Do you find this offensive?



  • tgumeebee
    tgumeebee Posts: 43 Member
    There are many saboteurs in our daily life. We just have to keep our own and stay motivated.
  • sspetersen
    sspetersen Posts: 11 Member
    I hear what your saying, but at the same time your friends are probably not at the same place in life with weight or weight loss that you are. Really losing weight takes a committment and a level of self analysis that you can't force on people. It would be nice if they were more supportive by eating healthier foods with you, but from my experience unless they have or are trying to lose weight themselves, they probably don't even realize that they may be offending you by eating like that in front of you.

    At the same time, this post makes me wonder, are you committed to being a healthier you? If so, don't let what they are eating effect you, it only effects them. Get excited about the food you do eat and remind yourself earnstly what they unhealthy foods they are eating does to your body if you eat it. I ask myself all the time, "Is the 3-4 minutes of pleasure from eating that jelly filled donut worth the 60min bike ride to burn those calories?" If yes, then do it! If no, skip it this time :)
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    No, I dont think it is offensive at all. It comes a time when you need to make a choice. If you cannot handle beoing around it, dont be. I am big on the "suck it up attitude" today. Communicate to them that you dont want to be around those types of food, and if they blow you off well they arent that good if friends anyways!

    Well said...
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    No, I dont think it is offensive at all. It comes a time when you need to make a choice. If you cannot handle beoing around it, dont be. I am big on the "suck it up attitude" today. Communicate to them that you dont want to be around those types of food, and if they blow you off well they arent that good if friends anyways!

    This right here. Thats how the universe works. You say you want something, then tempation rears its head (sometimes in the form of commercials, lunch parties at work, or family and friends) to see if YOU are serious about your desire. There will be gluttony goodness all around for the rest of our lives. This challenge is to CHOOSE not to partake. Good luck! And I'm sure they feel bad as well, because now that you're on your journey you are becomign the food police. I think its easy to do when you first get into this lifestyle. I catch myself all the time, trying not to let people know how much damage all that fried food is doing to them. But I must rmember, it wasnt that long ago that I happiily partook as well... :)
  • airind
    airind Posts: 31
    No one can make you feel a certain way, not even you. You feel how you feel, but you can choose how to react.
    If your friends are not going on a diet with you, it is not fair to expect them to stop eating how they'd like just because you can't. You are choosing to let it bother you - why not instead acknowledge your feelings, figure out why you feel that way (are you subconsciously jealous perhaps?) and move on. I would not be happy if someone expected me to change all my habits just because they did, and if this was the way they have always been around you, then really you are the change and the one that needs to shift their thinking, not them.
    There's nothing wrong with a little education and encouragement to make healthier choices, but in the end you are in charge of you and no one else.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    It doesn't offend me at all when other people eat junk food. To each his own. What does tick me off is when my boyfriend brings home food I have SPECIFICALLY told him not to bring home for me, like cider or my favorite junk food,

    Yesterday he brought me home a subway cookie...which he had obviously saved special for me all day, so how can I be mad? He thinks he is being a good boy by bringing me home all these treats and spoiling me. He will figure it out soon enough if I just keep saying "No, thank you. But I do appreciate it".

    Ok....I ate 1/4 of the goddamn subway cookie. Damn, I'm not perfect :tongue:
  • marindak
    marindak Posts: 168
    I don't find this offensive at all. I have lunch and spend time with others who indulge in fatty foods and unhealthy behaviors, but I don't mind, thats their life. and who am I to judge what they do or not do. I don't expect them to judge me either. Thats friends.
    My life is my life and I'll do what i please with it because in the end im the only one that matters. I don't have time to worry about what others are doing. :bigsmile:
  • chubbychristianchick
    chubbychristianchick Posts: 217 Member
    Your boyfriend has a great point. Maybe I need to start looking at it this way.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't think it's rude, I think it's their body and their plate. When I go out to eat with friends I worry about what's on my plate, not what's on theirs. Honestly I think it's rude for someone to think that their diet should dictate the diets of others not living in their home. Now, it they're trying to tempt you and egg you on to eat whatever it is that they're shoving in their pie hole with the whole "oh, you don't know what your missing out on" and "come on, you know you want some" that's rude, but the simple act of eating what you want around your friends is not.
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    It's a catch 22. If you ask them to stop, then they have to change their ways which is unfair to ask. You can't expect them to change just because you did. They would have to walk on eggshells so as not to aggravate you and that can put a strain on your relationship. But it bothers you if they don't. It use to bother me too but I realized that it's MY lifestyle change and I don't want to be THAT friend that constantly ridicules everyone on their eating habits. My opinion (and it's blunt so forgive me.) Get over it. Ignore it. You do get use to it. And eventually it actually stops bothering you and then all those times you DIDN'T eat what they are or refuse that piece of cake, it's like a victory for you to be proud of.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Totally understand, some people can not handle when other's eat differently. They feel threatened, so try to get you back to eat like them. I had friends who were doing that to me also, but now they are eating better. Best you can do, is just say "I am not going to eat that poison" and smile. When they see your results, maybe they will start to eat better themselves. Try to be a good example, and keep telling yourself that this is important.

    I had a bad experience one place I worked, my lunch friends did not understand why i was a vegatarian and would argue with me everyday. I had to stop eating with them. I kept telling them, i am not pushing this on you, why do you care that i don't eat meat?

    So stay strong and know that you are really not missing anything by not eating that junk. You will start to enjoy the heathly food more than you ever did the junk. I know i passed a mile stone, when at the supermarket, my mouth started watering when i was looking at the salad greens, and the I had no interest in the cheese isle.
  • Jessabelle12
    Jessabelle12 Posts: 145
    No I understand that completely... for some reason, my friends have decided they suddenly love KFC. They know I can't and wont eat it, yet they insist we go there and eat or they take it out and eat it round me. I don't want to see them even less just because of what they're eating but they seem oblivious to the fact that I hate that they eat it round me, and wish they would do it less.

    Then I feel bad for thinking like this...
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    I dont let it bug me because I never wanna be that "reformed...." eater, smoker, drinker or anything that constantly sounds like they are better then others because today they decided to make a good decision. We all have strengths and weaknesses, if your friends cant see your weakness right now maybe you should tell them, nicely. And if they still arent supportive then they arent great friends and you dont need them around because you are taking control and you are doing this so keep with it but remember maybe they are struggling with a battle of their own. A positive attitude will rub off on others!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Doesn't necessarily offend me. That's their problem that they're eating that way, not mine. Now if they keep bugging me to eat that crap with them, then yes, that offends me especially if they already know I don't eat that stuff no more.
  • vick9180
    vick9180 Posts: 144 Member
    Unfortunately, our friends are usually the ones who try to sabotage our healthy lifestyles. It isn't that they don't love you, it's that they haven't bought into making such an extreme change. The great thing about all of this is that seeing that stuff grosses you out, which means it isn't making you want any of it. It's like the one part in Tommy Boy where Chris Farley squeezes ketchup into his mouth and David Spade says, "Ugh! I can actually hear you getting fatter!"

    I think maybe all you need is a different attitude (and I say this with love and not with a tone of "you're wrong get over it") and when they eat that stuff in front of you and mention how great it is, you can just smile and say, "I'm glad you're enjoying it!" And when you're at your goal weight with your fantastic body and they've gained 30 lbs and they start to complain, you can refer them to MFP.

    Just keep the big picture in mind and love your friends for where they're at, even if it feels like they're not loving you where you're at.
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    My husband used to be like that so I just got to the point that I realized this is my journey and I can't expect him or anybody to understand or respect it. I'm doing this for me and as long as I keep my eye on that, then it doesn't matter. :flowerforyou:
  • Nytram81
    Nytram81 Posts: 44
    It wouldn't bother me, they're my friends because I like them, not for what they put in their mouths. I've recently stopped smoking and one of my friends still smokes, are you saying she shouldn't just because I don't? No, you're probably not. It could even extend to people saying 'I can't get pregnant, therefore my friends shouldn't be pregnant around me' - that's just a ridiculous notion.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    I remember once, at work, I had been really good all week, so I treated myself to a slice of pizza and a salad for lunch. A coworker came up to me, her nose wrinkled as she stared at my plate, and she said, "well, I GUESS the salad makes it SOMEWHAT healthy..." I was furious! How dare she judge what I put in my body? I found out later that she has an eating disorder, so I suppose food was her obsession, but still, I don't think anyone has the right to judge what anyone else chooses to eat or not.

    I'm glad you aren't voicing your disgust to them, but it really isn't something that you should let bother you! Your food is your fuel for your body, and their choices have no bearing on yours.

    Now, if they're bugging you to eat something like that, that's when you have every right to speak up. :smile:
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    It doesn't bother me whet do THEY eat. It only bothers me when my friends or my husband are pushing they not healthy food choices on ME.
    For example after 2 days of grilled chicken/ salad type of dinner my husband is whining and demands pasta for dinner. That bugs me a lot, because it forces me to eat bad or forces me to cook twice which is very time consuming.
    Also sometimes I go out with my friends and they teasing me about not want to drink , and once they even order me my favourite drink: baileys, which is super high in calorie.
  • Sa2ah
    Sa2ah Posts: 45 Member
    i dont think its offensive but i do get extremely disgusted. for example my fiance's brother came to visit us so we went out to eat for dinner. i got a fish meal and because it was high in calories i decided to eat only 1/2. well i mentioned how it was insanely delicious, and he kept saying "just eat it all who cares" he did this alot while he visited. i think when i told him how many calories were in his meal he was a little shocked. also my fiance wants to get healthy but will drink an entire pitcher of lemonade and a whole plate of brownies.
    i just kinda shrug it off i guess, or i just change the subject when we talk about food. i tell my fiance how much weigh ive lost at my weigh ins and he likes to encourage me. so maybe you can try to get them involved a little? so maybe they will be more conscious of their food decisions.