too scared to eat!

Arrgh! It's 11am and I have had 1 coffee. I go for a run at 12 and I know I have to eat something first...

But now I'm at the oh-dear-I'm-too-hungry-I-might-eat-too-much stage and I'm scared of starting!

I swear I know what smokers must go through trying to quit!!!!


  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Prepackaged foods are portion controlled. :)
  • binglebell
    binglebell Posts: 29
    Pasta! Filling, not too many cals and will be burnt off during your run. Good luck! :smile:
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    You have to nourish your body. Try something protein which is good for you and more filling.
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    I find that If I pull my portions out, put them on the plate and then put everything away (including leftovers) before I start eating I'm not tempted to pick at another serving. I also clean my dishes right after I'm finished eating otherwise I sit there and just keep putting a little bit of this and that back on my plate. Then log it as soon as your done. This site has done wonders for me in that I can get a visual of where I'm at for the day with a few clicks.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Try eating something healthful and filling, like oatmeal or egg and toast, rather than cereal (which I love for breakfast but admittedly doesn't do it for the really hungry phase). Eat slowly so that your body has time to register that you've fed it before you overeat.
    Don't try to go running after a morning fast. You need the energy from the food, and even if you jog okay, you'll be hungrier than ever (and more likely to overdo it) when you finish.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    If you're going for a run, a carb is a good idea. It'll help fuel the run. Aim for something light, like a piece of toast with a very small amount of peanut butter on it. That way you get a little protein as well. But it needs to be something that burns off, or it's going to sit like a rock in your stomach.

    Generally, I believe you should eat long before you get too hungry.
  • kmck045
    kmck045 Posts: 19
    Ideas are good - thanks! I better go on a hunt cos I'm thinking I can't really wait till I get home tonight to start the intake!

    By the way - I find it very easy to just not eat for most of the day and then tend to go crazy at night. This I know is bad - but is it That Bad?
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I vote for egg and toast hold the butter.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    toast with some peanut butter is my go to pre-workout snack! with the bread I use, it's only 160 calories (I only use 1 tbs of PB) but it's filling and has yummy protein :)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Before a run, I always like to have a carb with a protein. My favorite snack is half a bagel with peanut butter and a smidge of honey. It's just under 300 cals, and fills me up for a while. :)
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    :happy: Greek yogurt with fruit, some honey and wheat germ is satisfying and not to heavy. Great before a run.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Ideas are good - thanks! I better go on a hunt cos I'm thinking I can't really wait till I get home tonight to start the intake!

    By the way - I find it very easy to just not eat for most of the day and then tend to go crazy at night. This I know is bad - but is it That Bad?

    I do the same thing, but am starting to realize that I'm SO much more hungry if I eat lightly throughout the day (and skip breakfast). I started eating breakfast around 10 AM and I'm forgetting that I'm even hungry by lunch time! I'll eat a small amount at lunch and then I don't over-do it when I get home from work! Amazing that eating a little more during the day will help you eat less at night!
  • rice161
    rice161 Posts: 59
    On your second question about only eating in the evening, think of your body as a furnace. If you feed the fire all day, it keps burning and stays warm. If you don't, it dies out and you rebuild. For your body that translates to your metabolism speeding up and slowing down. It's not good to do that to yourself but it can also reduce the impact of your efforts.

    Besides if you call something going crazy, I think that kinda answers the question yourself ;) Good luck with your efforts!
  • kmck045
    kmck045 Posts: 19
    I think I better bring some supplies in to the office!!!!!!

    Thank you all so much. I think this all explains why I lose 3 kilos, gain 3 kilos, lose 3 kilos, gain 4 kilos...
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    I really can't eat that close to working out. If I was going for a run, the latest I would have had a meal is about 9am, I feel too full to run if I eat so close to a workout. I probably would have gone for the run and had my post workout snack after
  • bluemax87
    bluemax87 Posts: 71
    Ideas are good - thanks! I better go on a hunt cos I'm thinking I can't really wait till I get home tonight to start the intake!

    By the way - I find it very easy to just not eat for most of the day and then tend to go crazy at night. This I know is bad - but is it That Bad?

    It's horrible. You lower your metabolism drastically if you skip your morning meal. You lower it even more if you go more than 3-4 hours without eating... Think about it. if you got exactly 8 hours of sleep and got up at (I'm guessing here) 10am then didn't eat till 2pm, you're looking at 12 hours of no food. Your body has the memory of a goldfish. If it doesn't get food first thing in the morning, or every 3-4 hours, it thinks you're in starvation or hybernation mode. When you put your body in that mode, it tells you that you're ravenous when you eat next. When you binge eat like that, you're essentially telling your body that it's right and that it needs to store as much fat as possible for use later while you're going another 12 hours without food...

    My routine is backwards from most. However, if you absolutely want that metabolic boost from running early on in your day, then I'd recommend the following based on waking up at 7am...

    7am-light meal like a nutrigrain bar for energy
    8-830am-cardio exercise
    930am(ish)-post-exercise recovery snack/breakfast
    1200(noon)-snack or meal
    3pm-small snack
    9pm(ish)-SLOW digesting snack, like a Casein shake or the equivelant

    I can't stand to run on a completely empty stomache first thing in the morning. At the same time, I can't run on a stomache that's digesting anything more than a nutrigrain bar or a banana. I prefer the bar because of the fiber content, it helps absorb the stomache acid and digests fairly slowly providing me with a minimal amount of calories for maximum duration...
  • kmck045
    kmck045 Posts: 19
    Thank you for that programme!

    I like the sound of it. I run at lunchtime because I start work at 7.30am and I've got an hour to drive to work, so it's too dark to go before work.

    I have figured out that I can't run very far at all on nothing.

    I think I'm just messed up with food in general and need to get it sorted pronto before I confuse the metabolism any further.

    I've never been able to run before - so thanks to this site for making it rewarding - and I don't want to lose the tiny improvements I've made to my lifestyle by staying messed up in the other areas.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    You had nothing in your body except coffee by 11am?

    You need to eat earlier - have a nutritious, protein filled breakfast.

    There is no way you can run with nothing in your system but coffee at 12. You are sabotaging yourself!!!

    You must eat earlier - eat something healthy and filling!!! Have a meal at 9, a healthy snack at 10:30 (like a few raw almonds and a slice of fruit), and you should be good to go for a run at 12....
  • bluemax87
    bluemax87 Posts: 71
    In terms of running, I strongly advocate Vibram Five Fingers. The 'look' isn't for everybody, but the result IS! However, if you don't want to wear toe-shoes, then it's cool too!

    If you're up at (I'm guessing again) around 6am to get ready for work, then you're running around noon, then this is what I'd suggest. (keep in mind, I'm not a professional and this is simply a suggestion)...

    630-7am(ish)- large, FULFILLING breakfast
    1000am-snack on some nuts, fruits, or something high in fiber that will digest slowly
    3pm(ish)-another light snack like nuts or fruits or a salad with a pomegranate dressing (fruity tasting and delicious!)
    6pm(ish)-dinner. Keep it light, maintain proper portion control and take an earlier posters suggestion of dishing out EXACTLY what you plan on eating and not allowing yourself seconds and thirds.
    9-10pm(ish)-snack. SLOW digesting food either high in fiber, or high in Casein. Cottage Cheese and Black Olives is a go-to favorite of mine for the Casein if you can't do the shake...
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    In terms of running, I strongly advocate Vibram Five Fingers. The 'look' isn't for everybody, but the result IS! However, if you don't want to wear toe-shoes, then it's cool too!

    If you're up at (I'm guessing again) around 6am to get ready for work, then you're running around noon, then this is what I'd suggest. (keep in mind, I'm not a professional and this is simply a suggestion)...

    630-7am(ish)- large, FULFILLING breakfast
    1000am-snack on some nuts, fruits, or something high in fiber that will digest slowly
    3pm(ish)-another light snack like nuts or fruits or a salad with a pomegranate dressing (fruity tasting and delicious!)
    6pm(ish)-dinner. Keep it light, maintain proper portion control and take an earlier posters suggestion of dishing out EXACTLY what you plan on eating and not allowing yourself seconds and thirds.
    9-10pm(ish)-snack. SLOW digesting food either high in fiber, or high in Casein. Cottage Cheese and Black Olives is a go-to favorite of mine for the Casein if you can't do the shake...

    Vibrams are great - and I personally love how they look!!!

    However, I woould be wary recommending them to a new runner. Even for an experienced runner, there is a systematic break-in time needed. I know too many people who decided to start running in their vibrams - new and experienced runners - only to develop tendonitis, hurt knees, sore joints, etc... They are great - but there is a huge caveat with them!!!

    Edited to add: I agree with your eating advice!!!