Gaining weight with heavy lifting (female)

I started heavy lifting about a month ago. I also added 200 more calories to my diet. I feel AMAZING when I lift heavy, but that also means that I cut my time that I spend doing my cardio as well. I do alot of HIT training along with the weight lifting. I just weighed myself today, and saw that I have gained 5 pounds. I'm not freaking out or anything, but my question is this:

If I keep lifting heavy for another month, and eating the same (if not a little more calories), then can I turn around in a month and start upping my cardio and lower my calories (AKA cutting?) I've looked and read about this alot when it comes to body builders. Will this work? Should I be worried about my weight gain?

Stupid questions I know, but I'm curious about the whole "cutting" phase and trying it out...


  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    When you say you added 200 calories, what did you add it to? Are you now eating OVER maintenance? You have to eat over maintenance to gain muscle. If you haven't been what you are experiencing is probably water weight. When we strength train our bodies store extra water.

    What type of lifting program are you doing?

    I did a bulk cycle over the winter. I was eating 2800 NET. I gained 10lbs. There are before and after pictures in my bio.
  • *bump* Want to read this for later.
  • Kelekat
    Kelekat Posts: 174 Member
    Are you following a specific plan?

    I started "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" almost 3 weeks ago and I've lost 5 pounds and 1.5% body fat. I upped my calories, but not to the extent they tell you to. Just can't eat that much food--but maybe at some point once I dump the fat and replace it all with lean muscle--I'll be hungrier.

    Rather than worry about the weight gain, I'd look at how my clothes are fitting.....
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Bulking for 2 months isn't going to put on that much muscle. I would go at least 6 months.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    You want to know what that gains means. It's not all muscle (5 lbs of muscle in one month is not probable, perhaps even possible, especially not if you are not at a calorie surplus). But its not necessarily fat either. How do your clothes fit? If you just started lifting heavy it can be a combination of water retention etc. (or even just day to day water retention...I've seen swings that big)

    Basically if you clothes fit better, your body fat is lower (if you measure it) and you've lost any inches, keep it up.

    As far as where to go from here if you're not currently bulking (eating surplus calories) then you are still technically cutting right now. Adding more cardio and cutting won't necessarily get you better results. You want moderate cardio, heavy lifting, a calorie level that suits your goals (whether that be fat loss, maintenance, or muscle gain).
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    when you bulk. putting on both muscle and fat is inevitable.. just make sure you actually use your bulk to gain strength. when you feel like you have gained to much fat .. you can cut.. there is no set amount of time you have to bulk or cut...

    tho.. i would recommended longer bulks
  • DorisR184
    DorisR184 Posts: 471 Member
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
  • shunkawakon
    shunkawakon Posts: 37 Member
    Don't get on my a** about it but I lost alot of my weight eating 1200 calories as specified from MFP. I started to really educate myself on nutrition and the body, and threw out the 1200 number as ridiculous. I eat when I'm hungry, with good percentages of each component (stick between 50-55% carbs, 30 protein and 20 fat, it works for me). I've added 200 healthy, good calories. I eat frequently throughout the day.

    I have read NROLW but I don't do their exercises, I have been doing Jamie Easons' 12 week trainer along with only a FEW additions (like some HIT training). So I probably eat around 1500 to 1600 calories a day, I weigh 135 (well, now 140) and i'm 5'2".

    I have never weighed below 130 in my life, and I know that my body is thicker and that my weight will always hang around the heavy part of the BMI spectrum.

    I'm not necessarily doing a bulk and cut, but was curious if I could accomplish something sort of like that.

    Also, all my clothes still good, if not better than when I was not lifting heavy. I've been weaning myself away from the scale and telling myself that number doesn't matter anymore. Perhaps I needed reassurance from other people? (pathetic, I know).

    Also a very important factor... I am a Chef. I have to TASTE EVERYTHING I PUT OUT. I work in a top restaurant, and literally everything I taste has cream, butter, and salt in it. Almost EVERYTHING. I do not have a choice, I have to taste it. So I was a little afraid of that as well, but I think it all evens out in the end.

    Appreciate all the comments!
  • shunkawakon
    shunkawakon Posts: 37 Member
    I am also completely aware that a 5 pound, or any weight gain while lifting includes fat gained as well! I know that those 5 pounds are not all muscle...haha (i wish!) thanks!
  • 1st off, those "5 pounds" could be water weight for all you know. But assuming its not, since you started lifting heavy, id say .5-2lbs of those 5 are muscle. Especially since your only upping your calories by 200 extra a day, you deffinetely are on a nice steady gain! You will not get fat by eating 200cals excess a day, now if you were to eat 1000 calories extra a day, id be concerned lol but keep eating more[200 cals] a day until mid april! You'll notice when you start cutting, your physique will be much more tight & toned! hope i helped =]
  • shunkawakon
    shunkawakon Posts: 37 Member
    I keep forgetting to answer all these questions.

    yes I am eating slightly over maintenance for my height, weight, and activity level. Not much though.
  • shunkawakon
    shunkawakon Posts: 37 Member
    thanks for the positive thoughts italiankid!! woohooo. excited. I totally fell in LOVE with lifting heavy. Feels awesome, and my arms are pretty ridiculous for a female (I did lots of weight training before...but nothing like this) I don't want you tot hink i've been lifting heavy for 1 month and look ripped. I've been doing strength for 4 months prior.

    THanks so much!!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So if you are only eating 1400 calories, no you are not gaining muscle. It's just water weight. 1400 shouldn't be over maintenance even for someone your height. I'd use something like this to figure out your TDEE: Then you take that TDEE and subtract 10-20% from it if you want to lose, add 10% if you want to gain.

    Jamie Eason's program is not the best out there (even though she's freaking hawt and adorable). If you want to build strength and muscle you should be doing the big compound lifts (with good, safe form) like squats, deadlifts, bench, etc. You don't need all those isolation moves Jamie's program has until you already have a nice muscle base (like Jamie does). New Rules Stage 1 is a really good program, I've done it but switched off before moving on to Stage 2. Currently I'm doing Strong Lifts 5x5. I've also heard good things about Starting Strength.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    There is a good chance that you are holding a lot more water if you are eating properly along with your heavy lifting.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Jamie Eason's program is not the best out there (even though she's freaking hawt and adorable). If you want to build strength and muscle you should be doing the big compound lifts (with good, safe form) like squats, deadlifts, bench, etc. You don't need all those isolation moves Jamie's program has until you already have a nice muscle base (like Jamie does). New Rules Stage 1 is a really good program, I've done it but switched off before moving on to Stage 2. Currently I'm doing Strong Lifts 5x5. I've also heard good things about Starting Strength.

    Rae is my hero
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Hi, just wanted to encourage you to check out the MFP group Eating more to weigh less. Its a group of women, many of whom are lifting heavy and eating enough to support their hard work in the gym, and losing. That being said, it is very likely that your muscles are holding onto water. In time your body should adjust...Ive been told, lol. I lift heavy on a regular basis and am still hanging onto alot of water weight (I hope). You can try drinking hot lemon water throughout the day, as Ive found that helps me when I am super bloated. I would also encourage you to keep upping your calories. I think it takes our bodies about 4 weeks to adjust to a new calorie level before we can accurately assess whether or not "its working".
  • banananisme
    banananisme Posts: 60 Member
  • mrsladybrewer
    mrsladybrewer Posts: 70 Member
    Bump for later finding - there is some great info here!