Need help getting back on track

I just spent a week on Florida's gulf coast in Panama City. It was a Christian Retreat Resort with my university that included three meals a day of southern cooking. Lets just say I fell off the deep end. I stopped counting calories for the week and let myself, well, indulge. We had pie and ice cream for dinner every night, and went out with our group for a seafood buffet once. I wont get near my scale, but my bikini and my pants are telling me I gained a bit of weight. I'm trying not to worry too much but now that I'm home, I feel like I just lost all of the progress I had made the last 3 months on MFP.

So I need some help getting back into my diet, and also exercising daily again. I'm used to eating so much food that the thought of dropping back down to 1200 calories a day is going to be a struggle. Plus my self confidence has dropped greatly. The first day, i was so proud of how I looked in a bikini after I worked so hard. Now, I don't want to be seen in shorts.

Anybody experienced anything similar, and how did you get back on track?


  • kmck045
    kmck045 Posts: 19
    Fell off the diet wagon with a big old crash after a break-up that wasn't much fun.

    I've only just; started again now - and it's just been a matter of having a new start point and remembering that if ya did it once, you can sure as eggs do it again.

    On the bright side - your body likes to maintain homeostasis to some extent, so if you put on a lot of weight quickly it should be not too terrible a task to drop it off again. Or that's the theory!!!!!!
  • Licacorona
    Licacorona Posts: 118 Member
    Yes, I've been there a couple times. I've not gained weight but I haven't lost any either. I can only say that the way it felt to eat right does not compare to the feeling of being overstuffed. I hated feeling beyond full. Not to mention the feeling you get when you step on that scale after a week to see the number has gone down. I like when I feel my face thinner, my stomach flatter. Also, what helped me get back on track is the idea that soon I'd start regaining the weight I have lost. I still have 30 lbs to go and I'm not willing to go back to needing to lose 50lbs. I like how it feels to fit into my prepregancy clothes. Sometimes it's good to go into the clothes you no longer fit in or fit tight in to get back into getting fit and eating right.

    The best of luck to you!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • 1FITmamaofTWINS
    I post a picture of the body I wish to have on all my mirrors... sounds silly but it works ;-)