Helly86 Member


  • Can I be on reserve List too?!? How did I miss this cool thread!!! Amazing idea xxx
  • thanks- i can hardly find n e recipes online! sounds yummy! xxx
  • Cool, So its worth having some after my workouts and it won't cut into my calories too much? Glad I finally know!! Cheers xx
  • Oooo bump!! Glad burpees aren't too high up! I'll def try this thanks x x x x
  • I'm exactly the same, and don't want to b voice of doom but my hair suffers because I exercise so much :-( I tend to only wear it down and straight on special occasions! I wear it up with a sweatband to stop it going to wild and curly when I exercise. micro braids sounds good idea long term tho :-) Damn my Afro! X x x
  • Oooo interesting post!! I love runkeeper and use it for all of my runs, but was wondering about buying a hrm. I was hoping to combine it with something like a garmin but was hoping there's a cheaper alternative out there!! Is there u reckon or best to save for a garmin? X x
  • Fank u. Jst one person noticing and saying something nice makes a huge impression on me :-) it's really helped me stay focused to keep going, esp in this cold weather! I do feel like ive lost 20lbs from my boobs tho!!! :-( Thanks again :-)
  • I found it really hard!! I went with my sister, and she's tiny and she was swinging round the pole like a pro! But I struggled to hold Myself, guess my upper body weight isn't very good. I was the biggest girl there. But I thought why not, just bite the bullet kind of fing! U should do it too, doesn't mattet, u only live…
  • thanks for the replies. needed advice!! fink im gonna do summit dif like spin! even tho its not low exercise its something i havent done for a while and fink i could have a break from running!! its that ir pilates! lol my body says keep going so i will :)
    in rest day Comment by Helly86 October 2010
  • Thanks for the replies guys :-) I feel all motivated for my run after work tomoz :-) jst got to find a longer playlist :-) x x x
  • ooo whats the app for the iphone called?xxxx
  • thanks for the link, ill def check it out :-) thanks for your advice, good to know more tips which i will try tomoz to keep me motivated!!! xXx
  • Im starting from scratch wiv the running, can i join u ladies?!?! my sisters got it in her head i could train for bristol half marathon-bit too much for me i think!! Iv jst managed a 2 mile run, dont know if it was just lucky tho lol xxx
  • This thread is such a good idea! It helps us still on the journey to keep going, and its good to know its possible! I can proudly say EVERYONE looks amazing in their after pictures, well done and i ope i can post a piccie in the not so distant future! xXx
  • Do the drugs help? I was initially diagnosed with PCOS when i was 16, yet another doctor told me when i was 22 i didnt have it! ( I did manage to loose 2 stone on my own and that helps the symptoms!) Is it worth going back to doc and asking about drugs, im finding it soooo hard to loose weight and im wondering if its the…
    in PCOS.... Comment by Helly86 April 2010
  • They do Zumba at my gym, im def gonna start with that class! Gotta b good if someone else heard off it! Its a new one for me! xXx
  • i recognise AF more, but what does the actual A and F stand for Hormones can do weird things to our bodies, us lucky women! xXx
  • I think i do need to get out there and find what really gets me blood pumping! I get lonley and i fink thats my main problem, i dont mind if i got someone to do it with!! Need a good solo acitvity! xXx
  • whats Turbojam!??! Im trying to build up the courage to join some classes at the gym, i duno what im so scared! hahaha I wil try the TV idea, theres two studios at my gym, one with tellys and one wiv music, so def be working out in TV studio! Thanks Helen xXx
  • Hello! is it kat? I joined the forum recently myself, it's a nice website, i cant complain! Can't wait to hear how you get on Good Luck Helen xXx
  • Hey Jessica, Nice to know im not the only new one!lol I got great feelings from this site already as im sure you will too. Good luck Helen xXx
  • I've never heard of polenta!!! i need to get out more!! xxx
  • sounds perfect!! i feel like stuffing something in the oven and leaving to cook! That websites sounds very handy! Will be bookmarking it for future nights when i dont know what to cook! Its hard finding something good to cook, otherwise i just snack on junk food or unhealthy easy meals! Cheers girls Helen xXx
  • Can you get low cal stuffed chicken!?! lol Helen #xxx
  • awww thank you. Its the first diet and fitness website to really appeal to me and seems packed with great advice and help!! Just gotta get used to finding my way round! Thanks again xxxxx