(rant) Done with the "you don't need to lose weight" types



  • j4321k
    j4321k Posts: 1 Member
    I have exactly the same issue from my sister in law. It's so stupid because when I was growing up she always made snide remarks about my weight yet now that I'm actually making an effort to lose weight and get healthy, she's telling me I won't be pretty anymore with the weight off. She did the same thing when I got braces... Apparently my crooked teeth made me look prettier :S

    Regardless of what she says, I AM gonna continue to try to lose weight because I'd rather live a healthy life than be "pretty" anyway.

    Do whatever makes you happy, the only opinion that really matters is yours (:
  • Tomboly1
    Tomboly1 Posts: 42
    I know a lot of times I will have people at work comment that they need to loose weight when they are smaller than me. I usually try to pay them a compliment and tell them that they look just fine and I don't think they are overweight. I don't do this to discourage them but just to let them know that I think they look good. This thread gives me a different perspective that maybe I am impeding on their goals! I am usually happy to discuss health (diet and exercise) with them as well however. Maybe I will be more careful from now on and try not to dismiss those comments and let them enjoy making a weight loss plan!
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    Agreed! Every one of my friends are like "You do not need to lose weight-- stop dieting"

    First of all I am not dieting---I am attempting to change my life style...Secondly, yes I do need to lose weight. LOL For me it is always the skinny ones that tell me that because they do not know what its like to go out with all your skinny friends and they all look gorgeous and I cant even wear a bikini or hot dress. I have to cover my saggy arms and tummy.

    I think my friends are comfortable with the idea of having a chubby girl friend. Not that they are bad friends or anything but you cant help but feel better about yourself when you're standing beside someone else who cant fit into a size 14!
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    For some reason, at least in America, we have 2 factions of idiots. The ones who have brainwashed society into thinking it's okay to be 76 lbs at 5'6 and the other ones who think that being even curvy (like our grandmothers and mothers were) but not heavy is some kind of weird taboo. We've gone so far as a group from knowing and teach what is and isn't healthy that even the doctors don't know what the hell is going on at times. I'd just say stick with what you're doing and if they have an issue with you being healthy just ignore them.
  • MysteriousDreamer
    MysteriousDreamer Posts: 96 Member
    People will always try and help you fail. I always find it's their problem not mine. Just let it slip. Your body, your life.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    I know a lot of times I will have people at work comment that they need to loose weight when they are smaller than me. I usually try to pay them a compliment and tell them that they look just fine and I don't think they are overweight. I don't do this to discourage them but just to let them know that I think they look good. This thread gives me a different perspective that maybe I am impeding on their goals! I am usually happy to discuss health (diet and exercise) with them as well however. Maybe I will be more careful from now on and try not to dismiss those comments and let them enjoy making a weight loss plan!

    When someone is complaining that they need to lose weight, but are not actively trying, they want you to tell them they look great (at least I do!). When they complain but are actively trying, I think that's the situation in this thread.
  • NotJustADieter
    NotJustADieter Posts: 229 Member
    Agreed! Every one of my friends are like "You do not need to lose weight-- stop dieting"

    First of all I am not dieting---I am attempting to change my life style...Secondly, yes I do need to lose weight. LOL For me it is always the skinny ones that tell me that because they do not know what its like to go out with all your skinny friends and they all look gorgeous and I cant even wear a bikini or hot dress. I have to cover my saggy arms and tummy.

    I think my friends are comfortable with the idea of having a chubby girl friend. Not that they are bad friends or anything but you cant help but feel better about yourself when you're standing beside someone else who cant fit into a size 14!

    Ditto on the "not a diet" thing- people don't seem to get what lifestyle change MEANS
  • Artionis
    Artionis Posts: 105 Member
    This kind of comment has been directed at me. I tend to reply with somewhat artificial sweetness, "Thank you so very much for your unsolicited medical opinion. I'll pass your comments along to my doctor and see what she has to say." That does tend to end the topic.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I'm with you on this. My lowest weight in the past 5 years was 195 lbs, and I had people telling me that I was getting "too thin". Sometimes, it is more about them than about you.


    I'm 5'1 and 155lbs currently. Was 170 at my heaviest. That's BIG. Because I carry a lot in my thighs and bust and have a traditional hourglass figure, I was able to conceal a lot of it with 1950s style fit-and-flare dresses, so people are WORRIED that I'm losing weight or working out.

    I'm 5' and at my highest, was 160ish. While I also have an hourglass figure, I sure as hell didn't while carrying that much extra weight. I'm currently at 125 and wear a size 6 but still have 10-15#'s more to go...or not...I'll stop working on it when my middle & thighs stop jiggling :laugh:

    I agree that sometimes, it's about THEM, not you. I have relatives that can't stop asking me how much I weigh, & what size I wear, every time they see me. :sick:
  • Happy_Niss
    Happy_Niss Posts: 95 Member
    I have a similar experience from my own mother. She was massaging my shoulders and telling me that I have lost too much weight.
    I still have lots of fat on my body, I just have a thin neck and shoulders. It drives me crazy when people say "You're getting too skinny!" and it's always someone a bit bigger than me. My healthy weight is about 120-130 and I'm sitting at 140!
    Just because I'm no longer overweight doesn't mean I've lost too much!

    Isn't that just dumb!

    Hey Zurgan without being a creeper, what's your height? You look awesome in your profile pic and we are the same age, and I have the same goal as yours. Just curious....again, not trying to be creepy. lol

    I'm just a little under 5'4" and am still sitting at around 140 as far as I know. I'm very hard to creep out. :laugh:
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    Something I read somewhere that totally made sense to me, is people like that, or who offer you cake and insist when you've already said no are people who don't want to see you succeed, because they themselves have failed and misery loves company. Don't let them get you down! We are here to cheer you on! You go girl!