Food diary hiders....Why?



  • krise31
    krise31 Posts: 53 Member
    Oh please! It doesnt mean a person isnt logging or eating badly. I blog and I post status' and give my opinion on various things but because I dont open my diary for all to see I should be shunned and thought of as doing something wrong? Thats completely close minded and makes no sense. I know for myself I keep my diary closed because I dont feel the need to let everyone know what I'm putting in my mouth everyday every single meal. I am transparent enough on my blog and why cant people navigate their weight loss journey on their own terms? They should take you off their friends list for not being respectful of their choices. The key word in this post fyi is THEIR.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    I have to add that if any of my MFP friends want to delete me because my diary isn't public, then PLEASE do so! I'd rather not have a friend like that on my list anyway!
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I have to add that if any of my MFP friends want to delete me because my diary isn't public, then PLEASE do so! I'd rather not have a friend like that on my list anyway!

    Mine's open, but I totally agree with you!! :)
  • jen1516
    jen1516 Posts: 77 Member
    Ouch. Starting to feel a little hostile in here.
  • crjugrl
    crjugrl Posts: 172
    I'm a private person. What I put into my body is no one's business but my own. And if I eventually decide that I do want to share it, then that's my prerogative. If one of my friends deleted me based on the assumption that I was hiding my diary out of shame or what-have-you, then I'd rather they weren't my friend anyway. That's just ridiculous.
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    My diary is open to my friends. For the same reason that others mentioned I was tired of people telling me that I am doing something wrong and being judgmental about me eating to much or to little or things that they don't agree with. It's up to me to chose what I eat and if I mess up sometimes it's my problem not anyone elses. Why should anyone who doesn't know me care what I am eating anyway?
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Some people on this site are rude, and extremely holier-than-thou. I got sick of all of the unsolicited comments and "advice" from randoms.

    Several posters in this thread itself prove this point quite well.

    ....Really? I'm not seeing it.

    As for being vulnerable, I have one friend I respect a whole lot who goes over her goal every day and eats fast food. She's in college and very stressed out, but damnit, she logs and publishes daily. Everyone, including me, encourages her and she's already making positive changes. I've had some holier-than-thou's but I take it with a grain of salt, and some of them have lost a lot of weight, so they're worth hearing from. I'm not threatened by criticism from successful MFPer's, I welcome it. Some, on the other hand, lose 1 pound and act like they know everything! Haha.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Some people on this site are rude, and extremely holier-than-thou. I got sick of all of the unsolicited comments and "advice" from randoms.

    Several posters in this thread itself prove this point quite well.

    ....Really? I'm not seeing it.

    As for being vulnerable, I have one friend I respect a whole lot who goes over her goal every day and eats fast food. She's in college and very stressed out, but damnit, she logs and publishes daily. Everyone, including me, encourages her and she's already making positive changes. I've had some holier-than-thou's but I take it with a grain of salt, and some of them have lost a lot of weight, so they're worth hearing from. I'm not threatened by criticism from successful MFPer's, I welcome it. Some, on the other hand, lose 1 pound and act like they know everything! Haha.

    I understand what you're saying. However, I disagree with your stance. Just because you can take things with a grain of salt doesn't mean others can or should.

    That's like saying everyone should eat the same amount of calories. We all know that's not true.

    Everyone is different and has their reasons. Why can't people just respect their choices?!
  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    I haven't had any bad experience with having my diary open to friends, but I have thought of keeping mine totally private. I keep it on public because it makes me feel guiltier when I eat junk, and I'm hoping it will encourage me to do it less.
    But having it so open also makes me feel ashamed sometimes. I'm new to MFP, and new to weight loss as well. Both my parents are obese, and I grew up watching (and learning) all of their eating habits. I've finally decided that I don't want to go down that path, but making that change is hard. I've been eating like this for almost 21 years, and everyone around me eats the same way that I do. Not to mention that I live with my parents (broke college student!!), and have very little control over what food I do and do not have access to.

    Long story short, I try to make the healthiest choices I can given what's available to me, but even those aren't always very good. Sometimes I worry that I'm being judged on what I'm eating. In a way I want that feeling to try to keep these old habits in check, but it also makes me worry needlessly. I can see why some people would choose to keep their diary private.
  • ukq727
    ukq727 Posts: 50 Member
    Some people on this site are rude, and extremely holier-than-thou. I got sick of all of the unsolicited comments and "advice" from randoms.

    Several posters in this thread itself prove this point quite well.

    ....Really? I'm not seeing it.

    As for being vulnerable, I have one friend I respect a whole lot who goes over her goal every day and eats fast food. She's in college and very stressed out, but damnit, she logs and publishes daily. Everyone, including me, encourages her and she's already making positive changes. I've had some holier-than-thou's but I take it with a grain of salt, and some of them have lost a lot of weight, so they're worth hearing from. I'm not threatened by criticism from successful MFPer's, I welcome it. Some, on the other hand, lose 1 pound and act like they know everything! Haha.

    Would you be referring to me by saying, "Some, on the other hand, lose 1 pound and act like they know everything! Haha." In responce to that I say you have a wonderful day tomorrow and here's to loosing weight. In fact, I hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow and weight loss in plentiful for you all whether you have lost 1lb or 35lbs. I am not bothered by negativity as loosing 1lb is only one of many things I have accomplished in my life. God is good to me and I am blessed and so are those that surrond me. I pray that God showers down plenty of blessings on you at your next weigh in.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Some people on this site are rude, and extremely holier-than-thou. I got sick of all of the unsolicited comments and "advice" from randoms.

    Several posters in this thread itself prove this point quite well.

    ....Really? I'm not seeing it.

    As for being vulnerable, I have one friend I respect a whole lot who goes over her goal every day and eats fast food. She's in college and very stressed out, but damnit, she logs and publishes daily. Everyone, including me, encourages her and she's already making positive changes. I've had some holier-than-thou's but I take it with a grain of salt, and some of them have lost a lot of weight, so they're worth hearing from. I'm not threatened by criticism from successful MFPer's, I welcome it. Some, on the other hand, lose 1 pound and act like they know everything! Haha.

    Sometimes it's not over eating that's the problem. Some people on here are in recovery from an eating disorder, but are trying to lose/gain/maintain their weight in a healthy way for once in their lives. They tend to be EXTREMELY sensitive about people criticizing or preaching about their food choices when they slip up and it can trigger a downward spiral of self destruction in some of them.
    These people in recovery generally know the facts and statistics, as well as what they SHOULD be doing, so input from amateurs where their food choices are concerned isn't welcome or necessary.
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    If a person cannot be truthful with themselves then they fail. I am doing this for me and I am a fairly private person. There is very little personal info that I put out there. I believe every person has that right.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Mine is viewable for friends.. I know I'm not perfect, especially with my sodium intake (yikes!), but I think I'm doing at least pretty decent. I haven't had any negative feedback from anyone about my tracking, which is great. If I started complaining on my news feed about not losing any weight to friends, I could understand the negative feedback, but if I haven't asked, please don't offer.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    Some people on this site are rude, and extremely holier-than-thou. I got sick of all of the unsolicited comments and "advice" from randoms.

    here here
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Oh please! It doesnt mean a person isnt logging or eating badly. I blog and I post status' and give my opinion on various things but because I dont open my diary for all to see I should be shunned and thought of as doing something wrong? Thats completely close minded and makes no sense. I know for myself I keep my diary closed because I dont feel the need to let everyone know what I'm putting in my mouth everyday every single meal. I am transparent enough on my blog and why cant people navigate their weight loss journey on their own terms? They should take you off their friends list for not being respectful of their choices. The key word in this post fyi is THEIR.

    You point to a side of MFP that I haven't seen. Everyone I encounter is helpful and constructive, with the exception of a very few quacks. My friends see and comment on my food, and I theirs. To me it's like trying to be a nudist and not taking your clothes off. This journey is about weight loss. If someone plateaus for 2 months and won't publish their diary, where they're eating 15 Oreo's a day, then others gets a false representation about whether MFP works. Same with the one who loses 5 pounds a week and doesn't publish. I do see your point that it's people's right not to share, and it's also my right not to have friends who won't show their cards. =o]
  • hahaa I know its not funny but people actually do that
    You shouldnt have eaten that cookie?? Sounds like the voice of food god or something!
    On the other hand, they might think that they are being a part of a support system
  • When I started MFP for the first time a couple months ago, I did not journey into the social aspect of it at all. It just didn't register that anyone would care what I eat or find it interesting to look at. MFP was a useful tool for me to really understand what I was eating. Once I ventured into the forums a little, I opened it to friends (at least I think I did. I don't even remember) because I do appreciate the extra accountability.
    I think it's as simple as that when you join MFP, the question at the very beginning is "Do you want to make your diary public?" And immediatly I thought, "Huh? Why would I do that?" Being a fairly cautious person when it comes to the internet I clicked "private."'

    I don't really think it is that huge of a deal.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I keep mine public, but mine is also very dry, boring and straight to the point.

    Generally speaking, there is a great deal of emotional baggage related to eating habits, so food and dieting can be an intensely emotional issue for many people; it doesn't surprise me they would choose to keep their diaries private.

    Other people just like their privacy.
  • krise31
    krise31 Posts: 53 Member
    Oh please! It doesnt mean a person isnt logging or eating badly. I blog and I post status' and give my opinion on various things but because I dont open my diary for all to see I should be shunned and thought of as doing something wrong? Thats completely close minded and makes no sense. I know for myself I keep my diary closed because I dont feel the need to let everyone know what I'm putting in my mouth everyday every single meal. I am transparent enough on my blog and why cant people navigate their weight loss journey on their own terms? They should take you off their friends list for not being respectful of their choices. The key word in this post fyi is THEIR.

    You point to a side of MFP that I haven't seen. Everyone I encounter is helpful and constructive, with the exception of a very few quacks. My friends see and comment on my food, and I theirs. To me it's like trying to be a nudist and not taking your clothes off. This journey is about weight loss. If someone plateaus for 2 months and won't publish their diary, where they're eating 15 Oreo's a day, then others gets a false representation about whether MFP works. Same with the one who loses 5 pounds a week and doesn't publish. I do see your point that it's people's right not to share, and it's also my right not to have friends who won't show their cards. =o]

    But its an option, if it were a requirement all diaries would be open so for you to say that its part of the weight loss journey is inaccurate. Its apart of your journey and others who have that specific common trait. Of course it is your right to do what you want with your friends list but you are punishing others based on their own rights to privacy. Have you taken a moment to think outside your bubble and considered maybe those friends of yours who dont share their diaries actually look to you as motivation? They may have very positive thoughts about you based on your own sucess and here you are treating them as if they are worthless and undeserving of support because they keep their diaries private. Just food for thought.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    In the same way that some people like to be very public and open, some people prefer to be private. Neither one is right and neither one is wrong. In the same way that no one way of eating will work for every single person trying to lose weight, no one way of going through the process works for every single person. So don't condemn those that like prefer to be private, just accept them as taking a different path on this journey than you are.

    I joined MFP on March 14 of 2010. I learned about "public diaries" about two months ago. I log every single bite that I eat, including trident gun and fresh brewed, caffeine free lipton iced tea (on the rare occasions that I have it) even though it doesn't even have calories, but it has potassium in it, so it gets logged. On days I go over my calories (even on Disneyland days when I hit almost 8,000 calories) i log absolutely every single bite. So making my diary public isn't going to make me any more accountable.

    Ultimately, the way I see it, is that I'm only accountable to myself and I just don't see the need or have a desire to open up my diary for public viewing. I don't look at other people's diaries and honestly don't see myself ever needing or wanting to.

    I don't even have anything post to my own feed, I don't care about seeing all that stuff myself. I know when I've lost weight, I know when I've exercised and know that I log every single day. I mentally jumped for joy in the last app update on my phone because it allowed me to remove the feed tab from my start page altogether and turning it off was my first act after the update finished.

    Different strokes for different folks. :)
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