ratmist Member


  • I'm *from* Texas... does that count? :) You can add me if you like.
    in texas Comment by ratmist June 2012
  • Feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me - we have similar weight loss goals. :)
    in just joined Comment by ratmist June 2012
  • That is a *very* noticeable difference. Congratulations - you must be so pleased!
  • Jacob's High Fibre cream crackers. Top with low-fat cheese, or smoked fish (good way to get protein and omega-3), or my favourite, caramelised onion and cranberry chutney + emmental.
  • Currently, I space it out so that one day I do weights/resistance training, and the next day I run (I'm also working on a running goal - a 10K.) This gives my body time to repair between the exercises, so I don't put too much strain on muscles and ligaments. That said, I know that if I was to combine them, I'd lose weight…
  • Awesome post. I'm working on knees now - I haven't yet had the guts (literally) to do the full plank style. Every time I try, I feel my abdomen muscles clenching, and I end up going back on my knees.
  • This is the one I use the most for running (doesn't get more high impact for me): http://store.nike.com/gb/en_gb/?l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-314256/pgid-314258#l=shop,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-300/pid-324396/pgid-432069 In case that link breaks, it's a Nike Rebel Sports bra. It can be customised in length on the straps so…
  • We have two Sportsdirect stores here in Cambridge. They always have great sales and good prices in general for sports bras of all sizes. I also got lucky and found a fantastic Nike Dry-Fit bra in 38C at TK Maxx for about £12 or £15.
  • Thanks everyone!! :) I'm amazed at the support - thank you!! What is an HRM, and is it approved for use by GPs / NHS? Is it a Heart Rate Monitor? What's the advantage of using one? I'm one of these people that never ever goes on fad diets or uses gadgets (except for a pedometer and a set of scales), and I'm an indepenent…
  • I'm in Cambridge - feel free to add me! I'm pretty sarcastic and cynical, but it's all in good fun.