

  • You can do it!!!! It's funny, my goal is also very similar.......26 lbs. by November 19th! Let's dot it!!!!
  • It's kind of tough at first, but SO worth it! We have been working on this for about a year now and the thought of processed or fast foods makes our stomach's turn. There are some really tasty clean & healthy foods. Clean Eating magazine has been a great resource and I am amazed at the wonderful recipes in each new issue.…
  • Congrats!!! You look fantastic....good job!!!
  • Don't beat yourself happens. Drink LOTS of water and get back on track. As someone else mentioned, don't weigh yourself for a few days. You're doing great, don't let this one weekend derail you!
  • Both of these are fantastic and very informative!! I also subscribe to a magazine called Clean Eating and absolutely love it!!
  • Don't beat yourself need to live it up when you turn 40! From personal experience (I have gained and lost up to 5 lbs. in a day), it's probably water weight. Drink LOTS of water (until you feel like you are floating), and I'll bet that 2 lbs. miraculously dissapears! Good luck!
  • I would guess they are pure processed sugar = CRAP!!! Maybe freeze some fresh fruit and then put that in a food processor with a little honey or Agave and some liquid to make a health alternative.
  • I know you can get it at Kohl's, so it's not strictly mail order. I do like mine.
  • Don't give up!!! First, I can tell you that last week I had a 5 lb. gain over a 3-day time span! We were on vacation and I ate out a lot and the salt & water weight did it. I drank water like crazy for 1-1/2 days and miraculously peed the entire 5 lbs. gain away!! Myfitnesspal isn't going to do it for you! I guess if you…
  • I know what you mean!! I too have discovered that I am addicted to food. My new thing is to ask myself before putting food in my mouth: "Are you feeding your body, or your I REALLY NEED this?!?!"......doesn't work everytime, but things are getting better. Recognizing you have an issue and putting the rest…
  • Don't sweat it!! It happens, and yes you should still eat something for dinner (maybe a salad). I always tell myself that splurging and eating bad foods for a day is WAY better than the way that I used to eat. Drink lots of water!!! I find that when I splurge that drinking lots of water helps flush me out and get back on…
  • YAY, YOU!!! Good job! Can't wait to get there myself someday =)
  • I think this website is awesome and it has really helped me. Don't look at what you are doing as a diet, but a lifestyle. I really liked the South Beach Diet and excersice book. I don't follow it exactly, but think it's a good place to start and the stories are very inspirational. Take it one day at a time and good luck!
    in Newbie Comment by Chinook71 May 2011
  • Congratulations!! Good job! :smile:
  • Good for you for still trying to eat right. My advice....stay away from the scale. Unless your Dr. says you need to rest, you don't need a gym to workout. Do some crunches, put on some music and dance...If you look in the database house cleaning burns some good calories. I think we all get tunnel vision....get creative and…
  • I have heard that it depends on the person...etc. Personally, I will take extra skin over fat anyday!!
  • I would say YES, so you don't end up bingeing. Personally, I try to stick to higher quality sweets - organic dark chocolate....etc. I have also read that it is best to eat dessert right after a meal (which will help your body process the sugars more efficiently) Good luck! :)
  • I agree...I am also only eating about 1200 cals. and working out a minimum 5 days a week and I still haven't really gotten hungry. When I eat my bigger meals (lunch, dinner) I try to be mindful about how fast I eat and I am drinking 10-12 glasses of water a day - you would be surprised what a difference that makes. I also…