

  • welcome today is my 25th day and so far i have lost 11 lbs. there are some great people here with even better words of encouragement. feel free to add me if you want.
    in New to MFP Comment by mkum10 April 2011
  • walked 2 miles today i'm so tired actually kind of glad hubby has the only vehicle with him at work. cause that forces me to walk if i want to go any where. also weighed today lost a pound. its better than nothing. but i am noticing that my pants are fitting loser. probably lost 2 inches off my hips. i'm so happy.
  • 3/4 mile today. wanted to go for the full mile but just couldn't.
  • one mile walk away the pounds video today. really way to tired to go out and walk think i'm getting sick. all stuffed up. and tired.
  • thanks everybody. i didn't even think walmart would carry heavier scales. i will be getting one of those soon.
  • thinking i over did it yesterday after i posted i had to walk down to my daughters school for teacher conference so allin all i think i walked about 2 miles yesterday. now i'm so sore i don't think i'm gonna make my walk today. maybe i'll try a little later this evening.
  • beano works wonders
  • well i had to walk to the chiropractor today cause hubby has the van for work. there and back it is a mile. so i did it. and now i'm resting. that is some walk.
  • right now i physically can not walk a mile but i can do half mile if thats ok i'm in. did half mile today took me about 20 mins. starting weight 392 goal to be under 250 so i have a long way to go.
  • hello, you've come to the right place. lots of support here. feel free to add me.
  • hey you got my support. my kids have started walking with me one is 14 the other is 10. if yours are old enough take them along. it makes for great bonding time. start out slow. as a good friend told me "baby steps girl baby steps." i walk about a half mile every day. and just started to add walk away the pounds to my…
  • totally agree besides they are so yummy. i just think of them as a treat. cause they are so expensive here only get them every now and then.
    in Avocado Comment by mkum10 March 2011
  • oh boy am i in the same boat with you. i had gastric bypass in 2004 and lost 150 lbs. then in 2006 i was diagnosed with breast cancer. and gained it all back. i am sick and tired of being sick and tired. so now to get it back off. taking it one day at a time one step at a time.
  • hello you can add me to. i'm doing this pretty much on my own. would love some support. and would love to give some back. :flowerforyou:
  • hello feel free to add me. just starting out here to and already lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks.
  • i drink at least 5 32oz glasses of water a day. it very well could be the blood pressure rising cause when i'm done walking my heart is racing. i haven't done much in the way of exercise in a while. so i would say i'm just getting started.