How much should I weigh?

lucyinthesky433 Posts: 13
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I am 5'4" and weigh approx 145lbs. I don't want to be super thin, nor thick. What would you imagine is a good, healthy weight. I want to be average in size. I wear a size 7/8 in American Eagle and Express but sometimes get 9/10's. I was thinking a 3/4 or 5/6 would be ideal but what do you guys think, especially targeting ladies my height/pant size. I'm new to this. Thanks!!! :)


  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'm 5'4" (well... 5'3.75") and 140 is my ideal weight. BUT, I have large, dense bones. Someone the same height with small, fine bones would have a lower healthy weight.

    And that's before you figure in body fat which is a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I would say 130.... 135 max. My daughter is 2 inches shorter than you average bone size, and she was 135 and it was too much for her. She is aiming at 117 to 125 max.
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    That is good to have a size goal, much better than a weight goal. Weight is such a fickle thing. Keep with your goal and if you get down to like a 5/6 and you are feeling like you are too small-stop and start maintenance at that point. If you feel like you could keep going then keep going down to your goal. Again good choice with the size goal!!
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    OH, and I wouldn't go below a 5/6 She is in 5/6 and is weighing 127 right now.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    So I know the BMI has its problems and all, but it's generally a good place to start when assessing what an ideal weight is. So put your numbers in the BMI calculator, and it will give you a range. Depending on your frame and all that, you can choose where, within that range, you should be. M
    Example: My range is 115 - 155 pounds. I'm 5'5, but I've got a medium to large frame, and a large chest (no matter how much weight I lose, lol). So at 115, I'd be ridiculous looking, and would probably fall over. 140-155 is my ideal; I remember looking and feeling good in that range when I was younger, and everything was still proportional.

    Hope this helped!
  • I'm 5'4" too, and my current weight is 145.5.. I'm trying to get down to a weight i'm comfortable with, and not be super skinny, so my goal weight is 127 lbs. This is the middle of my healthy weight range according to bmi calculations. And although bmi isn't perfectly accurate, it's a good guide.
  • Thanks.

    I am just a little heavier than i want. I don't feel comfortable in my skin at over 140. I think 125-130 would be ideal for me. I am at the very top of the BMI scale of being normal weight going to overweight. I have a more petite frame with a 34d chest but they arent thhhhat big haha, 34d is kinda like a 36c really. I don't know, like I said I am new to this whole thing! It's pretty cool and it's free! thanks everyone!
  • Well honestly weight and height ratios are just silly. I'm 5'3" and 145 now and in a size 5/6 when I got married 9 years ago and was 135, my dress was a 4. So really it just depends on your body style, how you carry your weight, and what not. I'm lucky enough to be very proportioned so that helps me out a lot, but even at my happy weight I am on the "higher end" of the BMI scale. That's part of the reason I don't live by #'s. I say if you are more comfortable 10lbs lighter go for it, but don't let some chart tell you, that you should be that weight!
  • mamato3inca
    mamato3inca Posts: 168 Member
    I am pretty small boned and have a short torso. I need to be around 120 to be comfortable. Anything over that and my stomach is hanging over my pants. But, I have really small arms and legs, and super short torso! Oh and im currently 5 '4 and 135 pounds, but for me its way too much.
  • KaelaFrost
    KaelaFrost Posts: 15 Member
    i'M 5'4 1/2 AND it has my ideal weight abotu 145...but I'm going to try to get down to 130 or 135....since most of my weight is butt and thighs..i can help the thighs...but the big butt isn't going anywhere no matter what i weight
  • According to your gender, height and age, you should be in between 108 and 145 lbs. See and do the "My Healthy Weight Assessment" :)
  • 108 would be scary thin and I'm at 145 now so proabably between 120-130 would be good for me. And, I also have a short torso too. Anything under 140 makes me feel ok but above that, i just feel like a fatty :) thanks again everyone...i know this is a hard question but i like to hear about the ladies that are close in weight and height as me and see what they say. thanks thanks thanks
  • You're welcome!!
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