shunkawakon Member


  • Rae - Thanks so much for your input. Actually, I have been adding different things like squats and deadlifts in addition to Jamie Eason's program because I have read alot about how essential they are. I understand that her program may not be the best out there, but it was a good start I needed into understanding heavy…
  • thanks for the positive thoughts italiankid!! woohooo. excited. I totally fell in LOVE with lifting heavy. Feels awesome, and my arms are pretty ridiculous for a female (I did lots of weight training before...but nothing like this) I don't want you tot hink i've been lifting heavy for 1 month and look ripped. I've been…
  • I keep forgetting to answer all these questions. yes I am eating slightly over maintenance for my height, weight, and activity level. Not much though.
  • I am also completely aware that a 5 pound, or any weight gain while lifting includes fat gained as well! I know that those 5 pounds are not all muscle...haha (i wish!) thanks!
  • Don't get on my a** about it but I lost alot of my weight eating 1200 calories as specified from MFP. I started to really educate myself on nutrition and the body, and threw out the 1200 number as ridiculous. I eat when I'm hungry, with good percentages of each component (stick between 50-55% carbs, 30 protein and 20 fat,…
  • AMEN! haha!! (I'm from minnesota)
  • 30DS has completely transformed my body, and inspired me to go onto p90x, and strength training on my own. ALso just bought 6 week 6 pack, have seen awesome results from other people on here. Thanks to JM and 30DS, I can see faint ab lines and I am determined to make them come out!!!! hahah isn't it sad how you can get…
  • have you eaten enough before you start the shred? a few times with 30DS, or p90x I have felt soooo sick and had to stop, its because I didn't have enough energy to workout. basically, your body will try and prevent you from working out if you do not have enough energy to do so, because your body would much rather use that…
  • is turbo jam just mainly cardio stuff? or circuit training/strength as well?
  • i sneak glances at myself.....mostly in the reflections of windows not the gynormous mirrors at the gym. hahahaha
  • I hate the guys that come in "full costume"....baggy jeans, stupid *kitten* straight-brimmed hat and in their stupid jerseys....soooo annoying! nobody should be there trying to impress anyone!!! also, there are a lot of naked women walking around my locker room....and of course I have to avert the eyes downward. Sometimes…
  • Wow!! What quick responses!!! Really appreciate it guys, you are a HUGE help (and the nudge I needed to make a HEALTHY decision)!!! I am a chef at a hotel, so I around lots of fresh produce readily available for me to I am eating pretty healthy, not a lot of sugar (maybe once a week I indulge) I do drink…
  • I was MISERABLY sore for the first 4 days (not to try and scare you or anything). I worked through the soreness, and POOF. Day 5 or 6 I wasn't sore any more. And even through to level 2 I don't get nearly as sore (just minimally during the level change). I mean, I couldn't even walk at work forf the first 4 days. It goes…
  • uh yeahh!!!! FYI the first 5 days i was SOOO FLIPPING SORE!!!! then it goes away as you get stronger, its funny how suddenly you just stop hurting. But I was SOOO sore the first 5 days I was worried it was always going to be like this!! I love it, I've done 12 days of level 1, just started level 2. Huge difference in my…
  • Wow! that doesn't seem high at all! that seems way higher than the numbers I get from my MFP counter thingie. I don't wear a heart monitor because mine requires me to put my finger on it so it takes my pulse...which I would not have time to during teh 30DS. I always only log about 21 minutes of circuit training, because…
  • I love my Lifetime!!! I am sooo motivated when I'm there, and all the free classes and benefits are amazing. My health insurance covers $20 of the club fees, so I only pay $30. I think its totally worth it. I am just not the small gym (never went when I was a member) nor a work-at-home type of person. I needed to be around…
  • hello! well i'm 21 years young, not sure how old some of these people who are complaining about knee problems....but I haven't had any issues. Some food for thought... I used to play hockey for my entire life, I started having issues when I graduated from high school and no longer played hockey. I went to a sports medicine…
  • I read up ALOT ALOT ALOT on nutrition and fitness....educating myself on what is actually in foods, and what it does 'scientifically' to the body really helped me steer clear of the sweets that my pastry chef makes. Knowledge is power! I reccomend buying some books on food and fitness, they really helped me!
  • I am 5'2" 144 is still pretty heavy set for that height...and my starting weight of 171 was INSANE for that height!!
  • Wow, thanks for actually GOING OUT THERE AND TRYING IT!!! I was always to afraid to give up a few weeks (i know I know....) to eat back exercise calories. I am exercising moderately hard for 6 days a week, and I try not to eat back my exercise calories. But If I do, I never sweat it. Thanks for the experiment!!
  • completely overhaul your diet!! remember its 80% food and 20% exercise (roughly) for weight loss!!! Make sure you eat rich, dense, healthy calories...but don't forget to treat yourself when you want too, otherwise its too hard! you can do this, go to our Success Stories board, there are SOOO many mommies with before and…
  • Jackie Warner wrote a good book that explains some science behind nutritional benefits of certain foods and exercise. One of the items of food she suggest eating EVERYDAY to get the GOOD FATS is half an avacado, OR peanut butter. I always have peanut butter with apples (only the suggested 2 Tbsp serving size though). I get…
  • yay! good job, keep up the good work!
  • Thanks guys....I make it a point not to weigh myself everyday, but rather every two weeks. Perhaps my muscles are swollen. although in highschool I was a fulltime hockey and rugby player, so I'm a dense short girl. My lowest weight was 135, but i'm sure i was skinny fat because of hte lack of exercise. I was 145 in…
  • I agree!!! I took two days off for vacation, wnet up north, and ate whatever I wanted for those two days...HEY ITS VACATION... I got so sick my last night because I felt SOOOO bloated. I didn't eat crap, but I did eat pasta...clams...lots of wine....fries....EW. I feel great and full when I eat the right foods. My little…