Wendy1Fl Member


  • 2/6 Sat 1.57 miles 2/7 Sun rest day 2/8 Mon 2 miles 2/9 Tue 2 miles pace 13:03 2/10 Wed rest day 2/11 Thurs 2 miles pace 13:00 2/12-2/14 too many rest days 2/15 Mon 2.25 miles pace 12.74 2/16 Tue 3.25 miles Long Run pace 13:30 2/17 Wed rest day 2/18 Thurs 2.25 miles pace 13:35 15.32 down, 4.68 to go Today's run was hard…
  • 2/6 Sat 1.57 miles 2/7 Sun rest day 2/8 Mon 2 miles 2/9 Tue 2 miles pace 13:03 2/10 Wed rest day 2/11 Thurs 2 miles pace 13:00 Weekly total: 7.57 2/12-2/14 too many rest days 2/15 Mon 2.25 miles pace 12.74 2/16 Tue 3.25 miles pace 13:30 13.07 down, 6.93 to go I had a better time of it today, but man, am I ever starving!…
  • 2/6 Sat 1.57 miles 2/7 Sun rest day 2/8 Mon 2 miles 2/9 Tue 2 miles pace 13:03 2/10 Wed rest day 2/11 Thurs 2 miles pace 13:00 2/12-2/14 many rest days 12/15 Mon 2.25 miles pace 12.74 9.82 down, 10.18 to go I seemed to have to fight for each step of my run today. But I pushed through and I'm glad I did. I really need the…
  • 2/6 Sat 1.57 miles 2/7 Sun rest day 2/8 Mon 2 miles 2/9 Tue 2 miles pace 13:03 2/10 Wed rest day 2/11 Thurs 2 miles pace 13:00 7.57 down; 12.43 to go
  • This made me laugh!
  • @CariTJR I have the same February distance goal as yours and you're far ahead of me. So I had to chuckle when you wrote that you felt you were behind on your distance. We just need to keep trying and we'll get there! Congratulations on finding a group to run with. That will definitely help you reach your goals!
  • 2/6 1.57 miles 2/8 2 miles 2/8 2 miles pace 13:03 5.57 down, 14.43 to go Another beautiful sunny day and 50 F. Sherman achieved 62 paces without breaking his heel today! My sister, who declared me certifiably insane for training to run a 7.43 mile race last May, called and asked me if she could try that race with me this…
  • @rohanivan welcome! I wanted to be smiling at the end of my first race last year, but I ended up bursting into tears! It was pretty embarrassing - I thought for sure I was made of tougher stuff than that. @Elise4270 those shirts are awesome! I wasn't around when the group made the order but if you end up with any extras…
  • Have you tried messing with your shoe lacing? I had problems a lot like this last year and it was due to my overdeveloped arch being slightly larger on my right foot. A staffer at my favorite running shoe store suggested I lace up looser on that foot and I haven't had the numbness since. I hope you are able to get to the…
  • 2/6 1.57 miles 2/8 2 miles 3.57 down, 16.43 to go Thanks everyone for the congratulations and encouragement! The trail I take my dogs on has a ton of small steep hills. I had to walk up them day before yesterday, but not today! I increased my distance to 2 miles today and didn't have to walk any of it. Then, I did leash…
  • Hi again everyone, it has been a long time, but I'm back! My darling baby girl was born January 21st, and she is such a content little soul. Her name is Evelyn. I'm soooo glad to not be pregnant anymore (I don't do pregnant well, lol). Evelyn was definitely worth it, though! Today I was out on the trails with the dogs and…
  • My first puke free run!! 7/25 2.3 miles Pace 12:30 7/18 2.15 miles Pace 12:30 7/12 2 miles. Pace 12:28 7/21 1.62 miles Pace 13:00 Total: 5.77; 4.23 to go
  • On Saturday, I ran, and I didn't throw up. Then when I got home, the smell of my own sweat made me throw up! LOL 7/18 2.15 miles Pace 12:30 7/12 2 miles. Pace 12:28 7/21 1.62 miles Pace 13:00 Total: 5.77; 4.23 to go
  • 7/12 2 miles. Pace 12:28 7/21. 1.62 miles. Pace 13:00 Did 2 miles today with a pace of 12:28. No puking, yay!
  • Hey all, we had a cooler, lightly raining day today, so I thought I'd give it a go to see how I could do. I got to 1.62 miles with a pace of 13:00 min/mile, but I had to stop to spew twice as I jogged by some big dog dookie. Changed my route slightly (duh!) and I was good to go until someone decided to BBQ some meat.…
  • What was your warm up/cool down & stretching routine? I was constantly plagued with them in High School Track & Cross Country...
  • I was the same way when I first started my weight loss endeavor in my mid twenties. I couldn't stand every minute I was working out, regardless of the activity. Eventually, I did start to enjoy it. It took me obtaining a good cardio base for it to hurt less. I also found that if I could do any activity outdoors (hiking,…
  • I want to thank you all for your congratulations! It was kind, and I appreciate it. Unfortunately, after setting my lofty goal for June, I have been completely debilitated by Morning (AKA Make-You-Wish-You-Weren't-Alive-24/7) Sickness every day. Yesterday, I finally felt like a human again. Sooo...Here is my amazing June…
  • My Dr. told me to take 25 mg of Vitamin B6 with Unisom at night, and another 25 mg of B6 with my morning meal. It has made the nausea less overwhelming; I'm only throwing up about every other day now. I still battle nausea every day, all day. It's just not as intense. I haven't been able to do anything besides go to work,…
  • I have it & like it, but I didn't complete it then got into running too seriously. I was intending on picking it up again when the winter daylight restricts my running. I did it for 6 weeks and saw good results in my rear, thighs, and abs. I think it's worth the money if you are like me and don't enjoy the gym experience,…
  • @bluethethreeleggeddog congratulations! I love it that you felt so good after your first run! P.S. Running is SO the best exercise!! na-na-na-na-boo-boo!!! :D
  • I know it seems counterintuitive, but when you're first starting out running, the slower the better. I used to get side stitches often when I started running with my friend who had been running for a year (I was completely sedentary). The days I would go out on my own, I ran much slower than she and the side stitches…
  • I'm in for 106. I just found out I am pregnant this morning, so we'll see how THAT helps with my running goals, LOL. Also, welcome all new members to this thread, it will help with your motivation! Total: 0; 106 to go
  • 5/30 7.5 miles Pace 10:30 5/27 9 miles. That. Was. Brutal! Pace 11:00 5/26 2.72 miles Pace 10:31 5/22 6.75 miles Pace 11:06 5/21 4.67 miles – Lola’s distance record! Pace 10:17 5/20 4.23 miles – Another hilly trail run Pace 11:22 5/16 4.56 miles – Hilly trail run Pace 12:32 5/14 1.91 miles – Hilly trail run, more Lola…
  • Ok, new to Google Docs, let's see if this works: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GVKOdptYIJhcd8HKCsERKzkFFOM6YSzfRKYP7mWLP2o/edit?usp=sharing I can see now that I need to start off with longer long runs to build it up to 13 and still allow a 2 week taper. I'll have to tinker with my long runs again. My Dec -…
  • Thank you so much! I was planning on increasing my current average of 20 miles per week by 15%, and maintaining that mileage for 3 weeks, then dropping back to 20 for a recovery week based on these runner's world articles: http://www.runnersworld.com/race-training/optimizing-your-mileage…
  • @HonuNui I love it when you post your snorkeling pictures. I used to manage a saltwater aquarium store. I have seen many of those beautiful fish you post, but in captivity. I didn't realize it at the time how destructive the hobby is to these creatures & their environment. It warms my heart to see them happy, free, and…
  • I think I read somewhere that shoes should be replaced after 300 miles...Is this erroneous?
  • Yeah, what he said! :) 5/27 9 miles. That. Was. Brutal! Pace 11:00 5/26 2.72 miles Pace 10:31 5/22 6.75 miles Pace 11:06 5/21 4.67 miles – Lola’s distance record! Pace 10:17 5/20 4.23 miles – Another hilly trail run Pace 11:22 5/16 4.56 miles – Hilly trail run Pace 12:32 5/14 1.91 miles – Hilly trail run, more Lola…
  • So, I was just finally able to catch up on everybody's posts. @shanaber Hobbes is amazing! Way to go! @SBRRepeat Congratulations on the tri - you are made of much tougher stuff than I :blush: @skippygirlsmom Yikes, a driving teen and a mile long hill...yikes!! @isulo_kura I love the muddy shoe pic, I always feel like it…