LAMypie Member


  • No suggestions from me, but a little encouragement. If you've lost a significant amount of weight since your bro's been gone, I'm pretty sure he'll be surprised and proud regardless of if you've met "goal" or not. Be proud of what you've accomplished, and take one day at a time!
  • Just get a few staples ( a pair or two of jeans, and slacks/skirts), and t-shirts and most other shirts and some pants can be altered to fit your new body. T-shirts you can do yourself without much if any sewing knowledge, and then you don't have to buy new stuff.
  • I agree with everyone who has said that there is a noticable difference. I can so see it and am jealous of your hourglass shape! I also agree with the posters who said to take measurements (I do so once a month), and try on old clothes. Also try on clothes that were too small before and see how much closer you come to…
  • I had to jump ahead, sorry I didn't get to read everyone's posts. I'll try to catch up tomorrow. I had a nice weekend. I need to mow the yard for the first time in almost 2 months (cause it's been so dry), and I'm dreading it. Not only because I hate to mow, even though it's an awesome workout, but because of my training…
  • I know exactly how you feel. My hubby is on here, but hasn't logged anything in over a week. It was a struggle at first, and I wondered why I was even trying sometimes, if he wasn't going to do it with me. I realized that I was doing this for ME, and it didn't all start to happen until I came to that understanding, and I…
  • @Skinny - That's AWESOME!! You make me jealous! And thanks for the info @Shrink - Thanks for the info. Makes what I went through when I first started walking make more sense. Wish I had known that sooner! Gave a perfectly good pair of shoes to my daughter cause I thought they were the problem! @regojess - great job…
  • Thursday Truth - I'm stronger than I think I am. I have to keep reminding myself of this. Tuesday proved it. Today...not so great. I wore different shoes, and 10 mins in my feet started hurting. 15 mins in, I had to stop completely because they hurt so bad. But, I finished my 30 mins by heading to my favorite bike. Someone…
  • I forgot to write down who had the losses and bought smaller clothes. Whoever you were...YAY!!! @Vinsohn - me personally, I picked a pace in between my walk and jog, (I walked at 2.5 and jogged at 3.5, so I put 3 for 30 mins.). I know, probably not the best way, and I may not do it that way tomorrow, but I was lazy.…
  • More of a Tuesday check in, but a HUGE NSV!!!! Everyone I'm sure saw my post about finally jogging a few feet. Well...Today, I did the first workout for C25K, and did the whole thing!!!! I couldn't believe it! I'll probably be on week 1 for a few more than 1 week, but that's WAY more than I thought I'd be able to do!!!…
  • @naceto - thanks for the reply. I appreciate it! @Annie - Good luck tomorrow! You'll do great! I have a small NSV to report. Makes me feel better despite the junk. I JOGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: I still can't believe it! I, ME, jogged. Not very far, but still. I've been terrified to try because of how bad it…
  • A lot of them yes, but I carried 12lb 8oz with my twins. That was my 2nd pregnancy, and my first was a 9lb 7oz baby sumo! But after the twins I continued to gain weight. I started losing when my highest hit 336. I have a LONG way to go still, at over 100lbs still to lose, and I dread how much skin will be left over…
  • The scale likes to kick me when I'm down. I officially gained a pound. I know it's not much, but seeing as how this is the first time I've officially gained since I started, it's a little depressing. Not really sure what to do. I figured out yesterday that my workouts may be to blame. I'm on the bike, pedaling away. I…
  • @Vinsonh42 - I've had headaches my whole life. I've worn glasses since the 3rd grade. New Rx doesn't make them better or worse, so I know that isn't the cause. I wish it were that simple! Thanks for the reply. @Robin - My BP isn't great, probably hasn't been for years, but as I just said to Vinson, I've had them my whole…
  • Love reading about how well so many of you are doing. Although it makes me feel like even more of a failure than I did before I got on today... We have 2 scales in our home. One upstairs in the bathroom, the other down here stored under the couch. I don't officially weigh in until tomorrow, but I decided to see if I'm even…
  • Obviously, I found the thread, thanks to Robin and whoever else sent me a message (I forgot to write it down, sorry!) Not sure how active I'm going to be on here. so much to read, I don't have the time, and I feel bad if I don't read everyone's posts. @SweetPea - Thanks for sharing!!!!!! I know exactly how you feel. My…
  • Eating more calories could help lose weight, because eating too few, causes your body to not function properly. Same goes for water. Too little and you retain it in your tissues. If you eat closer to the suggested net calories, you should lose easier. I know from experience. Also, if you aren't lifting weights, then you…
  • Wednesday wish: That getting my son's schedule will go smoothly, and so will the start of school next Thursday. Summer sucks because I don't have the structure in my day that sending the kids off to school, and being ready for them to get home brings me. But, I've had the opportunity to spend quite a bit of time with them…
  • @SweetPea27, @Skinny, @Inoso, @tungsten93 - Thanks for the kind words! I am so stinking happy about it! I don't even remember the last time I was below 300. I stopped getting on the scale around then, cause I didn't want to see it. @sweetpea27 - you can do it! I know you can! @vinsonh42 - As far as curing it, wash super…
  • I made it! I hate I've been gone so long from the original thread, but I"m still kicking butt! :wink: Tuesday goals: Keep on keeping on with what I've been doing. It seems to be working, so not going to change it until I have to. For those who haven't heard, (I'm proud of this, so bear with me!:wink:), I am out of the…
  • You absolutely feel stronger before you see it in your body. I've lost almost 35lbs, and have barely gone down one pants size. My hubby keeps harping on the "You lose it first where you gained it last" to try to keep me motivated. Not being able to wear smaller sizes for women can be very depressing. BUT, I can do things…
  • Natural sugars from fruits take more energy to break down than refined sugars, and they are more filling than a candy bar or cookie. Therefore they are better for you. Not only that, there are WAY more benefits to eating them than cutting them out because of their sugar.
  • I am hoping in the near future to do a clothes swap. If you don't know what that is, anyone can bring in clothes to swap, any size, any type (no undies please! lol), and when they do they get a ticket. On the day of the swap, you bring your ticket, you get a bag and you can fill your bag up with whatever you want. Great…
  • You are not alone there. There is a possibility that you will have some lose skin, but if you have 100 lbs to lose, what do you expect? How well your skin bounces back depends on several things. How old you are, how long you've carried the weight, if there is any muscle under there and how fast you lose it. The younger you…
  • First off, making your own version of your faves is helpful in many ways. 1. actively cooking IS a workout, small one, but it is. 2. You know where the food is coming from and can avoid all the fillers, and preservatives that come in pre-packaged food (including salt to help with the bloat) and 3. You can tweak a recipe to…
  • Just finished day 4 Level 1 of 30DS. Good luck! Yes, it'll kick your butt, but that's the point, right? Stick with it, even when you think you're going to die. You can do it!
  • I have 11 (almost 12) yr old identical girls, and an almost 14 yr old son. Thankfully one of my girls is my walking buddy, and both are super supportive! I love it when they look at my ticker or my progress pix and say, "YAY MOMMY!!!!"
  • I love skinny cow too. I don't think she meant lose 5 lbs all at once, just make it small milestones to reach. I have a list posted on my closet door of mini goals. I found out I absolutely LOVE raspberry vinegrette! I even found I like peppers and a few types of onions. Those few things make almost anything taste good!…
  • Stop looking at it as a diet. Look at it as a lifestyle change. Also, don't try to change everything on the first day. You can't go from eating a cheeseburger every day to eating nothing but salads. Start with one meal, and do an over haul to make it healthy. Start walking for 30 mins day. Once you get in the hang of your…
  • STUFFED SHELLS 1pkg. (10 oz.) frozen chopped spinach, thawed, well drained (I used 2 cups fresh baby spinach) 1container (16 oz.) Fat Free Cottage Cheese 1red pepper, chopped (I omitted on accident, still good) 1egg white 1env. (0.7 oz.) Italian Dressing Mix 1cup Shredded Low-Moisture Part-Skim Mozzarella Cheese, divided…