MFP works soooo happpyyyy

mama2healthy Posts: 25
edited September 25 in Success Stories
I dont really consider myself a success story yet, but just doing the 1500 calorie plan pretty much, some exercise although not regular and doing things as I feel comfortable, eating healthier and being happier about myself I lost 16 lbs in about 3 months.
This is the first time in my life Im not forcing myself to eat things I hate, over exercising bla bla bla bla and Im finally starting to lose weight. I hate the scale so pretty much I weigh myself twice a month. I have a very active 19 month old who is verry clingy and at times I felt so bad Im not exercising as much as I would like to, but then again Im comfortable at losing weight at this pace. I feel healthy and happy finally. I was so worried about my sugar because I always go over the limits, but the I realise it yogurt and fruit mostly its not like Im eating 100 grams of chocolate. So for everyone out there, log your food eat healthy and be happy :) weight has to come off it has no other choice hehe.


  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I feel the same way!!! I wish that there was something like this 14years ago when I gained all this weight.. .... But finally found something that clicks and is working!! I LOVE THIS SITE!!!!
  • SortaBadass
    SortaBadass Posts: 46 Member
    I love your attitude! I especially loved this line: "So for everyone out there, log your food eat healthy and be happy :) weight has to come off it has no other choice hehe"

    You're the perfect example of why calorie counting works: you have a realistic goal, you're honest with yourself, and you are still living your life instead of living to diet. Way to go!! You are already a success story in my book.
  • Well Said!! Thank You!!:laugh:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Check the yogurt for sugar in the ingredients. A lot of them have huge amounts of sugar, even the light ones. (Sugar is my biggest problem).

    And remember when dieting without exercise (or with a little cardio) you will lose muscle mass too (our body will defend our fat reserves for survival). That will slow down your metabolism and decrease your daily calorie burn (and the amount of calories you need). So as you lose weight you will need less calories each day. Increase in muscle mass means increase in metabolism and that means more fat burn through rest, normal activity and even sleeping. This is when our bodies normally burn mostly fat.

    Check out the link in my signature: "An email response that might help some". TrainerRobin really explains it nicely.

    I tell you though. I would never have been able to lose anything without calorie counting. In the end weight loss comes down to one fact: burning more calories than you consume. (as long as the NET calories don't go too low)

    When you do decide to get into more exercising and you will as you get smaller and your weight loss slows check out this:

    and here is one great short article in it:

    And you're very smart to stay away from the scale. It can become a quick obsession.
  • Thank you for the advice. I absolutely agree. Im just easing into everything so I can keep up with it and I try not
    to feel gulity if Im not training like more advanced people here. Everyone is different and trust me I know some people who exercise for 90 minutes+ and its still hard losing weight for them. We all have to find a right receipe for us. My weight problems started when I got married and got comfortable. My pregancies were like eat all you can buffets hehe. This time Im really trying to do this for me the right way. Good luck girls. WE CAN DO IT EXERCISE CAN HELP :).
  • I so love your post - it is like you were writing for me. I have done the 4 ounces of tuna for lunch with 2 lettuce leaves and then the mandatory one hour at the gym, with minimal results and no lasting fame. I love MFP too because it lets me live my life and still do what is right, and what's right for me. I love that it works like a reward system too, eat, exercise and earn calories to finish the day or if you have a situation that entagles you to eat more than planned, you can exercise to get back to zero. I have done them all too, south beach, adkins, soup, diet pills, plastic sauna suits, injections of unknown substances at a diet clinic; all to end up now even heavier. Since being on MFP, I have been so happy with my progress and slow but sure is my motto this time. Yesterday I went to my doctor after having bloodwork done last week and I thought for a minute he was going to hug me. All my levels are back in the normal range - sugar, good & bad cholestrols, thyroid and triglycerides. Back in December he had told me the only answer he saw for me was weightloss surgery and suggested the gastric sleeve and meds for with just MFP, I have turned that around and there is no stopping me now...I am headed to full lown success. Glad to have all of you MFP folks there with me! :love:
  • I totally agree. I don't have much to lose (about 20 pounds) but have never even lost an ounce until I started using this site. I love it and it really does work.
  • I know how you feel, my 10 month old is clingy right now. So I can only exercise when my 6 year old gets home to entertain him.
    I wouldn't worry about your sugar if it comes from fruit unless you are diabetic like me :0)
    Keep and eye on the yogurts though...... I eat plan greek yogurt and add my own fresh fruit.
    I'm exicted about mfp as well. It holds me accountable on "paper" persay.

    Good luck
  • sms9497
    sms9497 Posts: 58 Member
    Me too! It is reasonable and doable. I am loving it and the community!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I totally understand the issue with exercise and kids. I have twin boys and one is very clingy even at the age of 3. Of course your child probably isn't old enough yet, but I have my "clingy" workout with me. Here is a pic of him "making arms" as he calls it

  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    sorry pic is so big..I didn't realize how large it was :)
  • He is so cute awwwwww hehe, my 5 year old does that too. He starts Kindergarten this fall so its going to get easier.
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