Just getting started running- want some buddies? 5/10

HI Ladies! I'm just getting started running. I plan on doing 2 miles a day. Right now, I'm at 1 mile a day with only jogging about 1/4. Anyone just getting off the couch like me and wanna pair up for encouragment? I see a few other threads for running, but they are all WAY ahead of me!


  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I would love to get into running. I have been trying to do it but I always seem to find excuses to not run... or a reason to walk instead of run. If I have to be accountable for my run to people than it will motivate me to stay running on the treadmill for longer instead of turning the speed down.

    I know that when I do start running if I have good music I can run for longer than I thought I could. Its allin the head. I do play soccer on a hosue league team so it would be good to get in shape in between games. Becoming a better runner will help me with soccer too :)

    I am excited to do this..... so you want to start with running two miles a day?
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Me me me!!! I have been going around our lake which is 1.6 miles and run as much as I can which is about 1/3 of the way. I go around Monday, Wednesday and Friday and do walking with my son on Tuesday and Thursday.

    I would love a running partner though, all my friends insist on "getting healthy" with me and then they never stick to it. Now that I am finally doing it on my own they are annoyed because I didn't wait for them. :grumble:
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    there's a great program called the Couch to 5k plan that may be of interest to you! I've been doing it and it's taken me a bit longer than the 9 weeks, but it really builds up your running endurance!

  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I had just looked at that earlier tonight. Something about different intervals each week?
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Oh shoot, I didnt see that you posted a link underneath. That looks pretty good to me - what do you girls think?
  • Helly86
    Helly86 Posts: 41 Member
    Im starting from scratch wiv the running, can i join u ladies?!?!
    my sisters got it in her head i could train for bristol half marathon-bit too much for me i think!!
    Iv jst managed a 2 mile run, dont know if it was just lucky tho lol
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am going to try today with a 5 minute warm up.. than to run as long as I can.. trying for at least 2 miles
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    So first attempt was a success - I did 5 min walking warm up at 3.2-3.5 for .25 a mile than ran at 5.4 for about 23 mins which got me to 2.25 miles than did a 7 min cool down. For a total of 35 minutes

    It feels great to have accomplished it! Having my IPOD really helps because each new song makes 3 minutes fly by!

    Good Luck Everyone for today's attempt! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hi Ladies.. is everyone still running?? How's it going??

    I did 2 miles today in about 20 mins :)