Advice from runners, please

So, I have just started running, doing the couch to 5K thing. Today was my FIRST day and I got through it unscathed. Now, it tells me to run 3x per week for the whole 9 weeks. What I would like to know from all the runners out there is:

Do any of you run every day, or more than 3x per week?

Do you exercise at all on the days you don't run? What kind of exercise do you do?

Any other advice you can give that would be helpful?



  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    I run 3 times a week with recovery days in between. I also either do Turbo Jam cardio or weights 5 times a week. I will be starting 30 Day Shred tomorrow and that will be every day.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I run three days (for me it's Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) and try to lift weights and do other stuff like elliptical or long walks, bike rides, ab workouts.. that sort of thing on the other days. Don't get it in every time, but the running I always do. No excuses!!!
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    If your just starting you dont want to hunt yourself so its best to have that days rest... On your off days do some yoga or the eliptical something low impact maybe some weight training. you want to give your legs time to heal a bit. It is super easy to set yourself up for shin splints.

    Oh an remember go at your own speed. I did week 2 for 2 weeks and week 5 for 3. Know your body and dont give up... try to push yourself but dont hurt yourself.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    A very typical week for me would be 3 days HIIT running and 3 days of weight training. But I have a bad habit of doing cardio on my free day, which is usually an open-ended run (not HIIT) or bike ride. Sort of taking advantage of the weather which is getting sort of nicer here lately.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I run 2 to 3 times per week and usually do Tae Bo or another video twice per week. I want to start working in some strength training too! My friend who is a personal trainer said the best exercise you can do to advance your running is lunges and squats. So I have been adding them in to strenghten my muscles to take on those hills!
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    If your just starting you dont want to hunt yourself so its best to have that days rest... On your off days do some yoga or the eliptical something low impact maybe some weight training. you want to give your legs time to heal a bit. It is super easy to set yourself up for shin splints.

    Oh an remember go at your own speed. I did week 2 for 2 weeks and week 5 for 3. Know your body and dont give up... try to push yourself but dont hurt yourself.

    Ya definitely go at your own pace! I will be running my 3rd day of week 5 day 2! :)
  • drlynned
    drlynned Posts: 34
    I've been super, super busy lately, so I only run 4 days a week. If I could, I'd run everyday. However, I run short distances (3 mile runs) on 3 of those days. On one day, usually on Sunday, I run more miles. Anywhere between 5-11 miles.... depending where I am on my half marathon training. The other 3 days, I either rest, or do p90x, walk or use the stationary bike.

    On cross training days I like to do workouts that don't put too much stress on my knees.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I am currently not running, I used to. I also know what you're talking about. Here's the thing, it boils down to recuperation abilities. If you run intensely then workout intensely, that would be a lot of stress on the body, can you recover from that the next day? Maybe, maybe not. I quickly "glanced" at couch 2 5k. It looks like interval training. Interval training can be intense on the body.

    High intensity burns a lot of sugar and uses type 2A and 2B muscle fibers. Which are used for higher intensity work. What I would do if I was you.. is, Yeah do my high intensity stuff one day. Then do low intensity cardio (such as walking) the next. The key is to avoid over training. A good thing to do is to take your resting heart rate in the morning. Do it for a few days in a row. Then start the program, If your heart rate is higher then your resting heart rate, you need more rest, so don't do high intensity that day.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I did C25K earlier this year and mostly stuck to running 3 days a week. On the off days I either had a rest day, or went walking, cycling or did strength training. To start with I think it's a good idea to build up gradually, this way you are less likely to end up with injuries or burning out early on. And the best advice I had was not to go too fast - you want to build up endurance, speed can follow.
    I hope you enjoy it, I found it so hard at first, but was amazed at what I was acheiving within a few short weeks (I started running January, yesterday I ran 8km for fun and I'm training for a 12k run in August, so anythiing is possible!! I still run really slowly, but that doesn't bother me)
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Run as often as you feel comfortable doing. Some people can run daily, others are happy to run 3x a week.

    I tend to run my Long Slow Runs on Saturday or Sunday and try to run at least three other times a week.

    For variety, I will do 30 day shred, or some weight training at the gym. Strength training is an exceptionally good thing to counter cardio workouts with and makes you a stronger runner (especially if your are looking at weight loss, insofar as if you gain muscle, you have more muscle to burn fat with. Cardio is very good at burning fat)

    Best advice I can give is Listen to your Body, don't try to fight thru injuries, and make sure you have the right shoes (and replace em every 300 miles or so).

    Feel free to add me as I have a wealth of running information that I frequently share.
  • kmck045
    kmck045 Posts: 19
    I googled 'how to learn to run' a few weeks back, and the site was the best fir for me. I signed up for an email everyday giving me the days programme, the programme was '3 weeks to a 30-minute-a-day running habit'.

    It is FANTASTIC! Gives you 2-3 days running, then a rest day (or do-something-else day), then another 2-3 days running etc.

    I recommend it to everyone - I've got some of the girls at work onto it now.
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I run 2 to 3 times per week and usually do Tae Bo or another video twice per week. I want to start working in some strength training too! My friend who is a personal trainer said the best exercise you can do to advance your running is lunges and squats. So I have been adding them in to strenghten my muscles to take on those hills!

    That seems pretty good, the exercises could lead to stronger contractions. Running is more of an endurance event, It's based on buffering lactic acid. Resistance training doesn't offer this benefit. It trains the muscle for stronger contractions, doesn't have much to do with lactic acid.
  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    Best to find your own balance. I run 5km, six days a week, followed by some strength training and a short elliptical workout. Sunday's, I REST!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I run 3x per week and no more than that. When I first started running I did not do cross training at all... unfortunately this has led to weak legs and weak hips and now I am REALLY need to focus on cross training.

    I now am starting a program on Legs on Tues and Thurs (non running days) and intense ab workouts!
    In the end, cross training will help you!
  • HolleeERL
    HolleeERL Posts: 313 Member
    I run 3-4 times a week (two or three "short" 3-4 mile runs and one longer 5+ mile runs. I run every other day and do ab work and upper body on my non-running days.
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I run almost every day (if I can get the time; I do), but it has taken years to go to this point. The thing to remember with running is your bones and joints have to adapt and get stronger. Just like your muscles your bones and joints need rest. They acctually become more dense over times from the impact. The most common injuries in runners is from running too often or too far. Stick with the 3 days :wink: Good luck with your running goals! :flowerforyou:
  • britt_fit
    britt_fit Posts: 169
    I usually try to run 3 days a week. I do weight training and other cardio like stairclimber, elliptical, sports, or classes at the gym.

    I think one of the biggest mistakes I've made when I'm training for a running race is cutting out all other sources of cardio when I'm training, Having that cross training is really important and I've done so much better in races when I did other cardio and weights besides just running. Strengthen your legs with weights, DVDs, classes, or just exercises at home and it'll help so much. Doing other cardio is really beneficial as well.

    Oh and don't psych yourself out. You're going to tell yourself at some point that you can't do it. Don't believe yourself :smile: You CAN!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Thank you SO much everyone!!!!!

    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I'm currently on my last 2 weeks of Insanity. My usual week looks something like, Run - Mon/Wed/Fri (Long run/Interval Run/Short sprint), Swim Tues/Thurs/Sat, Cycle Thurs/Sat (Short sprint/Long ride)., Insanity Mon-Sat.

    As long as your not pushing yourself too hard and are able to keep up with fueling yourself and getting enough rest, you should definitely be ok.
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    I used to run about 5-6x a week for 30-60 min for like 6 months and then do circuit training for 30 min. Best combo to lose and tone up.. I do less running now cuz I wanna keep muscle. Good luck!