I Keep Falling Off The Wagon

I'm dieting for the 1,000,000th time. I fall off the wagon, usually within the first few days. Usually within the 1st day of dieting. Well I'm tired of failing. I'm to the point I'm too fat. I'm over 300 lbs. I have at minimum 150 lbs to lose. I can't fail anymore. I don't know what to do to stay motivated. I don't know why I'm so weak. How do people do it?


  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    Stop looking at it as a diet. Look at it as a lifestyle change. Also, don't try to change everything on the first day. You can't go from eating a cheeseburger every day to eating nothing but salads. Start with one meal, and do an over haul to make it healthy. Start walking for 30 mins day. Once you get in the hang of your new routine, change up another meal and walk for 45 mins a day. Just keep making small changes, and before you know it, you won't even miss the junk...usually. We all have times we backslide a bit, so don't get discouraged. This is my 3rd round with MPF, and I am finally making progress. You also have to be religious about logging food so you are accountable to ppl other than yourself. That helps a TON! Feel free to add me, I'd love to help you on this journey! In March I started at 336, I am now down 15 lbs!!! We can do it!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Like Lampie said don't look at it as a diet look at it as changing your eating habits. I eat whatever I want but in moderation. If you deprive yourself of certain foods you will fail. I only walk about 25 minutes 4 days a week and I have lost 16 pounds since the end of February. I have had a few cheat days too, but I will get right back on track the next day. My cheat days are when we go out to eat and its really hard to not cheat on those days. Once you start seeing the weight go you will enjoy this, but only if you don't deprive yourself of the foods you love. Lets say you just got to have a cheeseburger today, well eat it but make sure the rest of your food that day is lower in calories so you don't go overboard. You will find things out there that you like that are low in calories. For me I love the skinney cow ice cream. Make yourself small goals of maybe just losing 5 pounds at a time. If you make yourself a huge goal you will feel like your never gonna get there. Hope it works out for you
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    I love skinny cow too. I don't think she meant lose 5 lbs all at once, just make it small milestones to reach. I have a list posted on my closet door of mini goals. I found out I absolutely LOVE raspberry vinegrette! I even found I like peppers and a few types of onions. Those few things make almost anything taste good! lol Yes, I have cheat days, heck, I go on a date with my hubby tomorrow night, so I'll need to be careful the rest of the day. Looking at menu's before going helps too. You can enter the foods you want and see what the calories and stuff are.