RoxMyWorld Member


  • I think that this drive to be considered pretty or cute rather then athletic and strong kicks in around 12 however is different for everyone and doesnt kick in for some at all. Some at all costs are competitive and athletic. I think a huge factor is PARENTING. I think the new standards in school which focus more on not…
  • Sorry I did that wrong but to the above poster, sure you are just like all of us, we all have reasons we want to or need to lose the weight and motivation and support is what we are all looking for! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
  • Thank you so much to everyone!!!!! Such great suggestions and stories. I know that my fiance love sme no matter what but I want to love myself. On top of the wedding I also want to get healthy for me and for my kids. I have several health issues that will eb helped with losing the weight. Im feeling good ladies!!! THANK…
  • I am 6 feet tall and I am aiming for 200lbs right now but I think my end goal will be 190lbs
  • I also have PCOS and have been trying for years to lose weight. I have had good success using this program as well as using Metformin (medication). I would be more then happy to help support you. Feel free to add me.
  • I hope today is filled with found memories for you!
  • I was having the same issue and I went to my doctor (because I also thought I was pregnant) and it turned out I was not getting enough calories. That is why when I worked out I felt even worse. I was eating much too little. I upped my calories a bit and I felt much better and the weight started to come off too. Give it a…
  • CONGRATS!!! This is all great and you should be very proud!!
  • I actually lost weight with both my pregnancies. Healthy weight. I was over weight and when I got pregnant I ate better then ever before and tried to walk everday. The endurance helped with labour and the healthy eating helped maintain the baby. CONGRATS!! Enjoy!!
  • Since I started this journey mine have been wacky too. I am also on the pill and was regular before but that last few months have been early and longer then usual or I get it for a day or two then it goes for a week and then back. Its very weird but I guess it is my body adjusting. I hope so anyways.
  • Welcome and Good luck, the people here are amazing!!!
  • I absolutely LOVE pizza, so I have it every friday for dinner. I plan the week accordingly and I try and eat very clean on fridays so that dinner is guilt free. Portion control is a big thing. I try and eat salad first before my pizza so one or two small peices are enough. :drinker:
  • I dont let it bug me because I never wanna be that "reformed...." eater, smoker, drinker or anything that constantly sounds like they are better then others because today they decided to make a good decision. We all have strengths and weaknesses, if your friends cant see your weakness right now maybe you should tell them,…
  • Thanks for the great info!
  • Thanks for the warm and Fuzzy's to start the day! I hope you are also having a great day!!
  • Im having grilled chicken ceasar salad!! I cant wait, very yummy! I also love Veggie and chicken stor fry, that was yesterdays!
  • Very Inspiring!! Keep up the good work!
  • I got married in 2004 after dating for 6 years, I had my first son in 2005 and my second in 2008. I wouldnt change my babies for the world but I did miss out on alot and it was hard work and unfortunately now I raise then on my own since the marriage didnt work out but I love my kids and I have fun with them everyday and I…
  • I currently really enjoy Presidents Choice Crunchy & Creamy yogurt, it comes with granola and is super portable. Yummy! One of my other favs is scrambled eggs with deli or homade salsa.
  • Welcome!
  • Run first thing in the morning, not many people are out and the quiet is very empowering!
  • I started at 289lbs, Im at 236lbs depending on the day lol My goal is 189lbs. THE BIG 100lbs is my goal. Yes I get frustrated but it worth it I feel better then ever. I have been stalled for about a month but it has been along journey, going on two years. You can do this!!!!!!
  • I want to feel comfortable in a bathing suit on my trip in January! I want to walk into a room and not feel like the fattest girl there I want to have pictures taken of me and not feel worried a roll or something was showing
  • One of my favs to make with my kids is homemade chicken fajita pizza. I buy whole wheat thin crust pizza crust, I use deli salsa (not the canned or jarred stuff) as the sauce with some guacamole, I roast some chicken and shred it (you can buy the already cooked chicken peices if you are pressed for time) and top with skim…
  • Sounds like you need some motivation. I was getting very frustrated and I found that daily goals helped. Even the smallest thing. Today my goal is to drink all my water I should. It shifts the focus. Dont starve yourself it wont work out in the end. Keep active, let your body adjust to your new lifestyle. You can do this…
  • everyone's metabolism will slow down when they slow down, as long as you dont eat and then go right to bed or hit the couch you should be ok. Try and make sure you get in some activity after dinner like a walk or something and you should be ok.
  • I am 5ft11 and I started at 289lbs. I have gotten to my halfway point since I also wanted to drop 100lbs. It can be done! I might suggest looking into an elliptical. It is hard for sure but a great workout and low impact, just try and start with a few minutes a day and add a little more everyday. Walking is also great as…
  • I dont know what kind of spine issues you have. I have deterating disc disease and have had spine surgery and I love my elliptical. The low impact cardio is perfect. You will find that losing the weight alone will help with back issues. Be careful and good luck and feel free to ad dme as a friend if you need encouragment.