Getting back on track after a week of binging...

Hi everyone...
I'm struggling very much right now..
I've binged 4 out of the 7 days this week and because of that I've gained nearly 5 pounds...
I currently weigh 106.6 (My range is 103-107, I'm only 5'2)
I'm finding it hard to gain motivation to cut back my calories..
I'm assuming I binged this week because I was eating around 1500 calories to maintain my 102 pound weight.
I would like to cut back my calories so I can get back down to 103 by the end of this month.
Since I binged yesterday I know that some of this weight gain must be water weight..I gained 3 pounds since yesterday..

Any advice on how many calories I should eat to get back down to 103...
I was thinking I might eat 1300 this week.
1400 next week
1500 the week after that
1600 till July 31 and then 1700 starting August first...Does that seem like a good plan?


  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I can gain 5 lbs in a day just from hormonal fluctuations, so please relax about your slight gain.
    Nobody stays exactly the same every day. It's probably just some water retention if you ate some salty foods or something.
    Just eat at a normal healthy calorie range for your weight, don't overthink it to much.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Figure out why you were binging, were you hungry, feeling depressed, restricting too much? Work on those issues first.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    IMO the better issue is discovering and accepting why you are binging. it is better to address the cause. It is perfectly OK if you do not want to share that information. It is more important to be honest with yourself.

    If you cannot find or address the cause directly, then it is fine to address the symptoms and try to establish caloric goals and ways to meet them.
  • Tomboly1
    Tomboly1 Posts: 42
    I can gain 5 lbs in a day just from hormonal fluctuations, so please relax about your slight gain.
    Nobody stays exactly the same every day. It's probably just some water retention if you ate some salty foods or something.
    Just eat at a normal healthy calorie range for your weight, don't overthink it to much.

    Same here, or from too much salt. In fact from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep I tend to gain at least 3 pounds. Sometimes if I don't get enough sleep I gain some extra weight. Take some different weights of yourself at various times of the day, examine your salt intake and your time of the month (I'm assuming you're female!). If none of those things provide any insight to your gains then you can consider re-evaluating.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You say you're 106.6 and your range is 103 - 107 so why are you trying to lose?