

  • You may be retaining fluid from being on your feet all day. Try drinking as much as you can to flush it out. Maybe wearing support hose would be helpful since staying on your legs is mandatory for the job...
  • i sweat like crazy on the treadmill! so mich so that it drips into my eyes and burns! the weird thing is though that i barely drink ( i know BAD!) but i sweat like a rainstorm anyway.
    in sweat much??? Comment by rg4u July 2011
  • The front of my house smells like a homeless person!!
  • If you know this in advance, how about adjusting the rest of the days meals to accommodate the extra calories?
    in Date Night Comment by rg4u July 2011
  • Wow I just watched the entire thing from start to finish and was quite fascinated! Thanks for posting!
  • I'm not a nurse yet, but as a nursing student the nurses on the floor where I do my clinicals bring in small bags of nuts and snack on that during the day. They keep it in their large pockets and constantly eat from it.
  • haha likewise!!
    in Unexpected Comment by rg4u July 2011
  • I actually read somewhere that when you donate blood you require a higher calorie count for that day. (Maybe it has to do with the production, of more blood...) So technically I'd advise you to eat a bit more that day.
    in blood donation Comment by rg4u July 2011
  • You could be retaining fluid in your face. Try drinking more water to flush it out.
    in puffy eyes Comment by rg4u July 2011
  • I usually don't experience a weight change during my period but when I ovulate it's not unusual for my weight to jump 3-5 pounds. Stupid me though, I'm ALWAYS freaked out about it and it takes a while for it to register that this is what happens monthly!
  • Wow you look amazing!! Way to go!
  • It really depends on what stage they're at. When they're not as ripe they actually are not supposed to constipate you. The riper they are the more they're likely to constipate you.
  • I live in Brooklyn. I understand your concern about enjoying the NYC food and all but trust me there are LOTS of healthy options here as well. I walk all the time and never drive. I take the subway everywhere and get to walk alot as well. You can go online and search for healthy eateries and trust me they taste good. Once…
  • Wow I am seriously touched by all of your caring replies. I do work with a counselor as well as an MD right now but i guess I've just been afraid to let them know that I am slipping. However as per most of your suggestions, I will bring this up at my next appointment. I will aim to increase my calories slowly and if I do…
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • I am currently in recovery from anorexia as well and I just got out of over 4 months of inpatient treatment. Kudos to you for recognizing that you need to get better. Eating disorders are no way of life. If possible I think you should make an appointment with a nutritionist and discuss how you can put on weight in a…