

  • Thank you for this inspiring story! I too have been hovering around the same place for a little bit too long, gaining and loosing the same 4 pounds. While part of me is okay with it, another part of me is annoyed I am not making the progress I feel I deserve. Time to scrutinize my diet because I already know my exercise is…
  • I generally drink a carnation instant breakfast shake every morning. That, slim fast, Ovaltine and Boost are all made by the same company (Nestle) and have relatively the same micronutrients, just different levels of macronutrients. I am generally not hungry in the morning so I use this as a good way to get some energy…
  • 1/3 of the way through my fitness goal. 31 5'7" SW 240 CW 206 GW 150 42-37-46 Remarkably my waist is the only thing that has really cinched in during my journey. I have lost 6 inches on my waist, 1 on my hips and nothing on my chest.
  • I am in the same boat you are. I have lost about 33 lbs and it feels like I should have lost way more by now. I know my problem is probably that I don't log as accurately as I could, so I am eating more than I account for. But at the same time I am viewing this weight loss journey as a lifestyle change. I haven't felt…
  • Awesome Job! You can see a huge difference in your face and arms! I bet you are feeling stronger too!
  • For me my biggest challenge is working night shift. I work 2-12s one week, and 4 12s the next on varying days. Not being a night owl, it really throws off my balance. But what has worked for me is swimming/ circuit training 3-5 days a week (depending on how many nights I work that week) and saving most of my calories for…
  • Same here, or from too much salt. In fact from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep I tend to gain at least 3 pounds. Sometimes if I don't get enough sleep I gain some extra weight. Take some different weights of yourself at various times of the day, examine your salt intake and your time of the month (I'm assuming…
  • I think the key you need to remember is that you cannot change anyone but yourself. His health is entirely in his hands, no matter how you feel about it. If health and wellness is an important part of your life (which it seems to be) you are probably not in the right relationship. You should never date someone expecting…
  • I agree with what others are saying that you should bring something healthy to share. And then for the most part, no one is going to watch what you're eating. Just get small portions of what they are offering to complement the taste of homemade items. I know when I bring a dish to a get together, I want people to try it…
  • Well exercise for most people is never fun, it's necessary for fitness. However, it can be more enjoyable if you are doing things that interest you. I absolutely hate running so I never even bothered trying it. What I do love is swimming and hiking. So that's what I try to incorporate the most into my exercise plans. Try…
  • I don't log my gummy vitamins or spices. I've been loosing weight so i don't see the problem with not logging it.
  • I know a lot of times I will have people at work comment that they need to loose weight when they are smaller than me. I usually try to pay them a compliment and tell them that they look just fine and I don't think they are overweight. I don't do this to discourage them but just to let them know that I think they look…
  • Obviously I don't know you so I can't know the full extent of your problems. But from what you have said about yourself I can deduce that your mental outlook is a big issue that is holding you back. Maybe you are that one in a million person that can't tolerate exercise because you were born with bad joints. But more than…
  • Honestly while you may have some legitimate issues that are holding you back (it seems like pain is one of them) you have a lot of mental road blocks as well. Your outlook of "that's impossible" or "that's too advanced" and "I have a fragile body" is holding you back from actually achieving fitness. Nothing is impossible…
  • Speaking from personal experience (Never knew my real father, my mom remarried when I was 8). I NEVER accepted my step dad as a father figure. Even now, at 31 I still don't see him as a dad, although I do have more respect for him as a person than I did as a child. His daughter will probably be the same, and this behavior…
  • That's interesting that you say that because my mom is exactly the opposite. She is 56 years old and goes on 100+ mile bike rides every weekend and skis in the winter. She is so much more active than me that I am scared for my future if I don't increase my fitness levels. I also work in a nursing home and see on a regular…
  • Hey I am just around where are you are now. I started this website at 240 squeezing into size 20 and I am now 211 loosely fitting into 18s. I have logged in every day since I started and would love to have someone around my size for motivation!
  • I ate cereal as a snack....all day. I could eat a box or two in a day. I thought it was low fat so it wasn't that bad. I am happy to say I completely cut cereal out of my life (besides the occasional bowl of granola) and don't miss it for a second. It just makes you hungrier the more you eat it.
  • Two words of advice for you: 1. No matter what they say, no one will ever love you unconditionally. There are ALWAYS conditions. Make sure you know what they are before you become involved. 2. You will never be happy in a relationship/ someone else be happy in a relationship with you unless you are happy with yourself. It…
  • Wow huge difference! I too have a lot of weight to loose, and day by day it can be frustrating. I am trying not to stress it, and just go along with the flow because I know it will take time. Your story is an inspiration and you should be proud of yourself!
    in 50lbs lost Comment by Tomboly1 May 2014
  • Blind Pilot- One Red Thread
  • It doesn't work for me. I remember when I was a teenager and struggling with an eating disorder, I am 5'7" weighed 118 at my lowest which made me look like skin and bones. My BMI at the time (18.5) would have indicated I was just at the bottom of normal even though I was clearly malnourished. The healthiest weight I was at…
  • I'd say the bruising may be something you should check with a doctor about. You may have a blood disorder or vitamin deficiency of some sort. Some lab tests could validate that. The bruising and weakness/lack of stamina could also be related.
  • What worked best for me was (and is) not marking anything off the table. If I want to indulge in a candy bar or cake one day, okay I'll make room for it. Even though I eat way less calories than I used to before I started this journey, I have not felt deprived of any of my favorite sinful foods. I exercise as much as I can…
  • I agree with jwooley. You are probably suffering from PTSD and your stress hormones are out of control. You need to get yourself mentally under control before you worry about your physical self. Get yourself some help for you and your daughter!
  • Are you eating back at least some of your exercise calories? If you aren't then your body is probably in starvation mode and you won't see the scale budge. It would be helpful if you would open up your diary so we can see what it going on!
  • I use and e-cig, but it uses an atomizer and has flavored nicotine. I have tried the ones you can get at the store and honestly they just taste terrible. With the atomizer and flavored nicotine juice you can customize the level of nicotine in it and gradually decrease the amount. My sister is down to 0mcg and just smokes…
  • For me, starting a healthy eating and exercise lifestyle has always been about getting over that initial two week hump where it feels like a chore. I had started and stopped several times before joining this website in January and really made a commitment to getting back to a weight where I felt comfortable before (which…
  • 90 lbs to loose here (maybe more!) and 22 lbs down. I've been here about 4 months and its been a slow steady race. I thought i would loose weight quicker, but what I am doing is manageable and I am satisfied with the gradual decline in weight I am making. Feel free to add me for extra support!
  • You beat me to it!
    in Swimming Comment by Tomboly1 April 2014