Barre class today! Yoga tonight 💕
Yoga today 🙏
I'm really loving Silk's vanilla Oat Milk -- Sprouts had a buy 1 get 1 special on the Califia brand's oat milk - it' also really great but has 50 more calories per cup (80 vs 130).
Same boat over here - I have recently gotten a Fitbit Versa and now see how little activity I get on work days :/ I have been taking a walk during breaks or for at least 1/2 my lunch hour. By end of lunch today I hit 4400 steps so unless I go to the gym later I have more steps needed... can probably pick up another 1000 on…
This question terrifies me. I know I can go at any time... we all can. I don't want it to be painful... If I could choose it would be in my sleep, but I would want to know it was coming... I want to expect that death is near so that I can prepare and gather with those close to me.
I watched it. I haven't read many comments here but I don't feel like it's fat shaming. You see how her weight really affected many aspects of her life, and seeing her turn to food in hard times is very relateable.
I am! :) You can add me. I am a little extreme on my carbs right now (trying KETO as I was stuck with quite a bit to lose still and hoping I can break a stall)
I'm on day 4! Feel free to add me for support. Trying to lose after being stalled and gaining 15 lbs back from my lowest. Have about 70 left to go.
There are a few I like/tolerate. My go tos: Cinnamon roll, Coconut nut (I think that's what it's called), Oatmeal chocolate chip, blueberry muffin, choc PB....
I eat the regular dressing. LOL - I just try and fit it into my macros.
Pizza gets me EVERY time
I didn't -- I just kept trucking along. In the past I would give in and have something outside of my goal out of frustration. This time I just kept at it and it finally broke. Consistency was key. Now I refuse to get back on the scale LOL but plan to weigh in weekly. Hoping it stays off.
I'd say yes- the white is only about 17 of the 70 calories I believe.
Chipotle has great options. I really like McDonalds southwest grilled chicken salad. I think with the dressing it's just over 400 cals. In N Out protein burgers. Panda Express bowls with veggies and teriyaki chicken.
The soup.... that sounds good and something he would eat! do you add broth also to keep it from being too thick?
My son is almost 5 -- he does help at times but it's mostly clean up or getting things from the fridge, sometimes stirring -- but this is sometimes also his "play time" because he LOVES playing with his action figures or running out back with our dog.
I have been wanting an Instant Pot! How do you like it?
EXACTLY. Some days you have to rush but also want it to be nutritional -- Mom has to get up early for work and get him to school so he has an early bedtime - we have reading each night, TBall Practice, bath, etc etc etc. I WISH there were more time in the day to not need to rush -- but some days, it's just not possible to…
Water can definitely get boring.. Sometimes I'll liven it up with lemon or packets of Crystal light. Also, coffee, tea and an occasional apple cider :)
Where I live you could hit the dollar store and get a loaf of bread, a small thing of peanut butter - $2 = 3 days of breakfast (PB toast). Lunch... sandwiches. Deli meat and cheese.... $6? So there's $8 total. $5 left... I would say you could get a bag of pinto beans and cook in the crock pot with chicken stock and an…
5'10?! I am 5'10 and 135 seems SO LOW. I think 190 is my goal, I definitely have a medium-large frame.
I work in an office environment, too. THANKFULLY I work at home 3 of the 5 days. I swear... they are always eating. I actually just got this message earlier: NEXT THURSDAY the 16th is our All Department meeting. It has been suggested that we have a hot dog extravaganza. With a toppings bar and sides of bbq beans, coleslaw,…
Eggs, Carbmaster Milk, Frozen Veggies
I love Fitmiss. I also like Body Armor (Choc PB! They have a ton of other flavors I want to try). If you like coffee Click Mocha.
I just stopped it after taking it for 4 months. I met with my doctor monthly to ensure that my blood pressure was good and to do a weight check. It really does suppress your appetite... however, you still have to make good food choices, which you mentioned you will be doing. As for the shakes, insomnia... I did experience…
I really like Click's mocha and vanilla latte. Also Fitmiss' chocolate or chai.