Is this normal...?

So I've been tracking calories on MFP and working out five/six days a week for two weeks now. I eat at or under my calorie goal (2000 cal) and drink a ton of water. I haven't weighed myself because for the first month I want to focus on just making the habits, not necessarily what the scale says. I have about 130 pounds to lose.

I am already feeling better in general--more energy, less gastrointestinal issues, workouts are better at the gym--though I don't really much physical difference (I think I may have lost some fat around my sides, but I didn't take measurements).

Am I delusional to already feel "different," and how long does it usually take someone with a lot of weight to lose to see differences (and differences in clothes)?


  • bennysammysofie
    I was JUST thinking the same thing....and Ive been doing this for 5 days! Feeling better and much more energy. This doesnt mean you arent delusional though!
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    I think that the water and eating less junk can help almost immediately. I myself have a lot of tummy issues, and I've found that when I slack on the water, it can flare up on me.

    Keep up the good work!! :drinker:

    As for difference in th clothes, I don't know....I've lost 12 lbs and it was just a couple of weeks ago I noticed a difference and had to buy some smaller clothes. I've been at it since April. When i started I needed to lose over 60 lbs.
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    I still do not feel any different. I know by the Scale, my Measurements and the fact I can see in pictures.
    Keep up the great work
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    Dude, it just keeps going, like, exponentially. I have so much energy right now (a couple months in) that it's hard to go to sleep at night. You'd think all this exercise would make you tired but for me it is giving me more energy than I'm really sure how to handle! I dunno what's going to happen when I reach my goal, I think I will start training seriously in some sport that requires a few hours a day practice, or something. And three months ago, I considered a five minute walk to be what I could handle.

    It rules.
  • ArtemisXXII
    I have roughly 120lbs to loose myself and I noticed a change in face after about a month. And I personally think my middle section has gotten a little tighter. I'm still waiting to see a difference in how my clothes fit though despite the scale telling me I've already lost ten pounds. If you're seeing changes in how you feel take that as a sign you're on the right track and don't get discouraged just because those more obvious changes haven't come along yet. They'll come with time.
  • Dhellia
    Dhellia Posts: 84 Member
    Being active, eating healthier, and staying hydrated will go a long way to making you healthier even if you're not dropping the pounds. I keep trying to sell my family on the awesomeness of drinking water but I don't think they've bought it yet. If I don't drink my normal amount of water in a day I can really feel a difference. I also heard on a TED talk (sorry I don't remember which one now) that even if you are obese you can drastically reduce the health risks of being obese simply by being active! I was shocked to hear this. Anyway, with the rambling... It's no surprise you're feeling better because you are being healthier!

    As for how long it takes, I'm sure it's different for everyone. Healthy weight loss is gradual so it's difficult to notice at first. I just really started noticing the changes in myself this year after losing 30lbs. I tried wearing some of my summer clothes from last year and they are just too baggy or weird looking on me. Also I realized that I can cycle for much longer without feeling tired and just moving isn't exhausting like it used to be.

    It can be tough at times but just keep with it, it's totally worth it!
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    It's the endorphins!!!
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    FYI, you should go ahead and take measurements. I regret it. Would love to have known exactly what's what. Don't look back and regret not knowing.

    And for sure you can feel the difference. Congrats
  • HorseWithNoName27
    HorseWithNoName27 Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks everyone for their replies! Glad to know there's some truth and it's not all in my head (well, the endorphins are...LOL). I'll keep on keepin' on 'cause I want more changes! :smokin:

    And tmauck, good advice, I'll have to bust out the measuring tape soon and see :drinker:
  • debdatchp
    debdatchp Posts: 3 Member
    Perfectly normal! Good for you that you're taking charge of your health. I have a family member who, instead of taking care of himself has decided to be a martyr for the family. I'd rather he be a hero... ANYWAY, yes the changes come quick. Don't expect to lose much weight right off the bat b/c you're going to start building muscle first, which is more dense and therefore more heavy. You WILL lose inches right away (same premise). I didn't see a drop on the scale till the 2nd month which was okay cause I could already feel a change in the way my clothes were fitting. So keep up the good work! There's a whole bunch of us pulling for you!
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    You absolutely feel stronger before you see it in your body. I've lost almost 35lbs, and have barely gone down one pants size. My hubby keeps harping on the "You lose it first where you gained it last" to try to keep me motivated. Not being able to wear smaller sizes for women can be very depressing. BUT, I can do things now I couldn't a few months ago, so I'm not going to quit! And yes, water, water, water. I feel so bleck and sluggish when I don't drink enough! That reminds me, I've only had 2 mugs today, need to go drink some more! ;) Keep up the good work!