Too many snacks??

I have been looking at the Food Diary's of some of my MFP friends and I noticed that I eat a lot more snacks than everyone else seems to eat. I am still staying at or under my calorie goal but I can't help but wonder if I am still eating too much.......I am scared to open up my diary for all to see and I seem to consistently be losing.......


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    This depends on what the snacks are. If you are snacking on healthy bits, fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, so on, there is nothing wrong with snacking all day long (if you are under calorie goal).

    If you are snacking on candies, chocolates, ice creams, pastries, fried goods, I would really try to limit those to very small portions and not very often.

    I love the days where I can eat non stop all day long. Always having something to nibble on and reaching my goal makes me feel amazing. These days I go to work prepared with fruits and energy bars, and come home to my spinach and cottage cheese and cereals. I never really have 'meals' per-se, just a bunch of food all day long. I stay under my goal, I lose weight! :happy:
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i think as long as the snacks aren't all unhealthy type snacks, it's no biggie. really, if you look at a diary of someone doing 6 meals a day, it would almost look just like a bunch of snacks cause the meals would be small. staying within cal limits with healthy food and having a balanced diet is all that really matters
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    I usually eat a couple peices of whole wheat melba toast, grape tomatoes, part skim mozarella stick, and apples....but today I had a fat free pudding. I haven't had any candy in 10 weeks now....BIG deal for me....and fried food make me very sick. So I would say what I am snacking on is "somewhat healthy" but I could probaby do better.

    I never thought about it from the viewpoint of how you put it....feeling great when you can eat all day and still stay under your calorie goal so thanks for your insight!
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    I have some days where I snack a lot and some days when I don't. Normally my snacks are fruits, veggies, hummus, nuts...things like that and I'm constantly around 1250-1300 most days. I think it's totally fine as long as they are healthy and you're fine with the cals! :)
  • ukq727
    ukq727 Posts: 50 Member
    I would say not to base your snacking off of your MFP food journals. Do what has been working for you and just make sure you are balanced and even if you have a bad day..pick yourself up and try it again the next day.
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    My dietitian said that it does not matter when you eat your calories as long as you don't skip a meal. Do what works for you. Post your diary so other people with see other ideas that can work for them.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I think you are fine as long as you are under your calorie goal and you said you are losing still so that is great! You must be eating healthy snacks...I bet. I love Nutru grain bars and special K bars! Snacking is good b/c it keeps your metabolism going throughout the day.
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  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    not sure why that showed up twice..... :)
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    My dietitian said that it does not matter when you eat your calories as long as you don't skip a meal. Do what works for you. Post your diary so other people with see other ideas that can work for them.

    I know I need to open up my diary for all to see, but I am kind of embarassed even though I stay under or at my calories and I am not necessariy eating unhealthy.....I am just self conscious I guess. I am a big girl and I have been for a long time and it has really taken a toll on my self esteem. I am working my way up to get the nerve up to open up my diary. I really am :smile:
  • beachcomber99
    beachcomber99 Posts: 8 Member
    Your snacks seem pretty healthy to me, so I wouldn't stress too much on this. But I hear what you're saying about the sweets. Sugar is probably the main reason I have a weight problem to begin with. It's addicting as far as I'm concerned. Congrats on going 10 weeks without candy.
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    As long as you're staying within your calorie goal, I wouldn't worry about it. Do what works for you and not based on what everyone else is doing. Sure, it wouldn't be bad if you threw in some fresh fruits and vegetables. But with that said, I don't base my food diary off of others -- what I'm doing is working for me and that's all that matters.
  • mishelnkiki
    mishelnkiki Posts: 775 Member
    i agree with the open ur diary up. i was the same way for the first week or so i was on here. but it truly does help!! yesterday i ate jimmy johns AND popeyes. i still posted it truthfully. went over my allowed cals, and went OVER my allowed cals. but i know what i did, and just bc i had a bad day yesterday, doesnt mean i had to have one today. it actually made me work that much harder today. and part of that was BC i opened it up for others to see. i say try it for a week, see what kind of feedback u get, and if u dont feel better about it, make it private again!
  • dr1981
    dr1981 Posts: 76 Member
    I snack a lot as well. I've been going nuts on Wheat thins sundried tomato basil!

    It shouldn't be a problem as long as you stay within your calorie range.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I'm with everyone else. If you're under your calories and have snacks that are pretty healthy, it's all good! Somedays I have lots of snacks, sometimes not as many. I log all my snacks under that same heading even though it may be a banana at my 10am break at work and then a yogurt after my workout after work! So even though it looks like I eat them all at once I really don't.

    I love how when I log my food for the day and of course the exercise, it might tell me I still have 300 calories to eat! Those are the evenings I say "yay, I can have popcorn!" or something like that... last night was one of those! I was going to have a nice meal with my husband but instead, life happened, I ended up at a rehearsal for two hours, so I popped in a Lean Cuisine and ended up having popcorn and a movie when I got home! No biggie, I was under, I was satisfied and it's all good!

    You're losing, that's the most important thing!!!! Oh, and as for the 10 weeks with no candy... you are my hero!
  • LittleMissVintage
    I snack a lot but not on a whole serving of anything at once.... I walk into the kitchen and grab a handful of cereal or a cracker or a like 5 nuts and then just walk out... This way I feel like i'm getting away with something and I keep full and I haven't gained weight yet so thats what works for me, but keep in mind that what works for one person may not work for someone else. Just do what you think is best for your body.
  • BlindFaith
    I'm a grazer, lol. I eat 3 small meals, 3 snacks a day.

    For me, it keeps my blood sugar even and I don't crash through the day and pig out on something really awful!

    If it's working for you, don't worry about it :happy:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Many people believe that you should have three meals and three snacks. I snack a lot, too. If I am hungry and I have the calories to spare, I snack. It keeps your metabolism going. If you are consistently losing, you are obviously doing something right! :glasses:
  • missmilarae0213
    missmilarae0213 Posts: 42 Member
    First off you should be congratulated for taking steps to improve your health. That is not something to be embarrassed about. But I completely understand not wanting to open your diary up. I just recently opened mine and its not that I cared for others to see it. It was about me letting go of my fear. As an overweight person, I was persecuted and felt second-rate to the "pretty" people. I can testify to this: It doesn't matter what you post in your diary or if you are a size 2 or 22. If you don't LOVE yourself for who you are, you are NOT a success. I don't care what the scale says. You ARE a beautiful person as you are, NOW. You need to see that and let go of everything else. Its only holding you back. I promise this battle will be so much easier if you are your first advocate.

    Second, you know your body best. Some people snack, some people hoard calories and enjoy bigger meals. Try both and see what works for you. You have food smarts. You KNOW what are empty calories and what type of fuel your body needs. Have confidence in your knowledge. I trust you. Do you trust you?

    Try to see the beauty in this journey. We go through hard times so we can enjoy our hard work and counsel those who come after us. Hang in there. There are no failures, just a lot of successes that come the hard way. :)

    Best wishes to you! Keep up the good work!

  • tristahenry
    tristahenry Posts: 175
    Remember that weight loss and health is as individual as we are as people. What works for one person may not work for the next. From what you posted you are eating very healthy snacks and should be proud of the good decisions you are making. For me, I have at least 3-4 healthy snacks a day. I usually stick to fruit, veggies, low fat cheese and nuts for my snacks but I have a sugar free jello cup every day with lunch because I need something sweet. I also make sure I give myself something along the lines of a dessert nearly every night. For my dessert I go with sugar free pudding cups, sugar free fudgesicle, ricotta cheese with a packet of splenda and some rasberry extract. For a very special treat I eat Breyers no sugar added vanilla ice cream with blueberries (YUM!).

    Please don't feel bad about what you do or don't eat, don't compare yourself to anyone else because you are special on your own and be proud of all the success you are having with what you've found works for you.
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    That was a very inspiring reply - thank you Emily!!!