Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Bigaug
    Bigaug Posts: 395 Member
    ******WARNING TMI ALERT******Please accept my apologies in advance, for what I am about to type. I'm pretty sure my brain to mouth filter is not working today.... :blushing:

    Thursday truth - I fart. :embarassed: My son thinks it's fabulous and a good reason for him to do it too.... but his are much louder, and they stink like something died. :huh: So in the company of teenagers.... not a big deal. At work, however, it is not an acceptable form of expression. (My son told me that he read somewhere that fish fart to communicate.. interesting, but I digress...). I was always taught to leave the room (no, I didn't say "clear the room") when I feel the need to pass gas, however, not an option in the middle of a meeting. The only option is to sit uncomfortably, praying that it remains silent, but also NOT deadly. SO I went to my local Super Supplements and waited 10 minutes to talk to a gal that works there that I felt (almost) comfortable enough to explain my dilemma. She did not point and laugh, nor did she tell me to stand further away. She simply explained the "workings", and suggested a good probiotic and enzyme. Who would have thought that eating healthy would have such embarrassing side effects????

    Anyway, I made you suffer through this because I am truly hoping it isn't just me (though I would not wish this on any one of you!). Have any of you used probiotics and enzymes and found them effective?

    Farts are funny! I am experiencing the same thing. The healthier the stuff I'm eating the more gas I make. If we could only harness this energy I could drive myself to work everyday on the power of yesterday's salad! I've tried a few otc things but I still end up crop dusting here at work. If the stuff she recommended works will you share?

    Friday fitness - I lose Friday fitness. I cheated yesterday and 'only' did weight lifting, I skipped the mowing/cardio. I'll do the lawn tonight.

    There is a stray dog that wandered into our garage during a storm this week. I fed him, now he thinks he's my dog. Just to be clear I named him Sed, which is short for Someone Else's Dog. It's actually a name my in-laws could get behind (nudge nudge hint hint), they always have names like Puppy, Old Dog, Stray Dog. I have been searching for a home for the little feller, and last night I thought I had a sucker on the line. I rushed home and gave him a bath and flea treatment only to take my unstinky stray back home again. There is a rescue that will take him this weekend but I was really hoping to find him a furever home.

  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Hi yaw:flowerforyou: Been MIA this week...( posting here, but logging everyday) Congrats to all the NSV & SV:flowerforyou: Work has been a bear...have a girl on vacay so I am doing her job as well as mine:sad: Very STRESSFULL...I've been keeping up with you guys,(lurking, I suppose) I feel like I don't really have allot to share/contribute with you..( my life is pretty boring:blushing: ) but I am staying the path,:smile: I seem to have a road block on exercising....Just can't talk myself into doing it, and since I'm not a 1/2:heart: person, I just haven't been doing it...Go figure, excuses are like *kitten*, everyone has one! I hope you all enjoy a great long weekend!
    Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Blessed!:heart:
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Rushing out the door this morning, so I apologize for not going through everyone's comments, I will read them tonight.

    Friday Fitness - same as last week, though hopefully this time I will keep to it. I want to goto the gym every other day. Tonight is gym night and I will NOT flake out. My goal is to increase to 5 days a week in the near future, 1/2 hour of cardio each day.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Tina - great plan - another idea - only if you really want to do it with me. I'm going to get myself a new coffee cup - do you want to get one too? Then when you start the morning the coffee cup (or tea mug or milk or smoothie or whatever) will remind you of your re-commitment......Also, you might be too ambitious with a 5 day a week workout. Its not a sin to work out 3 days a week! Whatever you decide I applaud you for your stick-to-it attitude! :flowerforyou:

    I might buy a new water cup lol the coffee cup I have now has my daughters picture on it so it can't be replaced :) But I see what your saying and I think this weekend I might do that!
    As for the 5 days a week. I have always (up until I a couple weeks ago) have worked out Mon-Fri and took off Sat & Sun unless we just went for a walk or what not. I just don't schedule workouts on the weekends.

    I recieved a message on my facebook from one of my Zumba instructors saying that people that they missed me and people are asking where I am and she wanted to make sure everything was that made me feel good and bad at the same time. Good because I have a group of people there who care and bad because I have let them down as well as myself.

    So for sure on Monday's & Tuesday's I WILL be doing 60min of Zumba. No I know I said I'd get up in the morning and workout but if I'm going to Zumba I don't know if I will get up and workout and then do Zumba later. I will for sure do Zumba.
    I usually go all 3 nights, but Thursday's I now have to pick up my daughter from my SIL who keeps her after school, so unless I have a sitter Idk what to do. So might just be Mon & Tues and then I will figure out what to do Wed-Fri.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Fitness Friday - Of to the Aquatic Center after work today to sign up. I'll get my look around, my membership paid, and get the pool schedule. Then EARLY mornings Saturday and Sunday (oh and Monday since it's a holiday) when there's no one around to terrify (or harpoon me) I'll venture in the water. A few trips and I'll be more comfortable about going.

    Looking at my food log is going to be hard all weekend. I'm upping my calories from 1200 to 1600 for a few days to try and jump this plateau I'm on. That means the log shows I'm -400 every day :grumble: and that always makes me edgy but I don't want to change the goals for just a weekend. On the other hand I'm looking forward to some healthy gnoshing this weekend! 400 extra calories of gnosh!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Janak - so excited your dad wants to join MFP and you're going to set him up! Way to influence people positively.

    Tina - its decided - a new coffee cup for me, a new water jug for you, a new beginning for both of us.

    Toots - I think you're right and we should make one of our September challenges to Re-commit to our Lifestyle change.

    Vinson - your chicken salad sounds delish:love:

    Aug - you have a HOG - a Heart of Gold for taking in the stray dog - Hope you can find a good home for him!

    MyMowmow - you will absolutely love playing in the water. Don't let the Olympic=type swimmers intimidate you. When I swam at the YMCA, some of them would swim from behind me and completely overlap me, I mean swim right over me and pass me by - I thought it was the heighth of rudeness. I learned to barrel my arms into them and they stopped that rude practice soon enough!

    I am pretty miserable today. My surgery is next Thursday and I had to stop taking ibuprofen and I hurt all over. I also had to start taking laxative last nite. SURPRISE - they work! I have to take them every nite up to the day of surgery. eeeuuww! Its been a long time since I mentioned it, I'm having a cystocele and rectocele repair. Should be in the hospital 2 days, then a six week recovery period. Depending on where the thread is, may need someone to do the roll-over for me when I'm in the hospital.

    We need to determine our September Challenges. How do you like the one Toots suggested?
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Friday Fitness: Well I kind of explained it in the above post. But

    Monday- Zumba
    Tuesday- Zumba
    Wednesday- at least 30min of some form of exercise (elliptical, treadmill, Jillian Michaels kicking my butt, kettle-bell workout)
    Thursday- Either Zumba OR at least 30min of some form of exercise
    Friday- at least 30min of some form of exercise

    Yesterday I logged my food all day and I was under my calorie goal and felt great. I am back at this. I have a tupperware part to go to tonight and I know my SIL will have snacks. So my plan is to take my daughter to subway for dinner and we will eat before the party and I will not eat snacks.
    And weekends are the toughest on me. I am going to log everything and do my best to make the right choices.

    I want to see the number on that scale go down. Monday be it good or bad I am updating my weight loss ticker. I know it will show a gain but I have to be honest with myself and seeing the ticker go up will make me more motivated.

    Thank you to everyone for being so encouraging and supportive during my rough patch!

    So unbelievably appreciated!

    Have a FANTASTIC FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    MyMowmow - you will absolutely love playing in the water. Don't let the Olympic=type swimmers intimidate you. When I swam at the YMCA, some of them would swim from behind me and completely overlap me, I mean swim right over me and pass me by - I thought it was the heighth of rudeness. I learned to barrel my arms into them and they stopped that rude practice soon enough!
    I'm ready to stay out of their way for a little while. Then they better look out or I'll start throwing elbows and knees. I figure 15 minutes of swim/ 15 minutes of tread water repeat twice to start. M y hope was getting there right when they open will keep the crowding down in the pool so I can get used to it for 3 days at my own pace and THEN start contending with other people at the peak after work hours.
    I am pretty miserable today. My surgery is next Thursday and I had to stop taking ibuprofen and I hurt all over. I also had to start taking laxative last nite. SURPRISE - they work! I have to take them every nite up to the day of surgery. eeeuuww! Its been a long time since I mentioned it, I'm having a cystocele and rectocele repair. Should be in the hospital 2 days, then a six week recovery period. Depending on where the thread is, may need someone to do the roll-over for me when I'm in the hospital.
    I hope you have someone to help you at home for a little while?!
    We need to determine our September Challenges. How do you like the one Toots suggested?
    Let's do it! We can all use more motivation. Anything that helps keep us on the right path!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    MyM0wM0w -- stay strong and focused. 93lb is amazing! I'd agree with everyone else about mixing up your food and exercise. You mention 'some slips', make sure you're logging everything even if it's a slip, so you can check. Gosh, I dream of the day when I plateau at 93lb... Such a fantastic achievement. Good luck with the swimming!

    vanimelda -- have a wonderful anniversary weekend!

    tungsten93 -- just post when you can.

    Tina -- Hope the exercise is working out for you. It's so easy to stop and forget how good it feels to work out. One of my favourite inspirational quotes is
    "I really regret the workout I just finished -- said nobody ever".

    PomegranatePincess -- I'm 47 and the weight is coming off just fine so far. I thought it would be really hard but it hasn't been. As for the living room, our living room is tiny. I have a Wii which fits under the telly, and a Wii Fit board, which fits under the sofa. I have a dance mat, which I keep behind the sofa, and I have to move the coffee table to use it. But that's enough equipment to do all the Wii fitness games, and there are loads of those. The thing that's made the most difference is stepping on and off the Wii board whenever I'm watching telly and I haven't already done 10k steps that day. It takes no time because I'd be watching telly anyway, and hardly any space. I'm thinking of getting a higher step though.

    WalkingQueen -- congratulations on the house! We thought my son was certain to get an ODD diagnosis but he didn't. None of the standard approaches to discipline that schools use really work at all well on him. What does work is taking his screens away.

    Jana -- I might have a banana sandwich or a peanut butter sandwich... or a peanut butter and banana sandwich... 25 minutes running is fantastic!

    CelticHippo -- good luck with the soul searching. Logging all my cals made me realise that I was simply drinking too much beer on weekends and holidays. I do love it so, but I cut down a bit this last festival and was rewarded with a big reduction. Just, sort of, a pint at lunchtime and two in the evening instead of two at lunchtime and three in the evening, nothing drastic! I still fret, because I know that if I get anywhere close to my goal then I'll have had to cut down much much more than that, and I sort of don't want to. But baby steps.

    And good luck too with burning 300 cals in 30 minutes. I can't do that! Dance mat is the most burny thing I do, and about 260 cals/30 mins is my limit.

    Skinnyjeans -- could you cut down on the smoking rather than giving up completely? Small! Wow.

    Naceto -- I think everybody farts! But some have it worse than others, especially with a good, healthy, fibre-rich diet. I did have a friend who swore by something called 'bean-o' that you add to any dish with beans in it. Let me know how the enzymes go.

    Shannon -- well done for being back and getting back on the wagon. 15lb isn't that much really. Much better to come back now rather than leave it till it all went back on.

    Doug -- interested to hear how 'Eat More' is going for you. I'm fascinated by it.

    Friday Fitness -- and September Goal -- I'm trying to get my daily steps average over 10k. It's currently at 9600 according to my Striiv. It might take me a few weeks to do that, though I'll have big walking days tomorrow and Tuesday, as we've got Paralympic tickets for those two days and the Olympic park is *enormous*. The other times I've been were over 20k steps both times.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    ******WARNING TMI ALERT******Please accept my apologies in advance, for what I am about to type. I'm pretty sure my brain to mouth filter is not working today.... :blushing:

    Thursday truth - I fart. :embarassed: My son thinks it's fabulous and a good reason for him to do it too.... but his are much louder, and they stink like something died. :huh: So in the company of teenagers.... not a big deal. At work, however, it is not an acceptable form of expression. (My son told me that he read somewhere that fish fart to communicate.. interesting, but I digress...). I was always taught to leave the room (no, I didn't say "clear the room") when I feel the need to pass gas, however, not an option in the middle of a meeting. The only option is to sit uncomfortably, praying that it remains silent, but also NOT deadly. SO I went to my local Super Supplements and waited 10 minutes to talk to a gal that works there that I felt (almost) comfortable enough to explain my dilemma. She did not point and laugh, nor did she tell me to stand further away. She simply explained the "workings", and suggested a good probiotic and enzyme. Who would have thought that eating healthy would have such embarrassing side effects????

    Anyway, I made you suffer through this because I am truly hoping it isn't just me (though I would not wish this on any one of you!). Have any of you used probiotics and enzymes and found them effective?

    When I was younger a good guy friend of mine used to always say that grls don't fart they poo :bigsmile: - but I'm sure if there is any kind of force behind it, it can be just as deadly. (Have to make light of the situation). I don't usually have this problem but did yesterday, I attribute it to all of the fish oil I take - mostly it was a burping problem though. I take a great probiotic, so that may help to keep certain bodily functions at bay.

    @Aug~Your posts always crack me up – just laughed hysterically in my office, I’m sure my boss thinks I’ve lost it! :laugh:

    @Tina~I think you've got a great plan and am so glad your Zumba instructor contacted you. :flowerforyou: She may have given you just the nudge that you needed, you'll be glad to back into that routine. I sometimes have to force myself to get up in the morning to exercise - and I am not a morning person at all! There are just times when I can't fit into my schedule after work, so it must be done in the morning - right now skipping my workouts is not an option. You can do this! We all can.
  • vinsonh42
    vinsonh42 Posts: 125
    Friday fitness. I won't be at my bfs house until sunday so that gives me time to work out on the treadmill and bike tonight and tomorrow night. I will be at the beach on sunday with my sister (yay bathing suit....) til my bf gets off work so i will be swimming or rather wading in the water or laying out tanning so that should be fun plus its time with my sister. She doesn't know it yet but we will be leaving the house at like 8 am or earlier to go to the beach because the seawall get packed after 9 am.

    Wishing everyone a great FRIDAY!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    Friday checkin ... what am I doing to get fit?
    not a whole lot, but a few things:
    1. a few times a week, I am doing very light weightlifting to strengthen my arms and upper body.
    2. when I go grocery shopping from my house, I walk the half mile to and from the store rather than taking my car.

    I'm working my way up to using the exercise equipment on the second floor of my apartment building. Slowly but surely.

    Planning for weekend eating: I have healthy food around, healthy recipes for meals, and plans to bake healthy treats that won't ruin my food plan. (I hate the word "diet").

    I will plan for larger main meals, as the hubby likes to go out on weekends.

    And I will spend more time lifting weights (increase from 5 mins to 15 mins)
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I have to tell you guys something. I am really proud of myself for not giving in today. I was fine, having an okay day I was just tired from not enough sleep but, when I got home something had happened (nothing major or life threatening) and I was so PO'd that I broke down and was balling hysterically on my bedroom floor. While I was still in my room my step-mom called and invited me next door for dinner. Well I finally go and I was still mad and she asked me what was wrong so I told them the jyst of it and she offered me cookies. The fix it food. But I was just like, no. Honestly I didn't even want cookies. So I'm proud of myself of not going there and sabotaging myself more than I already had today. I had 2 sodas and a candy today and even though I was still under I was not going to give in to the depression munchies.

    That was awesome, not eating those cookies!

  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    @Skinny - That's AWESOME!! You make me jealous! And thanks for the info

    @Shrink - Thanks for the info. Makes what I went through when I first started walking make more sense. Wish I had known that sooner! Gave a perfectly good pair of shoes to my daughter cause I thought they were the problem!

    @regojess - great job resisting the cookies. You have the willpower of a saint!

    @dob - Good work!!! Keep it up! You're not pushing anything on anyone!

    @kah - Awesome loss! Congrats!

    @jana - Your commitment and success has gotten your DAD to decide to get healthy, how stinking awesome is that!

    Friday fitness - well, because of the remnants of Isaac coming here, we had to cancel our plans, so no full day of walking tomorrow. :( We will however be visiting my parents. Maybe I'll get to go do some target practice with their guns...

    I lost another lb this week. SO happy to for the #s to be going in the right direction again! Won't be here again until Monday probably, so everyone have a wonderful SAFE weekend!
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    That is awesome! Walking is free and effective or if you can afford an elliptical it is easier on the knees and available when you can't get out of the house. Keep the commitment and motivation going:flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am pretty miserable today. My surgery is next Thursday and I had to stop taking ibuprofen and I hurt all over. I also had to start taking laxative last nite. SURPRISE - they work! I have to take them every nite up to the day of surgery. eeeuuww! Its been a long time since I mentioned it, I'm having a cystocele and rectocele repair. Should be in the hospital 2 days, then a six week recovery period. Depending on where the thread is, may need someone to do the roll-over for me when I'm in the hospital.

    We need to determine our September Challenges. How do you like the one Toots suggested? Where we re-commit ourselves to this lifestyle change -maybe in our own words or one of the better wordsmiths could write it?
    We need one other challenge too.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    I made my yumtastic chicken salad last night here is for a small batch that serves 3:
    Calories: 233
    Carbs: 5
    Fat: 22
    Protein: 6
    Sodium: 318
    Sugar: 4

    For a small batch:4 oz boiled shredded chicken (I used thighs because they are cheap), 4, oz cream cheese, 2Tbsp mayo, 1Tbsp Dijon mustard, 1/4cup finely chopped green bell pepper, 1/4cup finely chopped white onion (or any onion), 3Tbsp shredded or finely chopped carrots. Add pepper not salt.

    To make it healthier use light cream cheese, light mayo or greek yogurt instead of reg mayo, and lean white chicken meat.

    Bake or boil chicken and shred or finely chop. Mix softened cream cheese with mayo (light or greek yogurt) and dijon mustard and if desired pepper, until it is completely mixed and somewhat light and fluffly. Finely chop veggies. When chicken is cool mix in cream cheese mix one spoon full at a time (you might not need or want it all) until it is mixed well together. Then mix in veggies.
    You can but in on bread, in a pita, on a wrap or tortilla, or in cabbage!

    If you dont want to mix in the sauce stuff then just spread some on what ever you are putting it on.

    Sounds yunny, going to try!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    friday fitness- well I got out of bed....that may be it for the day. With my kids gone now, my house is empty and it ECHOES in here and I DO NOT LIKE IT.....Trying to figure out how to live by myself.....
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    friday fitness- well I got out of bed....that may be it for the day. With my kids gone now, my house is empty and it ECHOES in here and I DO NOT LIKE IT.....Trying to figure out how to live by myself.....

    Karen - I find keeping a radio on helps me. I don't like the quiet either. I set up specific rituals or routines to follow that get me comfortable to follow through the day. Coffee and a favorite TV program in the am, followed by list - making - a To-Do list for the day. chores - shower - errands - phone calls - gardening or yardwork - all meals of course. You get the picture.
    Carve out areas in your home, a place where you like to read where the light is good and make it over - make it cushier, plumper, nicer. Concentrate on little areas of your house and reclaim them for yourself. Imagine how you'd like things to be if you were crafty, and then dream of how to accomplish them. Think of the future. Picture yourself enjoying your life. It will get easier if you let your imagination run free.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Karen - For the longest time after my divorce I had my apartment the way my EX would have liked it. Or when I'd buy furniture I wouldn't think if it was something *I* would love but how company or whomever would feel about it.

    Robin is right, take a portion and make it yours. Do it over in a way that pleases your taste and style. Experiment and play. Do you have a pet? Maybe a trp to the shelter to give an adult cat a home. YOu can pick one that they say has to be an only cat (those are harder to adopt out) and feel good about having a new friend and offering a home to someone who needs it. :)

    The radio trick is good too, I have the record player or Pandora on ALL the time.