KaelaFrost Member


  • As of the 27 @ 3am...and it's now the 28th at 5:20 am I've had ONE glass of dr pepper and One glass of sprite! had an upset tummy and the bf rather poured the sprite down my throat lol Other then that I've been mainly drinking water and water and water and some apple juice
  • Thanks I might should try this.. how i manage to fit in my water and all my dr. pepper without exploding beats me lol
  • yup...and i don't like the diet drinks....a friend of mine lost 50 ish pounds from going from mt dew...to diet mt dew...and I'd rather just drink water if I had the choice.. I'm slowly...or not so slowly depending on the day....guzzling water..... I do tho thoroughly wish I could exercise some of the dr. pepper out....but…
  • i'M 5'4 1/2 AND it has my ideal weight abotu 145...but I'm going to try to get down to 130 or 135....since most of my weight is butt and thighs..i can help the thighs...but the big butt isn't going anywhere no matter what i weight
  • might I add in after looking at my ticker.. I had lost 2 pounds, but gained it back so back to 0
    in *sigh* Comment by KaelaFrost March 2011
  • I love this site.. since my problem is overeating mostly.. so while I'm not yet to the healthiest foods imagineable.. I am cutting down portion size to watch my cals and carbs.. 5 days in and 2 pounds gone! I know it will not always be as such and that' I'm liable to gain that back here n there as I settle into my routine…
  • Wow.. I see serious differences so AWESOME AWESOME JOB!!!
  • We made it and it taste goooooooooooooood! almost too banana tasting for me but good non the less.. The Niece Loves it.. Waiting for the nephew to get out the tub to try it and the bil will get to his shortly.. yayayayayayaya
  • my and the 3 i live with are gonna try this tonight.. the only thing I needed to by was the banana's (must count exactly how many bottles of vanilla extract my MIL has in the cabinet LOL) Maybe I will try it with Strawberries next time.. and yes.. How would we store it? cause not everyone in my house is a choco fan or a…
  • I log mine.. I don't look at the numbers too much but I am anal about keeping track of everything because that's just me.. and MFP makes that way easier then writing it down everyday.. I'm well aware that the numbers can make it depressing to a point. I generally exercise last thing of the day.. once the kids are in bed…
  • hey hun! I am also working slowly to get out of the obese range. *crosses fingers* my first weigh in is in 30 minutes!! Anyways you can add me if you'd like for friends and support!
  • WTG!!! Congrats!!