Really trying and getting frustrated

Good morning all. I've been really putting a lot of work into trying to lose the final 24 lbs in my 100lb journey. I seem to have plateaued and I can't seem to break it. My diet seems to be pretty on point and I'm really working hard when I work out. I'm on my 4th week of Insanity and I even go to the gym afterwards. I just don't what I'm doing wrong or what else I can do. I eat healthy all day long. its getting really frustrating and at this pace I won't meet my goal by the end of the year like I hoped. I feel a lot better physically, being able to run longer, jump higher, etc etc, but I was really hoping to make my brother proud when he comes back from deployment and I feel like i'll let him down if I don't meet my goal.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would say you are probably not eating enough for the amount of working out you do. With only 24lbs to go your weekly goal should be no more than to lose 1lb/week, and you should be eating back the cals burned from your exercise.

    I would also suggest getting more protein, you are way under your goal everyday. Adequate protein will help ensure that as you lose weight that minimal lean muscle is lost. Not doing strength training, or getting enough protein, or having a too large of a deficit can lead to a large % of your weight loss coming from lean muscle. The less you have to lose the more important all 3 become.
  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    Thanks for the response Eric, what I try to do is balance all of the nutrients that are being tracked and every time I try to max out my protein, the other categories go over the limit. I was eating a lot of protein in the beginning, but I was worried that I would start to put on more weight muscle-wise than my body was shedding fat-wise. I try to eat back as much of my workout calories as possible, but I don't get to work out until 8PM and by then I can't eat afterwards because its too late in the day to eat from what I'm told.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Thanks for the response Eric, what I try to do is balance all of the nutrients that are being tracked and every time I try to max out my protein, the other categories go over the limit. I was eating a lot of protein in the beginning, but I was worried that I would start to put on more weight muscle-wise than my body was shedding fat-wise. I try to eat back as much of my workout calories as possible, but I don't get to work out until 8PM and by then I can't eat afterwards because its too late in the day to eat from what I'm told.

    fair enough. I would suggest that if you know your are going to workout, make a conservative estimate of what you will burn and eat those cals throughout the day.
    Good luck and keep up the great work.
  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    Thanks man, I'm really trying. I'm giving it all I have and I think thats the frustrating part. I'm pushing as hard as I can and not seeing anything.
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    Hey.. I'm a fitness manager and have been a personal trainer for 8 years. I have also undergone a bit of a transformation myself. Great work on your progress so far. These last 24 lbs are going to be the hardest as you can see. After reviewing your diary, here is my input.

    Here's some tough love.. I know you think you're eating healthy all day long, but I see it otherwise. Nutella, Jif, grape jelly, ritz crackers, cereal and tons of bread (even though it's whole wheat, doesn't matter). These are all foods I would not be eating or recommend my clients to eat on a daily basis. Most of your carb intake is refined. The Jelly, cereal, crackers and bread all need to be replaced with oatmeal, brown rice and sweet potato. If you're going to eat peanut butter, you have to go for a natural version. And remember, peanut butter has a ton of calories. I see very little fruit and veggies in your diet on a daily basis. You need to eat more fruits and veggies and less of the "snack" type foods.

    The other issue I see is with your macro-nutrient consumption. You're eating too many carbs and too few grams of protein. Because you've lost so much weight already, and this is the home stretch, you need to become very strict and start timing your food better. The best thing you can do is to cut off all carb intake by the middle of your day. That means no starch in the evening. The second half of you day should consist of strictly protein, healthy fats and veggies. No bread, no crackers, none of that.

    Lower your carbs, up your protein and improve the quality of foods you're eating and I guarantee that you will blast through this plateau.. And be careful, you may be over training. Over training is sometimes worse than not working out at all and it can completely stop all results, and even set you back a little. I don't see any reason to do insanity and then follow it with a second workout.. That's way too much.

    I hope this info helps you. Keep up the good work and keep logging your foods. It will keep you honest.
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    By the way.. You can change the amount of protein carbs and fat that this diary allows.. click on Home then Goals.. If you look at my diary, I have customized it to allow more protein then carbs.
  • NC2001
    NC2001 Posts: 17 Member
    Great advice on here. Thanks.
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    No suggestions from me, but a little encouragement.

    If you've lost a significant amount of weight since your bro's been gone, I'm pretty sure he'll be surprised and proud regardless of if you've met "goal" or not. Be proud of what you've accomplished, and take one day at a time!
  • NoExcusesAllProgress
    Hey.. I'm a fitness manager and have been a personal trainer for 8 years. I have also undergone a bit of a transformation myself. Great work on your progress so far. These last 24 lbs are going to be the hardest as you can see. After reviewing your diary, here is my input.

    Here's some tough love.. I know you think you're eating healthy all day long, but I see it otherwise. Nutella, Jif, grape jelly, ritz crackers, cereal and tons of bread (even though it's whole wheat, doesn't matter). These are all foods I would not be eating or recommend my clients to eat on a daily basis. Most of your carb intake is refined. The Jelly, cereal, crackers and bread all need to be replaced with oatmeal, brown rice and sweet potato. If you're going to eat peanut butter, you have to go for a natural version. And remember, peanut butter has a ton of calories. I see very little fruit and veggies in your diet on a daily basis. You need to eat more fruits and veggies and less of the "snack" type foods.

    The other issue I see is with your macro-nutrient consumption. You're eating too many carbs and too few grams of protein. Because you've lost so much weight already, and this is the home stretch, you need to become very strict and start timing your food better. The best thing you can do is to cut off all carb intake by the middle of your day. That means no starch in the evening. The second half of you day should consist of strictly protein, healthy fats and veggies. No bread, no crackers, none of that.

    Lower your carbs, up your protein and improve the quality of foods you're eating and I guarantee that you will blast through this plateau.. And be careful, you may be over training. Over training is sometimes worse than not working out at all and it can completely stop all results, and even set you back a little. I don't see any reason to do insanity and then follow it with a second workout.. That's way too much.

    I hope this info helps you. Keep up the good work and keep logging your foods. It will keep you honest.

    Thank you so much and the "harsh" advice is more than welcome. I react better to tough love than I do coddling haha. I'll definitely have to change my shopping a bit. The "bad" foods I've been eating are all that is available to me at the moment until I get paid next week. I normally each a lot more strict, but my car just gave out on me and moneys been tight so I've been eating the food that my office provides for us as a courtesy.

    I'm putting together a shopping list as we speak and I'll take all of your advice and compile everything together. I'll let you guys know how I'm doing in a week or two.
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    Sounds good man.. I look forward to following your progress.