GothJuice Member


  • Hi! My name's Robin, I'm 23 years old I have a BSc in Forensic Science and am about to start an MSc in Archaeological Sciences come September (and in doing so moving away from my home town for the first time ever!! EEK!!) I have been on and off MFP for the past few years trying to tackle my fitness and anxiety issues. I've…
  • I like to make smoothies where you can easily get 2-5 servings a day in. At lunch times I always incorporate salad in some way, lots of places when your eating out will let you switch certain foods for salad options or at least a healthier alternative which will give you 1 of your five a day. I also tend to keep raw carrot…
  • At the beginning of the summer I dug out a pair of jeans that used to fit me snugly last year, and they were a bit too tight for me... Yesterday I wore them and was walking around when something felt off, I realized they had fallen halfwaydown my bottom, exposing my comfy granny pants to the world!! Guess I'm going to have…
  • Have you tried tofu? It's a very good protein source and, as far as I am aware, gluten free! It absorbs flavor well (I highly recommend flavoring it!) and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes (tofu chocolate pudding is yummy!). Chickpeas are also really good for boosting protein, and quite nutritious too! They…
  • I have a similar issue, I'm really bad at getting myself up and out of bed in the morning and that's without the added earliness I'd need to get up to get to the gym before going to university and work. I also work out the best in the early afternoon than other times. So I have started going to the gym on weekends when it…
  • Welcome to MFP! There are lots of really friendly people on this site, all here to support you!! Feel free to add me! ^_^
    in Hello Comment by GothJuice July 2014
  • Don't panic! The problem lies in overweighing yourself! Your weight fluctuates between around 3-5lbs during the day, with you tending to weigh in lighter on the morning than in the evening. For example, the other day I weighed myself first thing in the morning after getting up and using the bathroom, I weighed in at…
  • Hey there, I like you, manage to keep things up steady for a few weeks, but for me something will happen in my personal life that prevents me from going to the gym and getting back into it is like the hardest thing in the world for me! I used to have a big problem with caffeine, I managed to kick the habit, and also…
  • Hey there, I went through a horrible break up after a two and a half year on and off relationship with a guy who repeatedly cheated, or attempted to cheat, with other women. I lost a lot of friends during the course of that relationship too so when I eventually got my poop together and left I felt quite alone. I spent a…
  • WHOVIANS!!! I FOUND WHOVIANS!!! YAY!!! Hi! -cheesygrin!-
    in Allons-y! Comment by GothJuice June 2014
  • The uni does have a gym which I am using and will be attempting to get up early to use but it doesn't open very early in the morning so I am thinking I am going to have to try and cram it in at weekends and evenings! I am going to take fruit and veg and learn to make well balanced bento boxes into my uni. Unfortunately…
  • It's fantastic that you've realized you need to make a change and have decided to act upon it but the purpose of this site is to support those taking a healthy approach to weight loss and changing their lifestyle, consuming no more than 600 calories a day is not a healthy approach. You may drop a bit of weight immediately,…
  • Generally you'll find that in the first two weeks you'll drop more than you'd expect, but then it tends to go down to around 0.5-2lb a week depending on the amount of exercise you do and the amount of calories you consume. Slow and steady is better as it is easier to continue with the lifestyle changes you are making! :)
  • For some reason it won't let me edit my post of fix the broken images. Boo!!!
  • That's awesome congratulations!! I did the same thing, once I was actually at the local pool I realized there are many people bigger and smaller than me either more covered or even more scantily clad! No one gives it half a thought! It's amazing! I still have quite a bit of weight to lose but I've been making it a mission…
  • I don't really incorporate rice into my diet, come to think of it, I'll definitely give that a go, I always get full quite quickly with it though! ^_^
  • Carbs don't matter, calories do. Besides, the Atkins diet is supposed to be temporary, it's not a long term solution. I have a friend who insists on doing atkins and has been yoyo dieting using it for the past two years, my weight loss occurs slowly along side hers, but mine is staying off, hers isn't. If your diet is…
  • Managed to do 20 minutes on a cross-trainer without dying! and on Thursday my boyfriends mum turned to me and said "have you lost weight Robin? You look slimmer since I last saw you!" Yay, my effort is noticeable!! ^_^
  • Everyone slips up and binges from time to time. I combat it by never buying junk food when I do my weekly shopping. If I crave junk food during the week I have to evaluate if it is worth walking 25 minutes to the nearest shop to buy it, it rarely is. Maybe stop buying Quest Bars, or only pick up one? I'm really bad with…
  • You don't know poverty until you've lived off 15p instant noodles... ahhh first year university... you were bad for my diet... ^_^
  • Hi there!! I'm Robin, from England, happy to be a part of your worldwide friend group if you want me! I'm looking to lose around 15-20lbs for October so I can start my final year of university feeling awesome! Like you this is a re-attempt which I have successfully stuck too since the end of May, I've thrown myself into…
  • I want to print this out and stick it to my housemates door. Maybe she'll realize the reason she's not losing weight and I am is because the carbs aren't the be all and end all of weight loss. Also it's hilarious I am keeping this bookmarked! :D
  • Lower amount, the gym machines will show you how much you have burned for whatever intensity you have set it too and log consistently if you change up the resistance and stuff, MFP doesn't take this into account when logging!
  • After continual bowts of severe anxiety that stopped me from going outside unsupervised, if at all, I can happily report that for the past two (almost three) weeks I've been off to the gym by myself, going out food shopping instead of ordering it to my door, and walking into town and getting public transport again rather…
  • Hey! I'm in the North East of the UK! You can get protein shake powder from the large Tesco and Asda supermarkets, you can find it near the area where they sell vitamins and diet shakes like Slim Fast. Also if you have a Holland & Barrett in your area they sell protein shake powder too! They also sell ones made with soy…
  • Confidence is definitely the issue rather than size! To get a bikini body you put on a bikini! :P In response to what you said though, yes I get a little bluesy seeing loads of girls my age in the area running around with short shorts on and their midriffs on display, I am yet to develop the confidence to just go for it!
  • It's really easy to look at online recipes and go "whatttt...?!" You'll find though if you look up a couple of similar meals you'll have a lot of the same ingredients which cuts down on how much you need to buy of everything :) Websites like SuperCook, let you search for recipes based on what ingredients you already have…
  • Jean is Dead - Descendents :)