ukq727 Member


  • LOL Clearly none of us eat the average American Diet..I mean what is the "average American Diet". Thanks for the info though take a look at this article it will explain it all. After consuming so much water your body is not able to process it as it should and it is possible to "drawn" yourself for a lack of a better term.…
  • You two are drinking too much water. There is a specific amount of water intake required and its based on your body. There is a such thing as being over hydrated which is why your using the rest room every 5 minutes, at that point your body is no longer flushing out toxins and in fact your body will become bloated at some…
  • Your beauriful and you know it! We are all so proud of you.
  • Thanks you all for the advice. I was just being sarcastic when I said dry salad and salmon, I eat regular foods just in moderation and I have added things I don't normally eat and found them to be tasty when I have prepared them with the Zoey (my name) on it. I love MFP I was just curious if anyone felt this way. I will…
  • I personally use the Polar FT4 it is super awesome look it up you will love it as well.
  • Would you be referring to me by saying, "Some, on the other hand, lose 1 pound and act like they know everything! Haha." In responce to that I say you have a wonderful day tomorrow and here's to loosing weight. In fact, I hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow and weight loss in plentiful for you all whether you have…
  • Cheer up tomorrow is a brand new day and you can start a new. We all have these kind of days and rest assured that we all understand. Just know that through it all you have done well and you will continue to do well. Rest well tonight and start over tomorrow. I have complete faith that you wont see a gain tomorrow.
  • Some part of me thinks it's about not being totally accountable. There are some who eat whatever and then say well as long as I am under my calorie intake for the day I am ok..right...???!!! Wrong. Just simply ask those friends of yours who don't publish there diary to do so but let it be their decision to do so. I also am…
  • YOU GO GIRL!!!! I love that you posted pics even though you were not at goal you work and even though my motivation level is off the charts you gave me some inspiration to go out and buy my own two piece and takes comes pics to measure my progress.
  • You can purchase the FT4 to track calories as it measures heart rate and therefor is right on point.
  • I would say not to base your snacking off of your MFP food journals. Do what has been working for you and just make sure you are balanced and even if you have a bad day..pick yourself up and try it again the next day.
  • My goal is to loose 41 lbs and I have already requested you as a friend we can do this together, we are all here for you.
  • I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! YOU LOOK AWESOME :bigsmile:
  • Good HRMs with the chest band are INVALUABLE. Without them you're just working out blindly and have no idea what the effect is on your body...just kinda shooting in the dark. Especially doing something like could be letting your heartrate go too high and then you end up burning muscle instead of fat! A good HRM…
  • The Wii Fit Zumba is a serious workout it's certainly not for the faint at heart. There are many that would argue that after doing every level (which is impossible unless you get every single step exactly correct and every movement correct) that the dances become monotnus and rerunish..I would rebut this with...even a…
  • Yes go you! You can do this remain diligent, focused and driven and know you can do whatever if you want it bad enough. I am on the same journey hoping to reach my first goal by my birthday in May. Here's to shedding the pounds and looking fit and fabulous in 2011.
  • You look wonderful keep up the good work we are all so proud of you
  • Lauriee2011 I was wondering the same thing (this bump thing)
  • Sounds like you need to, your body is tired because it has no fuel meaning you are not feeding it properly. Loosing weight is great but what's the point it you loose it in an unhealthy way you will only gain it back. Make better food choice meals and always eat breakfast even if it's something small. Maybe set your caloric…
  • You go girl! I am not diabetic but have several friends that are. Some are insulin dependent and the other has a pump constantly attached. You don't see weight loss because we can only see drastic sometimes but I tell you what if others are noticing you are doing everything right. Keep it up and smile because you know…
  • No since you are not going to eat the skin (are you)? Just weigh the banana itself there should be a option for raw.
    in Banana!!!! Comment by ukq727 March 2011
  • You did great! I am so proud of you and you can do anything we support you till the end.
  • I agree it motivates me even more to keep going and give it my all everyday. It is a conscious decision I have to be mindful of on a daily basis but holding myself accountable is key. I didn't get to this size because of someone else so I have to loose on my own accord.
    in Thank you Comment by ukq727 March 2011
  • No wing is only 35 calories even if baked/grilled
  • I tell you what you look wonderful and you should be proud of yourself because we sure are
  • Yes indeed we are so very proud of you. You look awesome!
  • I have not had to deal with a video addiction but heartache is something I can understand all too well. I will tell you what, start out slow put that game down tomorrow for 30 minutes and instead of playing the game do two sets of jumping jacks and 2 sets of 15 sit ups, then run in place for 5 minutes do this everything…
  • YOU LOOK WONDERFUL!!! You are wearing the dress
  • Is it then the calories that count or the carbs? I have eaten plenty today (spinish, grilled chicken, fruit, raisin bread, sugar free jello, and turkey bacon, and cauliflower and cheese) and earned 319 from excersize (my calorie net is 1630 per day) and I still have 833 remaining what happens if I don't eat this all?