

  • I completely agree with this comment. I was in the same boat. I was fast pace walking about 3.5 miles a day and my weight didn't change much. When I cut down a little on my walk intensity and days, added more dumbell lifting, yoga and pilates my weight started to go down. Also watch out for "diet" foods. It's better to…
  • You do not have to quit working out but you shouldn't work out on a sore or hurting ankle. No pain , no gain is a myth. There are other things you can do to get your heart rate up while your ankl heals. If you don't let it heal it could lead to a more serious injury and set you back even more.
  • I have it too. The best thing you can do is make sure you do exercises that reattach the muscles that detach during child birth. Post partum yoga exercises help with that. After you do your best with that, that sad truth is like everyone else has said, abdomino plasty/ tummy tuck.…
  • I've been reading these posts. I think the key here is that certain things don't work for everyone. Everyones problems are different. Myself personally when I stopped eating so many egg yolks and started just using the white, my cholesterol did improve natural.(I refused to keep taking pills for it). I don't use the boxed…
  • What kind of turkey bacon have you been eating? Some brands are gross. I've been eating turkey bacon for probably about 10 years. If its not cooked right its awful. I buy Louis Rich or Butterball. I've also eating beef bacon which is too salty for my taste. I don't eat "real bacon" pork bacon because I don't eat any pork.…
  • I've started to try different flavors of hummus. I used baby carrots to dip.
  • First I suggest going to a doctor and getting a physical. Women(myself included) get hormonal problems that stop us from losing weight or make our weight go up and down. In addition. To what you are already doing make sure you are getting enough rest and sleep :0)
  • I know how you feel. I have felt the same way. What I have found is counting carbs is not such a good idea. Being a diabetic having to count carbs to stabilize blood sugars I've learned that a lot of low carb/sugar free foods have high calories. However if you do switch to more whole grains and keep up your exercise…
  • I've heard some people say...My body uses everything I eat, so I don't poop. I don't know whether that can be considered ignorant or just flat out lying.
  • The consensus on MFP has been the Polar FT4 is good. I'm leaning towards getting one too.
  • Thats so crazy when I was driving today I was wishing that there was some place like that where I live. I had never heard of it before so I figured I was just thinking crazy. I love that Idea. Its great motivation.
  • Ok...I understand where you are coming from. A couple of years ago I tried chest presses. You would assume that helps but what I found was for women with larger breast it doesn't actually reduce the "fat" on the chest. I think yoga has been the most helpful for me. Yoga helps strengthen your back, chest, arms everything…
  • I think this depends on what type of exercises you are doing. You want to keep your heart rate up....but safely :0)
  • I know how you feel, my 10 month old is clingy right now. So I can only exercise when my 6 year old gets home to entertain him. I wouldn't worry about your sugar if it comes from fruit unless you are diabetic like me :0) Keep and eye on the yogurts though...... I eat plan greek yogurt and add my own fresh fruit. I'm…
  • Don't get down on yourself.Good Diets are not about depriving yourself of the things you love. Most of the time when people do that they gain back. Alot of weight loss plans and ideas that "actually" work incorporate natural sugars into the diet. Don't feel bad about not trying Atkins. What I have learned is a lot of the…
  • You can try shakes or bars. The key is to switch it up with food every now and then. http://free2bclean.myshaklee.com/us/en/category.php?main_cat=WeightManagement if you need more info let me know.. :0) good luck
  • Ok, I 'll try my best. Thats more than a pound a week but I will give it my all. I would love to be down 10lbs by then! Good luck!
  • I am 27 I have two kids. One is 6 the other is 10 months. So, yeah my second one was a little older at 26 a month away from 27. It is important to be at a healthy weight for pregnancy but you also have to change your way of life completely. Eating heathy and regular exercise has to be a life style change. My gynocologist…
  • Hi, I wish you good luck on your journey. Some good snack ideas with high protein is from Cinch. Some of the products are a little pricey but its because they are unique. l like the snack bars and the meal shakes. I only do the shakes for lunch mon-fri. This is where you can find it. www.free2bclean.org or you can ask me I…