luce3003 Member


  • Thanks to both of you for those replies...never tried kettlebells so I'll definately look up that book and something like an app could really help me see progress/track my workouts too... Thanks again! xxx
  • Thanks for that - I've never tried anything like pilates/yoga before so that would be a new challenge too! Hoping it eases off in time as GP said most cases do but we'll see....just want to try anything that will help in the meantime! :-)
  • Brilliant, thanks for the suggestions all! I have a good while to go yet so can try some different combos to see what works out before commiting to a plan! I'm not too concerned with a particular time etc for the 1/2 I just want to be able to make it round to give my sis in law some moral support (although she will…
  • Glad you have mentioned this as I have noticed that I get itchy arms after squatting too!! It's not where the bar touches me (and I sometimes use my sweat towel as a cushion too) so don't think i'm allergic to chalk/cleaning products but maybe the trapped nerve/reduced blood flow has something to do with it...?! My arms…
  • Nope - if I go after work I take baby wipes to remove it! Only because I sweat like a mofo n wipe my face with my towel so much i'd end up looking like a crazy, red faced, sweaty panda...also I tend to get more spots if I work out in make up - greasy/sweaty combo is not good for my skin!! My hair is a messy pineapple on…
  • @SonicDeathMon - lmao, that prob is what i would look like if I posted an actual pic of me hahahaha!!!! :laugh: @LeadingMuscle - thanks I will defo try the *kitten*/calf flexing altho I imagine it'll take a little getting used to - might look like I've s**t my pants for first few days....!!! xxx
  • I think it helps for the ladies who may not be comfortable posting in a thread that guys post in too - you can see from the number of posts on MFP about ladies being scared to even go into the weightroom that a lot of us think that guys may not be that supportive - not my own experience but maybe some ladies feel this is a…
    in For Women? Comment by luce3003 July 2014
  • Lol thanks...better than a real life, extremely dodgy pic of me!! :laugh:
  • Wow thanks guys - I hadn't heard about the companies being sued!! Yep defo sounds like i'll be sticking to my good old regular trainers! Thanks again!! :drinker:
  • Hi!! I eat - try to stick to around 1900 but doesn't always work (especially weekends!!) and I am currently doing SL 5x5 as well as some iso weightlifting. Trying to get back into my running a bit too as hate excercise classes...i'm such a training loner!!
  • Lol I laughed when I saw this question as I had an issue UNLOADING plates this week - I think the end of the bar was slightly damaged so I just about managed to get the plate on, did my workout, but then could I get it off!!?? No chance! Luckily I was in a quiet side room at the gym so I didn't look like a totally helpless…
  • I had the same problem too in my right hip - felt really tight almost like it was cramping. Although this was after I'd got home from the gym rather than while I was squatting. Although thinking I may have upped the weight too high too fast on my squats so may bring it back down a little and try to focus on form - I get…
  • Thanks for the reply!! I kind of thought that myself but when you have someone basically saying "you haven't worked hard enough if you can still walk/climb stairs/breathe" is a little demotivating!! What you say makes total sense - I was doing iso lifts previously and that's when I woul ache more - still do the odd few set…
  • Thanks all :-D xxx
  • Hello, I felt I was in the same boat as you recently so after having a good nosey round the threads on here I have started Stronglifts 5x5. It feels a bit back to basics, after spending months doing 5/6 excercises for each body part, but everyone seems to be very positive about it - it might be worth you reading up on…
  • Thank you!! I thought I probably did but I never have before when lifting for some reason!!?? This makes my PB deadlift look a little more impressive now I can add an extra 20kg lol!! Xxx
  • I have tried numerous times to sign up for the 'starter pack' and e-mails but don't ever seem to get the e-mail through (yes i've checked my junk/spam folder!!). After reading this thread I'm now kinda glad I can't get them!!! First night tonight trying SL5x5 - wish me luck! xxx
  • Thanks rileysowner I have just found the groups section! xxx
  • Since I started lifting I would say I have put on approx 1 stone, although I'm not a big fan of scales so can't be sure what my exact start weight was. Don't know how much is muscle and how much is fat leftover from Xmas though, although my clothes fit the same as pre Xmas now! I try to ignore what the scales say and judge…
  • Lol I very rarely WANT to do cardio... :tongue:
  • I think you've hit the nail on the head...I only seem to increase when I feel like I can do X number of sets/reps comfortably, so with this forcing me to increase it's pushing me beyond my comfort zone. :happy:
  • Thanks MissB46! Did you literally just stick to the plan with no other lifts? I currently do maybe 5/6 lifts/machines per body part (so legs day for e.g. would be squats, calf raises, leg extension, leg curl, leg press and maybe some lunges) so I don't know if I'd feel like I was doing enough? Although I guess I would feel…