are you using an e-cig?

smokeyg01 Posts: 1,064
Is it helping you? I've been doing great using mine but broke down and had a couple smokes today. Are your cravings going away? Let me know your results.


  • smokeyg01
    smokeyg01 Posts: 1,064
    I guess no one uses them lol
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member

    For me the easiest way to quit was after a couple weeks of not smoking, I was finally able to smell how bad smokers smell..

    That was enough for me to never have another one again.
  • FraggleRockerFitnessLover
    e cigs are addicting and not helpful in stopping smoking IMO. I quit smoking in May 2004. I did recently pick up ecigs and those are so addicting. NJoy sucks, Blu is good, and Zoom is even better. But, such a waste of money. Njoy doesn't last, but has the mail in recycle option for a free one, Blu lasts a good amount, tastes like coffee, and the Zoom is like an Njoy and lasts a lot longer. I would recommend lozenges. That's how I quit...the actual smoke. Good luck love
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    My boyfriend of 23 years has been a heavy smoker since he was 19. He is now 60. Since I have known him, he has tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking numerous times. I was unhappily resigned to the likelihood that he would die a smoker. In September he decided to try vaping and bought some quality devices and liquids. His ability to get rid of cigarettes was immediate and dramatic. I think he smoked a few cigarettes in September and October, but none since then.

    It has been the most remarkable thing I have ever witnessed.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Yes. I was never a smoker, but two weeks ago I took up ecigs.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Yes. I was never a smoker, but two weeks ago I took up ecigs.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Yes. I was never a smoker, but two weeks ago I took up ecigs.

  • bignuggie
    bignuggie Posts: 2
    It works only if you want to stop smoking the tar and other chemicals. Just cold turkey it.
  • intenseze
    intenseze Posts: 20
    Yep. I smoked for 22 years. In November I started using Cig2O and I can honestly say I will NEVER pick up a tobacco cig again. I now know what I smelled like and it sickens me. I am thrilled.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I don't smoke but my sister stopped smoking by using e-cigs. Just need to find the right flavored ones and right levels for yourself to stick with it. My mom also jumped on the craze but she does smoke now and again if she doesn't have any of the juice or whatever it is called.
  • rockky83
    rockky83 Posts: 59

    Only thing i smoke, once in a while
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I'm not a smoker, but I enjoy smoking things from time to time (cigars at Christmas etc...) once in a while I'll have loose tobacco and roll my own, or go to a hookah lounge and smoke that way... anyway, I bought two brands of e-cig. I have a Blu, which I like, and I haven't tried the aer yet. The Blu is disposable, and the aer is rechargeable.

    Since I'm not a smoker, I can DEFINITELY tell the stank after a cigarette or cigar, and I like the pleasant scent of the e-cig. But, I don't find tobacco to be addictive, so I use it recreationally / special occasions.
  • Tomboly1
    Tomboly1 Posts: 42
    I use and e-cig, but it uses an atomizer and has flavored nicotine. I have tried the ones you can get at the store and honestly they just taste terrible. With the atomizer and flavored nicotine juice you can customize the level of nicotine in it and gradually decrease the amount. My sister is down to 0mcg and just smokes it to satisfy the urge. I'm on my way there as well!