How can I be more active during the day with a desk job?!



  • happytree923
    happytree923 Posts: 463 Member
    I work from home 3 out of 5 days most weeks, and even though my schedule is very flexible and my job isn't very fasted paced on work from home days it's very easy for me to sit all day. I have a fitbit that gives me a nudge to take at least 250 steps every hour. Unless you have a real jerk of a boss that would frown upon this you just have to make it a priority, it usually takes less than five minutes. Of course activity around work is where you'll get most of your activity but it sounds like even something small could improve your situation!

    I have only worked for smaller nonprofit orgs so idk how this kind of stuff works, but is this something you could take to the HR department if you have one? Maybe you could have a standing desk. I think the swollen ankles would fall under workplace safety to some degree.
  • megbeveridge93
    megbeveridge93 Posts: 238 Member
    It might be kind of weird, but I use the bathroom on a different floor of my building. I'm on the second floor and go up to the third floor to use the restroom. It's not a ton of extra steps, but I use the stairs and it's a legitimate reason to be away from my desk. I also use half my lunch to walk and occasionally I'll do a quick lap around the building if I'm getting frustrated or unfocused.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    It might be kind of weird, but I use the bathroom on a different floor of my building. I'm on the second floor and go up to the third floor to use the restroom. It's not a ton of extra steps, but I use the stairs and it's a legitimate reason to be away from my desk. I also use half my lunch to walk and occasionally I'll do a quick lap around the building if I'm getting frustrated or unfocused.

    Me, too.

    I walk on my morning, lunch and afternoon breaks, as well. I usually have 10-12k steps at the end of my work day, and I work a desk job.
  • VioletRojo
    VioletRojo Posts: 596 Member
    I walk a mile in the mid-morning, then again mid-afternoon.
    I don't use the bathroom that's closest to me. Instead, I use the one that's all the way in the front of the building.
    I park in the farthest parking lot.
    I print to the printer that's farthest from my desk.
    I don't send emails for trivial things, instead I get up and walk to the person so we can have a conversation.
    Sometimes I just get up from my desk and take a walk around the building. This helps clear my head too.
  • Mrsrobinsoncl
    Mrsrobinsoncl Posts: 123 Member
    I work in the courts, when we are not in court I stand at my desk and work and I try and take a walk around the building every hour. It takes less than 5 minutes, but gets me out moving. In the court room I have a stand up desk and I try and stand for any hearings less than an hour. For longer hearings I sit because I tend to fidget it I stand in one place for a long period of time.
    I go walk in my lunch break if the weather is nice.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Another vote for drinking more fluids so you have to pee more, and using a distant bathroom.

    Also, get some activity at lunch. I'm more productive and less prone to the munchies in the afternoon if I exercise at lunch time. This can be as simple as going for a walk.
  • deetails26
    deetails26 Posts: 108 Member
    You could get a Deskcycle from amazon. I have one and I love it
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,992 Member
    My job can be pretty demanding, and yes, getting away from the emails can be difficult. There are a few things I've done to work to move myself into the "lightly active" category, however, and thus far, they don't seem too terribly painful.

    1) I take public transit to work - so, I started getting off one stop before my normal stop (and going back to that stop at the end of the day), and walking the difference. Didn't add too much to my commute times, but more than doubled my daily steps otherwise!

    2) I've also decided to start walking to the train station rather than taking my scooter. Adds some time to my commute for sure, but it's a couple miles (total) of walking so that helps a lot. Scoot is still an option if I need it, but my butt needs to move more, so this is a good move (pun intended).

    3) I keep a bottle of fizzy water (after my morning coffee) with me and sip throughout the day. This means I'm drinking a 42oz bottle of water most days, which means I can't go more than a couple hours without a bathroom break! You can take the long way if the bathroom is too close.

    4) Go work in a conference room on the other side of the floor for an hour - has a couple benefits: a) you move over there and back, and b) gives you some good head's down time to focus on some tasks.

    5) Learn to fidget. I'm naturally a fidgeter, but after badly breaking a leg I got bad about fidgetting. I'm getting better about it again, just wiggling or tapping my feet helps keep the blood flowing!

    Other than #1 or 2 above, the others won't have any noticeable impact on weight loss/calorie burn, but can help keep you mindful of how much you're sitting around. I find I tend to use better posture, too, the more I'm fidgetting, so that's a good thing too!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    I apply the Pareto principle in everything - focus on the 20% of you job that is of critical importance and leave the rest be. Prioritize your health and fit in a work out break every hour. Get up and walk around, squat, do push ups, etc.

    I get my team up and hold walking meetings rather than conference rooms when possible. You just do what you can. Small changes in behavior produce great results in the long term.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    20lb down at my desk job so far. Here's what I do.

    Park at the back of the parking lot when I have my car (husband and I usually carpool as we work near each other, so if he drops me off, I have an extra 10 mins to walk around the building to get my steps in before he gets here to pick me up).
    Walk on lunch break (I have a one hour lunch, and am allowed to eat at my desk so I usually eat around 1130AM, then walk one hour from 12PM to 1PM).
    Squats or jogging in place every time you go to the restroom.
    Walk to the farthest restroom if there's multiple in the building.
    Use your 15 minute breaks. You're entitled to them and you get paid for them. Don't skip. Take a walk to clear your head and get a little exercise in.
    Take the stairs when possible.
  • BardOfBeard
    BardOfBeard Posts: 1 Member
    My whole world is computers, so it basically feels like I spend 16+ hours a day sitting, and my ankles and shins start hurting so badly if I spend to long sitting. Get up every hour or two and walk around (stairs if you can) and do anything until your legs feel like they've actually worked (without breaking into a sweat). If I can't get up for some reason I'll just hover my legs off of the ground while sitting and kick around a little bit so my legs get movement. I also use the furthest bathroom away as possible so I move every chance I get. I work around a lot of people so I can't do anything too crazy looking unfortunately, but I just try to make my leg muscles workout any way I can.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Some studies have shown you should get up after about 35 minutes. I often get engrossed with the stuff on my computer screen, but then my eyes and my legs tell me it's time to move.

    My office is upstairs, but all the other business activity is downstairs, so I go down and take a look around and come back up.

    I bring my coffee to my desk, so I have to get up and take another walk later to wash the empty mug.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Hey all,

    I'm just seeking some tips and suggestions for getting in more activity during the work day. I tend to sit at my desk constantly and have a hard time prying myself away from work. It seems the deadlines are always "NOW!"

    Any tips on how to set some work boundaries so I can add more activity in my day? It's gotten to the point where my ankles are a little swollen/tight from not getting enough movement in throughout the day.

    Has anyone had successes with losing weight with a demanding desk job?

    I do things like park further away from the building, take the stairs, etc. I try to get up every hour and move a little, but that isn't always possible. Beyond that, I make time most days of the week to do deliberate moderate to vigorous exercise and prioritize being active on weekends.
  • ElaineGiammetta
    ElaineGiammetta Posts: 2 Member
    I have added an appointment to my calendar and when the notification comes through I stop whatever I'm doing. Since I'm in Florida, I have been jumping in the pool for 30-40 minutes, then take a quick shower and get back to the grind. While not everyone can do this, blocking out time and getting up and away from the desk is important. I have learned that I am not as important as I think I am (to my company). If I were to die today someone would pick up the work. Putting that into perspective also takes practice.
    Once you put yourself first, the rest will fall into place. Good luck!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Put walking time on your calendar and stick to it. Even just 15 mins every few hours to and 30 mins at lunch. Take calls via headset while walking. If you need something from a co/worker, get up and go to their office. Take the longest route to water/kitchen/bathroom.
  • fallingwave
    fallingwave Posts: 108 Member
    Same boat over here - I have recently gotten a Fitbit Versa and now see how little activity I get on work days :/ I have been taking a walk during breaks or for at least 1/2 my lunch hour. By end of lunch today I hit 4400 steps so unless I go to the gym later I have more steps needed... can probably pick up another 1000 on break and 500-1000 by getting water/bathroom breaks/walking to my car... Recently I have tried to at least get to 7K by end of work day.