konerusp Member


  • I just ordered a fitbitzip after seeing this ,I was thinking of starting this week
  • Amazing progress,you look crazy good!!Congratulations.How many calories did you eat on an average?
  • Check out my blog,you may find something you like in there http://www.yummiliciousrecipes.com/ My husband is a vegetarian so Ive learnt a lot of vegetarian recipes to keep it interesting.
  • Thats some amazing progress,how tall are you?Im at 158 now at 5" 6and my goal is 140,i dont think ill look half as good as you at 155.Way to go,beautiful transformation. Can I add you?
  • I come from a culture where rice is primary source of food.I eat breakfast and lunch with them,for dinner i skip the rice and just eat the curry and vegetable and skip the rice.I wont usually have many calories left till dinner,lunch and breakfast are pretty heavy with carbohydrates.I do eat eggs and oatmeal for breakfast…
  • It will hurt,it will keep hurting but it is that good for you. 5 years ago when i started lifting,i couldn't do a single push up,I felt so embarrassed in a lifting class.Now I can do many many pushups and of course it still does hurt.As you start using your muscles they start getting stronger and start supporting your…
  • While it might seem rude to you,he may just be a fitness enthusiast looking to bring more people on his bandwagon and get company or even rub his fitness streak on others,you feel that way because you are not confident of the way you look,rise above that you will happy to brush it away. I encountered a totally different…
  • For me it was really due to poor nutrition and restrictive calories,when i was losing weight i was cold all the time and dry hands and feet.I increased my food consumption(not junk food) more vegetables fruits and healthy fats,it really made a difference,also check your iron and b complex-i take these supplements as…
  • For me personally the below moves helped tremendously to tone those muscles up and lose fat along with a good diet and cardio (google them up,you will find videos on the right form to do them) 1.Wood choppers 2.push ups 3.kettlebell halo(http://kettlebellworkoutstuff.com/kettlebell-halo) 4.Bent over row Good luck.
  • This often happens to most people.In my case 160 lbs is that weight where I get stuck at.Whenever I gaon and lose,Im sure to hit a plateau at 160 lbs.It tests my patience like crazy even for 3- 4 months without any budging on the scale.Below are some of the wild cards I play on my body when this happens(not in any specific…
  • Have around 15-20 pounds depending on how I feel.My weight loss hasn't exactly been linear,so I don't know how it will go or how long it will take.Hope I get there by next year,Ill be 30 then and will be planning kids the year after,so I would like to get to the lower end of my ideal weight range so I can have some wiggle…
  • An ayurvedic recommendation is to rest completely in that time,even the daily chores and easing on digestion if its possible.I used to struggle cramps and back pain etc a lot,I stopped workout and have my husband do the chores and cooking for me,I don't eat meat or alcohol or junk food during this time and it eventually…
  • Take him to night clubs and hook him up with a few girls,or other friends,he will soon get a life.
  • Simply add more and more greens to your diet,don't add any sweet stuff to them,it will go within a few days.The more greens you consume the faster the sweet craving will leave you.Sugar gets you addicted to want to have more and more ,Greens help neutralize your palette.Also,It could be magnesium deficiency do check with…
  • Im also 5"6 and 160 lbs age 28,but my size is 8. Im thinking you have put on fat due to the pregnancy,you can start with daily exercise and calorie counting and weight lifting,weights help the fat percentage go down and look lean.Although I would like to get down to 130-140 ish Im still happy with the muscle definition I…
  • The most amazing transformation i have ever seen,not many people maintain the muscle when losing weight and you managed that and your new body is just so fit and lean!!great great work!!how was your food during the process?
  • So needed this on a friday!Today I was in the mood-"when will this ever get over,when will I lose and get the body I want!!Great inspiration!Keep up the good work!Do you weight train as well?
  • Frankly,it has to come to them from their inside, as per the saying -"you can take the horse till the water but not make it drink water".I have my elders,they aren't obese but are a little overweight,yet they still like to skip meals and survive eating only icecream or only sweets some days,all have history of high…
  • Actually fats help assimilation of nutrients,my mom never included too much fat in our diets,and that was something I had to get my body used to when I grew up. I now eat a small portion of nuts or avocado or clarified butter(ghee) every day to meet my fat requirements.We also use grated coconut and coconut milk in our…
  • This is an Ayurvedic way to become a morning person,I was like you before until I changed certain things in my daily routine.Simple life style changes that will make a difference. 1.For the first week get to bed by 9PM or 10PM latest,no later than that. 2.Set an alarm for 6:AM and force yourself out of sleep for that…
  • I agree with this.We both had leisure jobs till now,so we had no issues,my husband moved to a new job where in he is putting in extra hours.I had a tough time dealing with it,we went on and on about I do that,you don't etc etc.The argument doesn't end.He says I take care of all the outside things I don't do household…
  • If you are young,Sugar won't affect you as much for weight loss. Some folks are sensitive to blood sugar spikes(not talking about diabetes),,if they are sensitive they are better off with low glycemic index foods.On a different note,sugar reduces the effect of stomach acid in digesting food,again this is at a molecular…
  • In my opinion,looking good or weighing less for your boyfriend is a wrong attitude!If you want to weigh less and look good do it for yourself,irrespective of what your boyfriend thinks,every person should have their own personal goals for their health and body and others opinions shouldn't stop you from doing that!Lose…
  • Sauna keep hydrated No processes food,try cutting out sauces,pickles etc, eat mostly lean meats and vegetables do some weight training/circuit training Have a nice time at your wedding!
  • I was a fitness freak until I got married,I let it go the first year of marriage,I was working from home on top,i gained about 155 pounds.ITs hard to maintain motivation if your better half doesn't have the same goals as you,but.. 1. I keep looking at my wedding pic and the pics when I took up some personal training…
  • Eat a heavier lunch and make dinner your first meal after you come home.Always advised to keep the last meal of the day light. I personally am against snacking,but its your choice,I have 3 main meals,big meals,we eat by 6-6:30 as soon as my husband gets home.We are good. you can try roasted garbanzo beans…
  • Is it really necessary to go to such extreme?are you looking for quick results?if so that will work. I personally cannot survive on that,I eat more than 200g carbs and about 120g=lean body mass of protein,i do eggs and lentils and protein shake,yogurt etc. Low carb makes you feel crappy and tired all the time.Its a choice,…
  • Ive been brought up eating chicken or fish only once a week,ie primarily vegetarian,so I add a protein shake to my daily intake to supplement the protein requirements,if your protein consumption is low,yes adding it will help stabilize blood sugar and reduce cravings and help you indirectly lose weight!