

  • gosh, no idea on the cholesterol thing, but I will say this is an awesome spot for support for your goals! Welcome and all the best!
  • I googled 'how to learn to run' a few weeks back, and the site was the best fir for me. I signed up for an email everyday giving me the days programme, the programme was '3 weeks to a 30-minute-a-day running habit'. It is FANTASTIC! Gives you 2-3 days running, then a rest day (or do-something-else day), then…
  • Stress does weird things to my ability to control calorie intake so I fully empathise with you. Do you have temp agencies over there where they find you short term contract stuff? I've found that when you can go in, be a star for a few days, go to the next place, be a star, etc etc, they tend to prioritise you in…
    in Job Stress Comment by kmck045 May 2011
  • Don't know about the energy/motivation side of things - I got hooked on the things so went cold turkey cos I thought that couldn't be a good sign! Always got jittery/couldn't sit still when I was drinking energy drinks.
  • Hell, you guys are awesome! Well, here's the result of today... There was nothing much I could scrounge up at work but I did find a bag of raw nuts. I had about 40gms 20 minutes before my run. I went for my run and it was SO HARD. I've been gradually building up over the last 2 months, and from being a never-break-a-walk…
  • Wow. That is awesome advice. I've printed out your daily plan and I start tomorrow morning! Thank you so much!
  • Thank you for that programme! I like the sound of it. I run at lunchtime because I start work at 7.30am and I've got an hour to drive to work, so it's too dark to go before work. I have figured out that I can't run very far at all on nothing. I think I'm just messed up with food in general and need to get it sorted pronto…
  • I think I better bring some supplies in to the office!!!!!! Thank you all so much. I think this all explains why I lose 3 kilos, gain 3 kilos, lose 3 kilos, gain 4 kilos...
  • Ideas are good - thanks! I better go on a hunt cos I'm thinking I can't really wait till I get home tonight to start the intake! By the way - I find it very easy to just not eat for most of the day and then tend to go crazy at night. This I know is bad - but is it That Bad?
  • Perhaps work out roughly how many minutes aerobic/cardio and how many minutes strength training and log seperately?
    in Hrmmm Comment by kmck045 May 2011
  • Fell off the diet wagon with a big old crash after a break-up that wasn't much fun. I've only just; started again now - and it's just been a matter of having a new start point and remembering that if ya did it once, you can sure as eggs do it again. On the bright side - your body likes to maintain homeostasis to some…
  • Hmm. I didn't think about the fact I'm normally a little under the calorie goal. I'm a bit destitute at the mo so I decided to take up running - seems to be worth quite a few calories so it's worth the pain! But because I don't appear to be shedding the kilos as fast as I thought I would, I'm trying to eat below the…
  • Thank you! I've already given up weighing myself because I expected to lose 4-5 kilos in the first week - considering that I've started this running lark and I've sat on my backside for the past year. That didn't happen - I only lost 200 grams - so now I'm scared of the stupid scales. HOWEVER on a good note, I noticed my…
  • It's possible that since you've picked up strength training then your muscle development may be paralelling your fat loss... if your dress size/measurements are trending downwards, then that's the best guage to keep your eye on and know you're doin' fine.
  • I find it a bit tricky to figure out pounds as units of weight - we work in kilos - but I know that 6 kilos is a dress size for me at nearly 6 foot tall, whereas my much shorter mate is only 3.5 kilos for a dress size. So it is really individual but anyway the good thing is at least the trend downwards is a good trend! The…