Needing some motivation

About 2 weeks ago I was involved in a hit and run at work (a guy rear-ended me and took off). I've been off for at least 2 weeks now and still can't go back to driving, and will be starting modified duties this week. But I can't go to the gym and do what I normally do and it's starting to really depress me. I do watch what I eat, and try to stick within my goals, but it seems the weight is coming back on (according to the scale). My TOM just came and went and I know some of it's probably from that, but I just feel like it's going no where now. I feel sluggish and I'm back to having no energy......this really sucks!


  • Chinook71
    Chinook71 Posts: 19
    Good for you for still trying to eat right. My advice....stay away from the scale. Unless your Dr. says you need to rest, you don't need a gym to workout. Do some crunches, put on some music and dance...If you look in the database house cleaning burns some good calories. I think we all get tunnel vision....get creative and find ways to keep yourself on track. You can do it!!!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    So sorry about you accident but you need to remember your still here and others in your same situation aren't. Just take your time and heal. don't get down you have the rest of your life to get back on track. Best wishes for a speedy recovery
  • shellyxxxxx
    shellyxxxxx Posts: 143
    sorry to here of your accident im sure you will be fine ,just stick to your calorie limits and do light excercise, im too surrfering at the mo ive slipped a disc in my back but im sure your in far worse pain , chin up time really does heal , then we both can be back on it x x best wishes x
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Thanks everyone! I wish I could do sit-ups but I'm down and out with a sprained back. The most my physiotherapist said I could do is walking 3 times a day for 20 mins a time. But it's been rainy here and its making my back hurt more.

    I guess I could do light cleaning around the house, I'm surprised MFP has that in the cardio section!

    I really do appreciate all your kind words, thank you so very much :)