately measuring and weighing my foods, the pounds are starting to come off a lot more easily, and I know that my diary is a lot more accurate of what I am eating now compared to my first attempt at this weight loss journey.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You are not eating at a calorie deficiency. Absence of medical conditions, weight gain is caused by overeating. Please read this:
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Looking at your diary, you don't seem to be weighing your food. Also, I see some generic entries. The homemade tomato that a recipe you entered or did you pick it from the database?
  • lucyhross
    lucyhross Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks abatonfan,

    i dont have an accurate food scale so work in tbs and grams for example 1tbs of porridge oats is 15g. i also have a portion guide on my fridge which helps, and if im not 100% sure i often say ive eaten a bit more.

    Should i invest in a food scale?
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    I wouldn't worry to much about the cheat meals if they happen once every few weeks.

    So over a year and quarter you put on 20 lbs. That means you're eating an extra 100-200 calories / day. Find a way to cut out 300 calories / day from the way you're currently eating and you'll start losing.
  • lucyhross
    lucyhross Posts: 87 Member
    You are not eating at a calorie deficiency. Absence of medical conditions, weight gain is caused by overeating. Please read this:

    thanks for the link- its very helpful! Right i'm going to try measuring more accurately and see how it goes
  • lucyhross
    lucyhross Posts: 87 Member
    I wouldn't worry to much about the cheat meals if they happen once every few weeks.

    So over a year and quarter you put on 20 lbs. That means you're eating an extra 100-200 calories / day. Find a way to cut out 300 calories / day from the way you're currently eating and you'll start losing.

    i first started eating 1250 calories but found this difficult- maybe dropping it to 1400 and burn an extra 150?
  • Angylisis78
    Angylisis78 Posts: 32
    I think maybe if you weigh your food you'll find that you don't need to "cut" any calories. I tried to lose weight for years, but only managed it once I started really going hardcore on measuring out my portions.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Should i invest in a food scale?

    Yes! Weigh all solids and viscous foods (like peanut butter, etc.). You want a food scale with the option to tare out the container. So for example, you could put a bowl on the scale, tare it out, and add your food and get the weight that way. For smaller quantities of foods (butter, peanut butter, cheese), I use 1cup glass prep bowls that I find really handy. I have like 10 of them in my cabinet. I put one of the small little bowls on the scale, tare it, and weigh my food out accordingly. It helps tremendously.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Stop faffing around and buy a digital food scale, they really are inexpensive.
  • Nimbus5000
    Nimbus5000 Posts: 15 Member
    Firstly, gorgeous horse in your pic, looks like you were having fun. I tried to get back into riding having been into it really heavily as a teenager. On my third ride, the horse bolted in a field, jumped a 1.2m gate on to a road. I made it to the road, then fell off, smacked my head, hip etc.. Needless to say I've only been riding again one more time, I was stiff as a mannequin, and I only went to save face. Any tips for regaining confidence?! It's strange as I didn't mind all the falling off as a teenager..

    Sorry, I digress!

    Looking at your diary, I think generally you eat well, plenty of whole foods in there and an impressive amount of fresh fruit and veg. Possibly replace some of your cereal-based/ carb meals with lean proteins and fat to the same energy value, as this may help you to . By choosing low fat natural or Greek yogurt (not the 0% fat flavoured type as it's full of sugar) instead of flavoured yogurts you can save 100 calories for the same quantity of yogurt. Maybe add a few chopped berries for flavour if you find it too bland.

    I would reiterate that you should measure your food and do away with measuring in cups, stick to grams. I guess you live in the UK. I bought a scale from the Argos Value range for only about £8. I've worked out that it measures to an accuracy of +/- 0.5g. It's absolutely worth the money, though when I found myself measuring out exactly 100g of lettuce, I figured I had gone too far. It's definitely worth it for measuring rice/pasta/starchy vegetables, proteins, yogurt from larger cartons. Well, anything really.

    I'd also say be careful with using generic nutrition information for meat. Even with leaner meats such as chicken there will be differences in terms of muscle/fat portions in the food depending on how it was farmed and produced, and the cut of it, so it is best to refer to the actual container wherever possible.

    Make sure you are measuring cooking oils when used.

    I don't know if you drink alcohol, but that is also something to watch carefully.

    By all means enjoy treat meals and alcohol if you want to but keep a record and prepare for it. I tend to find it easier to create a deficit in advance of a party/ meal out by spending an extra hour at the gym or other form of exercise that day than try to compensate afterwards. Most importantly, for me, I enjoy my time out a lot more when I don't feel guilty about how I'm overindulging in the process.

    I think it really will be as simple as saving 100-200 calories a day. Measure your food out for the amount you typically choose, then reduce your portion sizes by 10%. I bet you won't even notice the amount being any smaller.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    I wouldn't worry to much about the cheat meals if they happen once every few weeks.

    So over a year and quarter you put on 20 lbs. That means you're eating an extra 100-200 calories / day. Find a way to cut out 300 calories / day from the way you're currently eating and you'll start losing.

    i first started eating 1250 calories but found this difficult- maybe dropping it to 1400 and burn an extra 150?

    That sounds like a good plan.
  • lucyhross
    lucyhross Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks so much for all your advice. Definitely want to try a digital food scale. I was always told simply eat less move more, but maybe im just eating more then i thought...

    Nimbus5000 i lost my confidence a while back but since falling in love with a new horse im slowly getting there and he is growing in confidence too! hoping to jump 1.1m this year (without falling off...) i found that doing alot of ground work with a horse that you can trust really helps when it comes to riding. maybe find a safe smaller horse so that you feel more in control? small steps and spending time regularly with horses is what helped me. Hope you start it again its such a rewarding sport!:happy: