edg_15 Member


  • I really want to try these!! I looooove noodles but need a healthier option.
    in nooodles!! Comment by edg_15 July 2011
  • I like to log them because they show the nutrients I'm getting. It makes me feel good to see that I had a balanced meal.
  • Good idea!
    in Frozen Meals Comment by edg_15 June 2011
  • I'm totally there with you! I'll be 27 in august and I am so fed up with being fat. Let's do this!!
  • I'm having these weird emotions too. I feel so desperate. I want this fat off me, now!! Lol. But it really does take holding yourself accountable. I usually try to do it on my own but fail miserably. This time I'm putting it all out there. Even when I eat a donut...or two. Lol. If I write it down, it helps me see what I am…
  • I'm so with ya! I tried cutting milk but that only lasted a day. Lol! I've tried soy and almond, but nothing is as good to me as 2% milk.
    in milk craving Comment by edg_15 June 2011
  • I believe losing weight consists of three things: diet, exercise, and behavior. I've been struggling with emotions and eating all of my life. Even as a child, food was always satisfying. The thing to realize is why do we hide behind our weight? It's almost like putting up a wall around us that contains all of our emotions…
  • Hey! Thanks for that post! I'm always looking for grab and go food ideas. That site, eatingwell.com, has some great ideas!
    in Menu help! Comment by edg_15 June 2011
  • Hey! I'm like 2 days into blogging and meeting people. There are some pretty awesome, positive people on here! I'm all for groups support, so feel free to add me!
  • Hey! Welcome! I just started being more interactive yesterday and I'm already feeling the love and encouragement. I also have over a 100 lbs to get rid of, but I just keep thinking to take it one day at a time. I love that you want to feel better and believe me, once a couple of those pounds start coming off you'll feel a…
  • Go for it! I did that once and it really worked. It feels so good when you are finally able to put it on.
    in Quick ? Comment by edg_15 June 2011
  • Hey! I'm on here now! :) Let's do this!
    in Lonely.... Comment by edg_15 June 2011
  • Wow! That was quick! My brother, gonzj266, and I had downloaded the myfitnesspal app about 3 months ago and we thought we could help each other out. We did really well the first month and then kind of just stopped keeping track. I gained almost 15 lbs in the last 2 months! But I know it was mainly due to an ankle injury I…